When we arrived at the guardhouse, it was already dark. The Fei family were still tied up. They squinted their eyes and saw Qin Sanlang by the light of the torch. They rushed to shout: "Uh-huh!"

Cousin-in-law, cousin-in-law, niece-in-law, cousin-in-law, we were wronged, it was really not a case of deliberation!

Qin Sanlang rode up to them and said: "This is the guard post of the first line of defense, and it is an important military area. The flag commander who brought you here did something like leaving without authorization with the review documents. Regardless of whether you are If you are not careful, you have to go to Du Chonggou. After General Jiang interrogates, if you are really innocent, we can talk about relatives."


No, we don’t want to go to Du Chonggou.

"Keep an eye on them." Qin Sanlang ignored them. After explaining, he rode back to the house.

When Gu Jinli heard the sound, he got up and came out. When he saw him, he said happily: "I'm back. How are things?"

"Well, I'm back." Qin Sanlang nodded with a smile, took off his robe, took her hand, went into the back room, and told her what happened outside: "Xiaoyu wants to have dinner by himself, let me see Just leave, the child, we can’t stay overnight, otherwise it won’t be easy to talk about.”

"Okay." Gu Jinli knew that this matter had to be resolved as soon as possible, but said: "The food has been served, you might as well eat something to avoid going hungry."

After saying that, he pulled him and let him eat.

Qin Sanlang smiled and was reluctant to leave immediately. He simply picked up chopsticks to eat.

It’s hot in the summer, so we have porridge for dinner. The meat is served cold and served with a few appetizers. It’s very delicious and they eat it quickly. In less than half a quarter of an hour, the two of them finished it.

Gu Jinli loaded him with some pancakes, eggs, dried meat and pickled radish: "Take it with you and take it out to satisfy your hunger when you are hungry."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang picked up a clean and soft satin robe and put it on. The children were delicate, so every time he came back from outside, he would change into clean clothes before visiting them to prevent them from getting sick.

After getting dressed, he hugged Gu Jinli reluctantly: "I originally wanted to stay with you mother and son for five days, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do that this time."

But he promised: "When this matter is resolved, I will take two more days off to come back to accompany you."

Gu Jinli looked up at him, smiled and nodded: "Okay, my child and I will wait for you at home."

Just these words made Qin Sanlang feel energetic all over. He hugged her tightly and kissed her wantonly. After they separated, he took her hand out of the house to see the two little guys. "

The couple walked through the long corridor and soon arrived at the residence of the two children.

"Ahhh!" Before entering the house, I heard Erlang's excited cry. He was having fun with Qijin and Brother Yi.

Kuang and Ji Zhenniang have not left yet and will stay for two days. Ji Feng will stay in Changliang Wei because he will escort Kuang and others back in two days.

"Hmm, Big Wolf, let's do it." Seeing that Big Wolf was silent, Brother Yi waved a fan in front of him to tease him.

Big Wolf likes this little brother. Although he is lazy, he is still very considerate of him.

Brother Yi was very happy and continued to tease him: "Come again, huh huh."

The big wolf stopped moaning, but after the second wolf heard it, he replied excitedly: "Oh, no, no, no!"

When it came to the last word "aw", the sound went up a few degrees, like a wolf howling.

Gu Jinli wanted to cover his face when he heard this: "Is this kid really a wolf?"

Qin Sanlang smiled and nodded seriously: "Maybe it was true in my last life."

As a result, Gu Jinli pinched him: "Does anyone say that about his son? My son has been a human being in his last life!"

Qin Sanlang immediately admitted his mistake: "Xiaoyu is right, I was wrong."

"Stop playing tricks and go see your baby." Gu Jinli smiled, took his hand and entered the house.

The big wolf saw them first, grinned happily, and shouted: "Yeah."

"The big wolf is so good. He smiles when he sees daddy coming." Qin Sanlang picked up the big wolf and teased him.

In the past three days, Big Wolf has seen his father every day and has become familiar with him. When he is teased by his father, he will smile very cooperatively.

The second wolf is a domineering one. When he saw his father only hugging his brother and ignoring him, he became very angry and started crying.

Qijin hurriedly coaxed him: "Er Lang, be good and don't cry. Your father will come to hug you later."

But Erlang is a domineering one, and if he can't be coaxed, he will be hugged by his father.

Qin Sanlang smiled, gave the big wolf to Gu Jinli, picked up the second wolf, and coaxed him for a while before coaxing the second wolf.

Qin Sanlang had to rush to Du Chong Valley. He didn't stay too long. He hugged the two children for a while and then put them down. He said to Brother Yi: "Uncle Qin is going to Du Chong Valley. It may take two days to come back. You and Bao Fu We all know Kang and the others, so when we get bored, we go to play with them."

Since Brother Yi rarely comes here, let him stay for a while, and then send someone to send him back to the second line of defense after a while.

Brother Yi looked up at him and said with a smile, "Uncle Qin, don't worry and go about your business. I've grown up and can take care of myself."

Qin Sanlang touched his head, smiled and nodded: "Yes."

After saying that, he looked at the two children again and left reluctantly, holding Gu Jinli's hand.

Aunt Yu found it funny. The young Marquis liked his wife the most.

Qin Sanlang didn't let Gu Jinli send him too far, he just sent him out of the house and stopped: "Xiaoyu, go back. Don't worry about Fei's family. I will take care of it. You can rest at home and be fine."

"Well, come back soon." Gu Jinli waved to him and took the lead in entering the house.

After Qin Sanlang saw her entering, he rode away with confidence.

Outside the guardhouse, preparations were made, and Cong Wenshan was also here, waiting for Qin Sanlang's instructions.

Qin Sanlang said: "You don't have to go, stay at the guard station."

In the past two days, there will be guests coming for the Hundred Days Banquet. The crowds are so crowded that one hundred households must be left to garrison.

As for Hong Dao, Zhang Zhong, and Bu Fang, they were left on duty at Du Chonggou to prevent the bandits from attacking and they could fight as soon as possible.

"Yes!" Cong Wenshan responded and led his troops to send Qin Sanlang three miles away. He also led his troops to patrol inside and outside the guard house before he felt relieved.

Qin Sanlang and others galloped to Du Chonggou at midnight to ask for an audience with Jiang Wankang.

"Let him come in." General Jiang ordered. After Qin Sanlang came in, he asked, "What happened?"

At this time, something bad must have happened.

Qin Sanlang told everything about Lin Yongwang, Fei's family, and the government office servant who fell from his horse and was recuperating at the gathering place in Mu County.

Finally, he said: "These things come together, it's a bit too coincidental. The general is worried that something is going on, so in order to prove his innocence, he sent them all to see the general and asked him to interrogate them."

He also made it clear: "If it is found that they are doing it carefully, they will be dealt with how they should be dealt with."

He would not plead for Fei's family, nor could he.

This matter may involve Xizuo, so General Jiang will naturally interrogate him personally, but he gave Qin Sanlang a sentence: "Even if they are the Fei family, they are not blood relatives for three generations. Even if they are Xizuo, they have little to do with you and your wife. "

He can still save Qin Sanlang and his wife.

Qin Sanlang: "Thank you, General."

Jiang Wankang: "Bring them in."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang went out and brought Lin Yongwang and the Fei family into the camp.

Meng Hong came over after hearing the news and said with a smile to Jiang Wankang: "Uncle, don't bother, just give them to me, I will use them to train the soldiers of the Death Soldier Battalion, and also see how the soldiers of the Death Soldier Battalion are training?" "

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