Then he asked: "Brother Qin, does he know?"

Erqing nodded: "You An has gone to report to the Lord."

As they were talking, Qin Sanlang came back. When he saw her, he called Xiaoyu and took her hand into the house: "It's okay. I'll go see them first. You stay at home."

He added: "General Fu's people sent them here."

Fu Mingfeng has been guarding the Mu County gathering area for the past two years, and it has become Xu You's first outpost. If you want to come to the defense line, you have to pass Fu Mingfeng's hurdle.

But Fu Mingfeng belongs to Xu You, and the relationship between General Jiang and Xu You is not as good as before. He and Meng Hong are in charge of the death camp in Duchonggou. General Ma tried to force people in, but failed. Will You be angry?

There is also the matter of Xu Liu.

Xu Liu didn't get anything when he came here this time, and he also lost a lot of face. He is a vicious and vengeful person. It would be bad if Xu Liu sent someone to frame him and say that he was related to Xizuo.

Gu Jinli frowned: "General Fu's people brought it. Didn't the people from Long'an Mansion come?"

She was a little embarrassed in her heart. The first two times when someone came to Chang Liang Wei, Uncle Qi would send someone to follow them to bear witness to them, proving that the outsiders who came to Chang Liang Wei were brought by the government all the way. Even if they were doing detailed work, they would follow Chang Liang Wei has nothing to do with it, he will hold the government accountable first.

"Yao Baihu asked about it. General Fu's people said that the government officials who came with him fell from their horses and had difficulty moving, so they were not allowed to come over and stayed at the gathering place in Mu County." Qin Sanlang comforted her: "No need for Xiaoyu. Worry, I will check it out before letting them in."

They will not be allowed to enter Changliang Wei until they find out clearly.

Then he smiled and said: "Maybe it's really Fei's family. We can have another relative. My father-in-law and aunt will also be very happy."

"You're right. If it's really a relative of grandma's family, that would be great. It's better than losing all Fei's family." Gu Jinli thought of something and said, "Wait a minute, I'll get you something."

Qin Sanlang followed her into the back room. After seeing her pull out a small box from the box, he understood: "It's grandma's dowry."

"Yes." Gu Jinli nodded: "Take it. If the other party knows about these dowries, or asks about them, you can compare them. You can also use these dowries to test them."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang took the box, opened it and looked it over. After recognizing the style of the gold jewelry, he put the box away: "Xiaoyu, stay at home. Don't worry, I will take care of it."

After saying that, he leaned over and kissed her, then turned and left.

After they got married, he not only touched her face, but also liked to kiss her.

Gu Jinli smiled, followed him out to see him off, and waved to him.

When Qin Sanlang turned back, he happened to see it, with a cheerful smile on his face, quite happy.

But after leaving the guardhouse, his face turned dark because General Wu Qi said: "Lin Xiaoqi under General Fu left without saying goodbye, and Yao Baihu has already gone after him on horseback."

Qin Sanlang was furious, pointed at a few people at the gate of the guardhouse and said: "Tie them up, wait until the general comes back to deal with them!"

"Yes!" Mr. Wu immediately led people to surround several Fei family members.

The Fei family members were shocked and said in a flurry: "Cousin-niece, grandson-in-law, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are not careful, it is really the Fei family, don't arrest us."

"Cousin, niece and son-in-law, we are really not a craftsman. We came all the way back from the northeast. We have the red seal of the yamen, there is the red seal!"

Someone else shouted: "Cousin-in-law, we were wronged, don't arrest us, uh-huh!"

There are three generations of old, middle-aged and young people, and they come really well.

Qin Sanlang had already climbed onto his horse, looked down at them, and said in a cold voice: "Whether you are careful or not, you will know after examination. Please wait and see."

After saying this, he raised his whip and spurred his horse, leading the men to pursue him outside the guard house.

His riding skills were excellent, and he caught up with Yao Baihu more than a quarter of an hour later. A dozen meters in front of Yao Baihu, there was a horse galloping forward. His riding skills were good, but he could only see a black dot.

Seeing him coming, Yao Baihu hurriedly said: "Sir, Lin Yongwang didn't leave the passing documents for Mu County gathering place. Chase him quickly, don't let him run away, otherwise we won't be able to explain clearly!"

For safety reasons, outsiders who came to the border guard station had to get a passing document from the Mu County gathering place. However, Fei's family's passing document was taken by Lin Yongwang and was not given to them.

By the time he found out, Lin Yongwang had already quietly run away on horseback, and he led people to chase him.

But what is shameful is that his riding skills are not as good as Lin Yongwang.

"Don't worry!" Qin Sanlang roared and galloped past Yao Baihu.

His family has a horse farm. He has been riding horses since he was a child. His riding skills are not comparable to those of Lin Yongwang. However, he caught up with Lin Yongwang within a quarter of an hour. While controlling the horse, he untied the rope. After taking aim, he threw the rope forward and lassoed the horse. Then he wrapped his arms around Lin Yongwang's neck and pulled him back hard.

Bang, pull Lin Yongwang off the horse.

Lin Yongwang fell so hard that his bones were about to break, but he ignored the pain and hurriedly pulled the rope around his neck, screaming... let go, let go quickly, he was about to die!

Qin Sanlang remained motionless, just sitting on the horse, tightening the rope and watching Lin Yongwang struggle.

After Yao Baihu led his men to catch up, he ran to untie Lin Yongwang's noose, twisted his arms, and took him over, fearing for his life.

Lin Yongwang's neck was strangled so hard that he gasped for air. After a moment, he felt that he was alive and began to cry out: "Qin Qianhu, what do you mean? I helped you send your relatives here, but did you help the wrong person? "

After saying that, he took a few more breaths before regaining his breath.

Qin Sanlang sneered: "Tie them up and send them to Du Chonggou for General Jiang to deal with."

"Yes!" Yao Baihu immediately led people to tie up Lin Yongwang.

Lin Yongwang was anxious and said hurriedly: "Qin Qianhu, what are you doing? What's the crime? Why did you send me to General Jiang? I am General Fu's man!"

Qin Sanlang: "Then let General Fu go to Duchonggou to fish you out in person."


Damn, she is indeed a master who cannot be offended, but it is just a small matter, and it has caused such a big fuss!

"Qin Qianhu, what mistake did you make? You must give me a sentence, right?" Lin Yongwang hurriedly shouted out before his mouth was blocked.

Yao Baihu said: "What's wrong? You didn't even say hello, and ran away with the passing documents of Fei's family at the gathering place in Mu County. What do you want to do? You want to give our Chang Liang Wei a place to take in unexamined people. Is it a crime? If someone says that they are Xin Zuo, wouldn’t our chief Liang Wei take Xi Zuo in, and everyone in the guard will be punished?!"

Lin Yongwang pretended to be confused: "What? Didn't I give you the passing document from the Mu County gathering place? Oh, I forgot. I'm sorry, it was a misunderstanding. The passing inspection document is in my waist bag, you can take it Walk."

He looked at Qin Sanlang again and said with an apologetic smile: "Qin Qianhu, it was my fault. Sir, how could you spare me for once?"

Qin Sanlang sneered: "Spare you? When Chang Liang Wei is punished, who will spare us?"

He raised his hand and ordered Yao Baihu: "Gag your mouth and take him to Du Chonggou with the Fei family."

"Yes." Yao Baihu immediately blocked Lin Yongwang's mouth with a linen ball, threw him on the horse, and took him back to Changliang Wei.

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