A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2204 The Fei family【5】

Gu Jinli had finished squinting, opened his eyes, got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and had breakfast... Tsk, to be honest, the food during the breastfeeding period was really unpalatable and made people lose their appetite at all.

Fortunately, after eating, Qin Sanlang brought her some fruit.

In midsummer, there are many kinds of fruits, especially berries, which are delicious. Gu Jinli had a delicious meal.

Qin Sanlang told her about Cong Wenshan: "I mentioned it to me this morning. He said that he had some good intentions and wanted to marry her. He promised not to take concubines. If he does something stupid in the future, even if he is in a high position, I will resign immediately and give all my property to Xiaoji and the children without taking any money from me. I have already signed a written agreement."

He took out a piece of paper and showed it to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli was shocked: "Cong Wenshan really dares to do it."

The signature was fingerprinted, and Zhong Yu was asked to be a witness. Zhong Yu's name was on it.

The aristocratic family wants face. For the sake of the Zhong family's face, Zhong Yu cannot side with Cong Wenshan and will only do what is written on the note.

She put away the note and said, "You are so sincere. You must have been thinking about Xiaoji for a long time."

Xiao Ji often drives a carriage in the guard house. She has seen Cong Wenshan and has seen it many times. Xiao Ji's carriage got stuck in a mud pit, and Cong Wenshan helped her lift the carriage out.

After Xiaoji came back, he excitedly told her that the new Cong Baihu was so strong that he could lift a carriage!

She also said that Cong Baihu helped her and she couldn't be stingy. She had to thank him and gave Cong Wenshan a piece of fried cassava to eat.

Later, she heard Xiao Ji complain that Cong Wenshan was more greedy than her, and asked her how many times he had taken food from her. She didn't want to give it to him, but she thought he was quite pitiful, so she gave him some food.

He also asked him: "Is there not enough food in Duchonggou, so you can't eat enough?"

Cong Wenshan said: "I am from a hundred households and can have enough food to eat, but the soldiers below can only eat 80% of the food. Especially Xiaoshi and the others who are fifteen or sixteen years old are very good at eating. The food provided by the Duchonggou camp is not enough. Filling their bellies, each one is so hungry that they have stomachaches, and they are all so hungry that they have no strength and cannot train, so I can only share my own food with them."

When Xiao Ji told her this, she felt there was something wrong. Sure enough, Cong Wenshan was secretly cultivating a relationship with Xiao Ji.

"Since he is sincere, I will go to Xiao Ji later and ask her what she means." Gu Jinli is also a man of action. After asking Yang Tao to comb his hair into a bun, he put on his going-out clothes and carried a food box. , took Sanqing to find Xiaoji.

Xiaoji has learned a lot in the past few years. Not only can he calculate accounts, manage people, and handle general affairs, but he can also recognize and make medicines. He is currently helping to sort out the quantity of medicinal materials consumed during this period in the medicinal materials warehouse.

Seeing Gu Jinli coming, he was very happy. He quickly put down his pen and ran out to pick up someone: "Madam, why are you here? But you have something to do with your servant?"

Gu Jinli: "It's okay. I just have two chicken drumsticks left. I'll give them to you to eat, so as not to let them go rancid when you go back. It's hot and things don't get put away."

"Madam is so kind to me." Xiao Ji was very happy and followed Gu Jinli into the house. He opened the food box without being polite, picked up the chicken drumsticks and ate them.

When he was chewing the food, he heard Gu Jinli say: "Xiao Ji, someone likes you and asked Brother Qin to come and propose marriage to me, saying that he wants to marry you as his wife."

"Cough cough cough!" Xiao Ji choked in fright and coughed violently.

Gu Jinli hurriedly patted her on the back to cheer her up, and handed her a bowl of water: "What are you afraid of? I said that if you don't want to, I won't marry you off casually."

Xiaoji coughed until tears came out, raised his head and asked, "Really?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Really... However, that person is very familiar with you, and he has helped you. You have given him food, and you also disliked him for eating too much, which made you hungry. Do you want to listen to it?" ,who is he?"

Xiaoji was stunned and his face burned... No need to ask, he knew it was the dead insect as soon as he heard it!

Seeing her blushing, Gu Jinli knew there was something going on, so he sat down and said to her: "I know you are afraid of changes, afraid that you will leave me after getting married, and live in a life where you don't know what tomorrow will be like? But Cong Wenshan is really good, right? You are very interested, if you marry him, you don’t have to leave Changliang Wei, you can always follow me.”

After saying that, he took out the note written by Cong Wenshan and handed it to Xiao Ji: "Look, he said he will not take concubines or find other women in the future, and he will give you all his money."

Xiaoji hesitated for a moment, then took it and looked at it.

After reading it, he said angrily: "He is very shrewd and stingy. How could he be willing to give me all the money? He must be writing to deceive people!"

Gu Jinli smiled and asked her, "Is he so unbearable in your heart?"

That's certainly not the case.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Gu Jinli didn't force her, so he said, "Think about it slowly. He said there was no rush. He can wait three to five years."

Xiao Ji was shocked: "What? How old is he? If we have to wait three to five years, then he will be old."

Gu Jinli almost died from laughter: "You still have the nerve to criticize others? You are older than me, almost nineteen. In three to five years, you will be in your twenties and will be heading towards your thirties."

Xiaoji choked, and suddenly realized that she was really getting old, wuwuwu.

"Madam, two ladies from Qianhu are here. They are the third line of defense. They have been rushing for several days to arrive. They want to see the madam and the two young masters." Er Qing came over and reported.

"Okay, I'll go back right away." Gu Jinli didn't stay long and went back quickly to entertain the two late ladies.

But Xiaoji was miserable. After learning that Cong Wenshan liked her and wanted to marry her, he was restless all day. After finally finishing the accounts, he could go back to accompany his wife. How did he know that halfway there, A fool suddenly fell down in front of her.


With her face on the ground, she could only see the back, but she still recognized it as the dead insect.

Xiao Ji was very angry, scolding Cong Wenshan in his mind, and walked faster, but before he had taken two steps, he heard a cry of pain from behind: "Ah, my head is bleeding... Miss Xiao Ji, do you have any golden sore medicine on you?"

"No!" Xiao Ji said angrily and continued walking, but Cong Wenshan chased after her. When she saw that Cong Wenshan was really bleeding, she was shocked.

It really bleeds, no lie.

She quickly took out a piece of cloth, poured some alcohol with her, and pressed it on Cong Wenshan's head.

Cong Wenshan smiled, looked down at the girl with a round face and round eyes, and said, "Miss Xiao Ji is so kind, thank you very much."

Thank you!

"Press it yourself." Xiao Ji took a few steps back, looked at him and asked, "Did you do it on purpose?"

She is not a fool, she is very smart. The dead bug fell in front of her. Could it be intentional?

Cong Wenshan smiled, nodded and said, "That's right, but my forehead is really bruised. This can't be fake."

What’s the point of kowtowing your head for the sake of your wife? Even if you break your leg.

Xiaoji: "You deserve it!"

But Cong Wenshan suddenly said: "Did you know that something happened to Jifeng last night?"

Xiaoji was stunned for a moment, thinking that his words were a trap, but she was so gossipy. After struggling for a moment, she finally couldn't resist the temptation and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Was he deceived by Leng Meifang again?

Cong Wenshan is his brother, will he become as stupid as Jifeng?

He emphasized: "I'm not gossiping. It's because he is in our health center. I'm afraid that he will be stupid again and harm our health center, so I ask more questions."

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