A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2205 Fei Family【6】

Cong Wenshan was very happy to see that she wasn't leaving. He coughed lightly and whispered: "Yesterday evening, after the 100-day banquet, a girl stopped him and asked him if he wanted to marry her? Ji Feng was very happy after hearing this. , thinking about getting married."

This is not a lie, nor did he tell the Xiao family girl. Ji Feng and the Xiao family should probably punch him less.

"What? He still dares to be happy? He is so heartless!" Xiao Ji was shocked and angry: "Did he think everyone has forgotten what he has done? He likes Leng Meifang so much and has been fooled by her for several years without repentance. Leng Mei Fang went to hook up with Mr. Fang and was caught, yet he still protected Leng Meifang. Oh my god, this kind of coward should be beaten to death, but there are still people who like him?"

Then he asked: "Who likes him? It's definitely not the girl from our guardhouse!"

The girls in their guardhouse are all smart, and the ones who are not that stupid must be from other guards.

Well, Cong Wenshan was smart enough not to answer this question, but comforted her: "Don't be angry, the girl has a family, but her family didn't agree and gave Jifeng a good beating."

Xiao Ji felt happy when he heard this, and said with a smile with crooked eyes: "He deserves it. If I didn't beat him to death, it would be an understatement. I hate this kind of man who can't carry himself. My wife said that you can't marry a man who can't carry you." It will harm yourself for the rest of your life, it will harm your children for the rest of their lives, and it will also harm your mother’s family. It’s terrible.”

Cong Wenshan nodded quickly: "Sir, you often teach us that we are not allowed to have any foolish ideas. If anyone dares to find a woman outside and use her as the wife of the family, he must get out."

Xiaoji was very happy to hear that: "My lord is right."

I'm still very proud. My little boss has good taste, and my character is beyond words... well, he's just too fierce. It's scary even thinking about it. Only my little boss thinks you're cute.

Cong Wenshan took advantage of her happiness and said, "I'm not like that. I can handle it clearly. I've never been confused with any woman before. At such an old age, I've only fallen in love with one girl."

As he said that, he looked at Xiao Ji with meaning.

Xiaoji's face turned red and he ran away.

Cong Wenshan hurried to catch up. He ran very fast and caught up within a few steps. He blocked Xiao Ji's path and said, "Miss Xiao Ji, don't run away. Just listen to a few words from me."

Xiao Ji was also afraid that someone would see them entangled in each other, which would cause gossip to Xiao Dong's family, so he could only say: "Then hurry up and say a few words."

"Okay." Cong Wenshan smiled, then put away his smile, and said seriously: "We have known each other for almost two years. I am very busy. If it was not interesting, we would not even think of bumping into each other once a year, but we bumped into each other. After so many times, I don’t pretend anymore, I did it on purpose, just because I’m interested in you.”

Xiaoji was furious and cursed: "You are really plotting against me."

Cong Wenshan smiled: "This is not a calculation, I just want to find a wife for myself."

He was afraid that she would be angry and run away, so he hurriedly said: "We have known each other for almost two years. I know your temper very well. I am very sure that you are the wife I want. I also know that you are afraid."

"You don't have to be afraid. You can take your time to think and look at me as a person. It will be fine in five or ten years. There is no need to rush to give an answer. As long as you are willing to consider me."

Xiao Ji was shocked and blurted out: "Let's see in five or ten years, you won't be old, I will be old!" He didn't even rush to give birth to a child.

Haha, Cong Wenshan couldn't stop laughing. What he liked was Xiao Ji's temper, it was so funny.

He quickly put away his laughter and handed her a bamboo box: "Roast leg of lamb, here's something for you to eat. I'm leaving first. Remember to think about it."

After saying that, he ran away, not wanting to embarrass Xiao Ji, calling on the soldiers who were clearing the way for him and blocking others, and went back.

Daqing, who was hiding nearby, saw that Xiaoji was about to throw away the leg of lamb. In the end, he was probably too greedy and was reluctant to throw it away. He stamped his feet angrily, cursed a few times, and returned with the leg of lamb in his arms.

Daqing secretly thought: Yes, I'm afraid I'm going to get married this time, so my wife can prepare the dowry.

Xiao Ji had a bad temper and was panicking, and the person she had known the longest and closest to was Gu Jinli, so when Gu Jinli sent the guests away, she couldn't hold it in any longer and ran to Gu Jinli with a look in her eyes. Ai looked at her.

Gu Jinli said: "If you have anything to do, just say it. If you look at me like this, you might think that I have given up on you."

Xiao Ji immediately came over with the bamboo box in his arms: "Look, madam."

Gu Jinli saw that in the box was a leg of lamb that had been chewed several times: "What, give me the rest?"

Xiaoji: "No, no, someone else gave this to me. It's very fragrant. I couldn't help it, so I took a few bites."

Gu Jinli raised his eyebrows: "If someone gives it to you, then you can eat it. Don't you love meat the most?"

Xiao Ji was in a dilemma: "But it may be difficult to refuse after eating...after all, eating people is the shortest way."

Gu Jinli: "Then you still want to eat?"

Uh, Xiaoji stopped talking.

Seeing this, Gu Jinli smiled and said, "I know who sent it. Tell me, what did he say to you? What do you think?"

Xiaoji struggled for a moment, but finally told Gu Jinli what Cong Wenshan told her, and then asked distressedly: "Madam, what should I do?"

Gu Jinli: "What should I do? Just think about it when you have free time. You don't have anyone you like anyway."

Xiaoji: "But when you get married, you have to have children, which is very painful!"

When Gu Jinli gave birth to the child, Xiao Ji was frightened and vowed never to marry, but she felt that Cong Wenshan was very good. Besides, he had begged her like this. It would be unreasonable for her not to think about it.

Gu Jinli asked her: "Do you think Big Wolf and Erlang are fun?"

Xiaoji: "It's fun. The two young masters are so cute. I like them."

Gu Jinli nodded and said, "So although giving birth is painful, it is worth enduring."

Then he asked her: "If other girls pester Cong Wenshan and he wants to marry another girl, will you be angry and sad?"

Xiaoji didn't feel sad, but she was very angry and furious.

Gu Jinli laughed: "Being angry proves that you still treat Cong Wenshan differently. Think about it carefully. We won't force you anyway. Marry if you want. If you don't want to marry, stay with me and be a steward." From now on, the Qin and Gu families will take care of you in your old age."

"Madam..." Xiaoji was moved and cried.

While she was crying happily, Erqing suddenly knocked on the door and said, "Madam, there are some guests outside. They say they are from the Fei family. They learned that Madam has given birth to twins, so I came here to congratulate you."

"What?" Gu Jinli was shocked, stood up and opened the door, asking, "Where did they come from? How did they get to the guardhouse? Who brought them here? Did they really say they were from the Fei family? It couldn't be a trick, right?"

Fei's natal family had long since died, and the rest of her family had disappeared long ago. Why did a group of people suddenly appear to recognize their relatives?

Erqing said: "After interrogation, they came from the northeast and took a clear route. The documents have the seals of various government offices along the way."

Gu Jinli: "That doesn't prove that they are not craftsmen."

The secret work of the Rong thieves in Beicang Mansion is to have an upright identity. The fact that the Fei family has the seals of the government offices along the way does not mean anything. As long as they have a serious identity and give some money, they can get the seals of the government offices along the way.

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