A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2219 Coolie and Parting【2】

Qin Sanlang looked at Gu Jinli, nodded and said with a smile: "It is true that he accumulated virtue in his previous life."

Gu Jinli was happy to hear this and said to Old Man Fei and the others, "You guys have a rest first, and we'll go get the child."

After saying that, he left with Qin Sanlang.

Fei Dacan looked at them and nodded inwardly. They seemed to like each other and had a good relationship.

This place was a bit far away from the house where the couple lived. They came back and forth in a carriage and came back more than three-quarters of an hour later. Before they even entered the house, the Fei family heard a squealing sound.

Then there was another loud cry.

"What's going on? I'll go out and take a look." Fei Dacan hurried out to take a look.

Not long after, Qin Sanlang and his wife came with their child in their arms, followed by several servants, and the little fat baby being held by Qin Sanlang was screaming excitedly.

Not only did he yell, but he also asked Qin Sanlang and his wife to respond to him. If they responded late, he would burst into tears.

Fei Dacan laughed, this little fat boy was quite funny.

"These are your two dolls? They are so fat." Fei Da Shen boasted, took Er Lang from Qin Sanlang's arms, and said with disgust: "They just don't look like our Fei family."

Too much like Qin.

"Wow!" Er Lang cried loudly when he was suddenly hugged by a stranger. But when he saw Fei Da Shen's beard, he immediately started to pull his hand happily.

Hiss, Fei Dacan grimaced in pain: "Little baby, let go, it hurts."

"Ahhh!" Erlang smiled excitedly, with no intention of letting go.

With no other choice, Fei Dacan could only hand Erlang to his son Fei Jiawang to hold him: "You don't have a beard, it's safe to hold him."

But the two wolves quit. As soon as they got into Fei Jiawang's arms, they cried and stretched out their little hands towards Fei Da Shen, making a gesture of pulling his beard.

Old Man Fei slapped Fei Da Shen on the back of the head and said angrily: "It's just a beard, what can we do if it's gone?!"

Fei Dacan wanted to cry: "But Dad, it hurts."

Qin Sanlang handed Big Wolf to Fei Dacan: "Big Wolf, be good, you hold him first."

He went to hug Erlang, with a dark face, and lectured him: "Erlang, I told you not to pull people's beards, why don't you listen? Do you know that you can't pull people, or else daddy will beat you."

The second wolf didn't know what he was talking about, he just wanted to pull his beard and cried if he didn't pull it, but he was beaten by the thugs.

The little guy was stunned for a moment, looking at Qin Sanlang, then burst into tears and reached out for Gu Jinli to hug him.

But Gu Jinli didn't hug him. Instead, he pointed at Qin Sanlang's chin and said, "You can't pull the beard, or you will be beaten. Do you understand?"

After saying that, his left hand made a beard-pulling motion, and his right hand slapped his left hand hard, then he rubbed his eyes and started to fake cry.

Erlang was smart. After doing it several times, he understood. He no longer cried loudly, but sobbed aggrievedly, and even touched Gu Jinli, as if to comfort her and ask her not to cry.

Gu Jinli was very happy, hugged him and said, "Second Wolf, be good, don't pull your beard anymore."

Qin Sanlang felt sorry for his son again, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the child is young and forgetful. Let's teach him slowly in the future."

Fei Dacan felt resentful when he heard this: "I'm sorry, you don't have a beard, so you won't be pulled. You don't know the pain at all, but I am in great pain!"

Pa, Old Man Fei hit him again: "You have only lived here for a few days? You will go back in less than half a month. What's wrong with asking my great-great-grandson to pull a few handfuls of his beard?"

My great-great-grandson has been promoted in the seniority all of a sudden, but something doesn’t sound right. Is he talking about the wrong seniority again?

Hey, never mind, my head hurts, just call it that.

"Dad, this little baby is very well-behaved. He even smiled at me just now. He's so pretty." Fei Jiawang held the big wolf in his arms, looking very curious, and kept teasing him.

