A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2220 Coolie and Parting【3】

After hearing this, the Fei family jumped up and pointed at Qin Sanlang and cursed: "Okay, Qin is a handsome man. I didn't expect him to be so evil-hearted. If I had known, we wouldn't have come to recognize him!"

"It's okay to recognize a relative. We don't reap the benefits. Instead, we get beaten up. We are forced to work before our wounds are healed. If we don't work, military regulations will be used to deal with us. Oh, what about our lives? It’s so hard!”

Fei Dacan sat down directly on the ground, howling loudly.

Widow Xiao carried Xiao Qingyun on her back and shouted at the top of her voice toward the courtyard door: "Come on, big guys, the big men of the Fei family are acting like women because they don't want to work!"

In one sentence, a group of children gathered to watch.

Fei Dacan got angry, got up, pointed at Widow Xiao and said, "You woman, what are you shouting about? We are injured, why don't we want to recover first and not work?"

Widow Xiao chuckled: "We are all relatives. Our family is closer than yours. We are still relatives of the husband's family. We have to work all day long. Why don't your family do it? You are so lazy. Believe it or not, I asked my nephew to retire. Shi!"

"Shrew, how dare you!" Fei Dacan was angry.

Old Man Fei was also angry, pointed at Qin Sanlang and said: "You just let the Xiao family bully your wife? Are you still a man?!"

Old Man Fei was really angry. The Xiao family was too barbaric. How much suffering would the little girl of the Gu family have to suffer in the future if she lived with such relatives.



With two sounds, Qin Sanlang slashed at the door leaf with his knife, splitting one side of the door leaf open, and the entire guest courtyard immediately fell silent.

Widow Xiao ran extremely fast and said hurriedly: "Nephew, your little cousin peed. Auntie went to change his pants."

He ran away immediately.

The other children who came to watch the fun also ran away... Wuwuwu, Mr. Qianhu is so cruel, they shouldn't have come to see the fun. I hope Mr. Qianhu didn't see their faces. If he recognizes the children from which family they are, They were afraid of being punished.

Fei Dacan was also frightened and said hurriedly: "Cousin-in-law, don't be angry, it's just work, let's go and do it right now."


Old Man Fei said: "You can work, but you can't let the Xiao family bully the little girl of the Gu family, or the old man will fight you!"

I'm doing it for your own good. If you really let the Xiao family bully the little girl of the Gu family, wait for that man to come back... No, you don't even have to wait for him to come back. He can chop you into eight pieces on the battlefield and take it. Feed the wolf.

Qin Sanlang said: "Xiaoyu is my wife and the person I am closest to. I won't let others bully her. She doesn't have the temper to let others bully her. You can rest assured."

Then he pointed to a few small stools and long bamboo poles in the yard and said, "Take these things and go to the threshing floor to catch the birds."

This job is the easiest in the busy farming season, and they can do it even if they are injured.

"You must remember what you said, otherwise, hum!" Old Man Fei, with his hands behind his back, took his son and two grandchildren to the threshing floor to chase away the birds.

Dou Chengzi also followed and helped them work.

On the threshing floor, there were people from Qin Sanlang who were watching the Fei family all day long. They found that although the Fei family were splashing, they were all old farmers. Not only could they look at the threshing floor, they could also turn and dry sorghum. Grains, sorghum stalks, and ingredients are used to feed livestock.

When the sun went down, half a basketful of birds came for the tooth ceremony.

"Look at the craftsmanship of our old Fei family, it's not bad, come on, little guys, don't be polite, take one each and bake it to add some oil and water."

Fei Dacan generously distributed the birds to the children in the health center.

"You can't eat it!" Huang Sanhu said: "My wife said that there are insects in the birds. If you eat them, you will get sick. You must burn them to make fertilizer."

"What kind of bugs are there? Poisonous bugs?" Old Man Fei frowned and scolded the great wizard in his heart. The eunuch was really sick and couldn't do anything bad. He insisted on making such things that harmed people and animals: "That's really It's a pity, this is only half a basket of meat and vegetables."

Huang Sanhu wiped his saliva and said: "Don't be greedy. Madam said that after the grain is harvested, pigs will be killed for us. After the soybeans are planted, we will be given meat to eat. The Mid-Autumn Festival will be here soon." , can eat meat again."

Wuwuwu, so he is not greedy.

Fei Dacan was unhappy when he heard this: "My cousin is too prodigal, so we have to go and talk to Grandma Xiong later and ask her to go to that house and tell my cousin not to give human flesh to the guards all the time." To eat, just give it once every six months, so you can save some money and keep it for yourself."

After Huang Sanhu heard this, he became very angry, snorted coldly, and left.

Dou Chengzi greeted his friends: "Prepare torches, wooden bowls, insect attractants, and insect attractants."

"Hey." The friends hurriedly went to get things.

He then said to the Fei family: "My wife is afraid that thieves will use birds to release poisonous insects, so every time she catches a bird, she will use medicine to attract insects, so as not to cause an outbreak of poisonous insects in the guardhouse due to negligence."

Old Man Fei said: "My little girl, this is a good instruction."

But Fei Dacan shouted: "Dad, then Qin Sanlang asked us to chase the birds, doesn't he want to kill us? My God, he is indeed a poisonous person!"

Bang, Old Man Fei slapped him and said: "Stop talking nonsense, we are going to attract insects."

The Fei family watched Dou Chengzi lure insects. Fortunately, no poisonous insects were found after two attempts.

Dou Chengzi smiled and said: "There are no poisonous insects, so you can burn them."

He quickly asked his friends to light a fire and burned half of the basket of birds before the Fei family could snatch them and eat them.

My wife said, don't eat these wild birds when you have something to eat. Even if they don't have poisonous insects, they will still have other parasites. Eating them is not good for your health.

The Fei family was so angry that they scolded them: "They are pretentious, ignorant, and prodigal. This is all meat!"

However, it was already burned out and it was getting dark. The Fei family went back cursing. Fortunately, Gu Jinli was kind to them and the dinner he brought included meat, so they became happy.

The health station opened up wasteland every year, and the fields became more and more abundant. Therefore, the farming work lasted for ten days, and it was not until July 12th that all the grain and fodder were harvested.

On July 13th, Gu Jinli killed three pigs as promised, and also made tofu, fried cassava balls and other things, and asked the guards to prepare a delicious meal.

Then we started plowing the land to plant soybeans.

Because the Fei family's injuries were almost healed, they were driven to dig the ground. Although they were still angry and cursed, they did a good job.

In the evening, Qin Sanlang said to Gu Jinli: "Looking at it during this period, it doesn't look like I am doing detailed work. I can do all the farm work."

He added: "However, we can't assume death. The Fei family still has to test it again on their way back."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Qin Sanlang smiled, went to kiss her, and had a good time with her. The next morning, he felt refreshed and went out happily.

But Fei's family had been tortured so much that they quit working. They squatted on the road to stop him early in the morning and said goodbye to him.

Fei Dashen said: "Cousin-in-law, we have been away for more than half a year, and we must go back quickly, lest when my father passes away, we will not be able to go back in time to bury him."

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