But the big wolf was lazy, and after teasing for a while, he finally smiled again... like a little sun that suddenly appeared, bright, bright and warm, which made the Fei family very happy.

Old Man Fei even cried: "Good boy, if you were..."

I was stuck again. I didn't know what to do with my seniority. I choked for a while and changed my words: "If my father sees you, he will be very happy."

If that man sees you two fat babies, he will be even happier!

"Okay, don't hold them anymore. Give the little chubby babies back. They are very delicate. We don't like bathing, so it's not easy to hold them for too long."

The Fei family handed the children to Qin Sanlang. Seeing him holding one in each hand, Old Fei said again: "You are really lucky."

Qin Sanlang did not deny it, nodded with a smile, and said: "Grandpa, please take good care of your injuries. If you need anything, just tell the servants who take care of you."

Speaking of Dou Chengzi, they were not happy: "Can you change the boy to come and serve? That brat reads military regulations to us whenever he has free time, and our wounds are about to burst."

I had just been tortured two days ago, and before my injuries healed, I came to read them the military regulations and told them what punishment they would receive if they violated this rule. Who could bear it?

It's a pity that it doesn't work: "Chengzi has thought carefully and has served Mr. Hong. He will take care of the old man. You can take care of him with peace of mind."

"I won't change it!" Fei Dacan was unhappy.

Qin Sanlang nodded, hugged the two children, and left with Gu Jinli. The Fei family choked so much that after walking out of the guest house, they heard their loud voices: "The man named Qin didn't even give us a replacement. It's a good thing we didn't." Give their little fat kid a red envelope, otherwise you’ll lose!”

"That guy surnamed Qin is not easy to talk to. My cousin's granddaughter won't be bullied by him, right? She's such a big guy. If he punches him twice, my cousin's granddaughter will die on the spot!"

Qin Sanlang: "..."

You can really think that he could stab himself without touching a hair of Xiaoyu.

The couple listened for a while and then left.

After returning to the house where he lived and retreating, Gu Jinli said, "Are they really okay?"

The Fei family may not have admitted their mistake, but they are several generations apart. Who knows who the Fei family is connected to in the Northeast? She had to worry.

Qin Sanlang: "It looks like there is no problem at the moment."

He added: "In any case, now that we have passed the Ming Road, General Jiang and Xu You have admitted that they are not a trickster. As for the rest, I have made arrangements. I will test them again on their way back. Don't you, Xiaoyu?" Worried, even if they are, we have the manpower to deal with it.”

Gu Jinli believed him the most. After hearing this, he felt relieved for a while. In the evening, he called Brother Yi over and finished dinner together.

Brother Yi admired Qin Sanlang very much and was very excited to have dinner with him.

And Qin Sanlang lived up to his uncle's nickname. He would teach him martial arts, read military books, use the sand table to teach him how to arrange troops, and in the morning he would take him to watch the soldiers drill.

But Brother Yi also has to work.

It's busy farming now, and they are harvesting sorghum. After harvesting, they have to rush to plant soybeans. Kuang and the others left the day before Qin Sanlang came back just because they had to rush back to harvest.

The Fei family suffered flesh wounds. After a few days of nursing, they were healed. They were very happy to see the entire health center busy collecting grain and planting seeds. After eating and drinking, they shaved their teeth and said, "Look at these people. I’m really exhausted and have to rush to harvest in the bright sun, but it’s different for us relatives, we have meat to eat and can lie down without having to work.”

However, they were so happy that they felt sad. Just a few days after they felt comfortable, Qin Sanlang asked them to go to the threshing floor to look at the sorghum on the grounds of lack of manpower to prevent the grain from being eaten by birds.

The Fei family was angry and made a fuss, but because they made trouble, Qin Sanlang stopped them with military regulations: "Work, or send them to Duchonggou and be tortured. You choose one."

If you want to know whether they are careful, you have to observe more in their words and deeds. You can't let them stay in the room and lie down all the time, otherwise you won't be able to tell anything.

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