"You still blame us?" Master Xiaofeng was a little angry, but these Fei family members were relatives of Qin Qianhu and his wife. He couldn't get angry at them, so he could only hold back his anger and said: "Our Fengjia Escort Agency still has a bit of reputation. People on this road will give us a little face, and since I found someone following me two days ago, I raised the flag of the Fengjia Escort Agency. When I found that they were following obvious traces, I also yelled slanderous words at them. If they were directed at Those from the Fengjia Escort Agency will definitely reply to us, but they did not respond. It is obvious that they are not here for the Fengjia Escort Agency, but for you."

Fei Da Shen exclaimed: "So you have been chanting sutras these past two days and talking around incomprehensible words. Are you shouting slanderous words to others? We thought you were afraid that your escort would not go well, and you were praying to God for blessings."

Master Xiao Feng's face turned dark.

Fei Dacan said again: "This doesn't prove that they are not here for your Fengjia Escort Agency. If someone wants to plot against you, can they stop you just because you shouted a few words? If they are so reasonable, they will not follow you. We have two days.”

After saying that, he gave Master Xiaofeng a look that said, "I'm just here for you, don't think about wronging our old Fei family"!

After hearing this, Master Xiaofeng was almost angry to death.

But this matter must be resolved, so he could only continue to ask: "In any case, it is very likely that he is here for you. For your safety, honestly, did you offend anyone on your way to the northwest?"

Fei Da Shen patted his chest and assured: "We will definitely not offend powerful people. We are smart. Even if we take advantage, we will only pick on those kind people and will not offend powerful people!"

Is this because I bullied someone on the road?

Master Xiaofeng had a headache and suppressed his temper and said: "Master Fei's cousin, something has come to our door. We must deal with it carefully. We can't just ignore it. You must tell us honestly who you bullied on the road. Tell us clearly. Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be great danger.”

He added: "The kind people you think are harmless may have powerful relatives, and it may not be that their relatives come to help."

After saying that, he took off his sword and slapped it on the table with a bang.

The Fei family were frightened to death when they saw that he was serious about it, and they quickly told everyone and everything he had bullied along the way.

But these are all small things like taking advantage, not paying for meals, and stealing water and food from others.

For this little thing, at most he would be scolded, but it would not cause such big trouble.

Seeing that Master Xiaofeng couldn't get anything out of the question, he could only tell them: "You guys stay in your room well. If you want to come out, you can't leave the carriage and horse shop. Even if you walk around in the carriage and horse shop, you must be followed by an escort. Otherwise, you will be kidnapped and we will not be able to save you."

"So serious?" The Fei family looked frightened. Fei Da Shen also dragged Master Xiao Feng and said, "Master Xiao Feng, you have to protect us. We are your bodyguards. If you lose your bodyguard, The reputation of your escort agency will be ruined!"

Master Xiao Feng was annoyed to death by him and promised: "Don't worry, even for the sake of the friendship between the Feng Lei and Qin families, we will protect you to the death, but you must be obedient and not commit suicide on your own."

Fei Dacan smiled and said: "Look at what you said, we are the most honest people, how can we go to seek death? Don't worry."

After hearing this, Master Xiaofeng asked the three bodyguards to stay and guard them. He left the carriage and horse shop and went to the back alley of the carriage and horse shop to shout slanderous words... If those who were following wanted to hide, their first choice would be the back alley.

But he shouted for a long time, but there was no response.

Master Xiao Feng's heart sank. The person who came was not good. It seemed that he could no longer be good. Something was bound to happen.

The Fengjia Escort Bureau is not a vegetarian. Master Xiao Feng is still the apprentice of the big escort chief Feng. He is very capable. He did not sit still and wait for death. He immediately turned back to the carriage and horse shop. While letting people guard the carriage and horse shop, he started to send orders to people in Bai County. The county seat was the focus, the people who were following them were found out, and the matter was solved!

When the people from the Eagle Food Gang saw that Master Xiao Feng was starting to make plans, they didn't dare to delay, so they hurriedly sent someone back to report to Luo Ying.

Luo Ying laughed when he heard this: "I'm quite capable, but it's a pity that he wants to surround me, Luo Ying. This ability is not enough!"

Then he ordered: "No need to wait, just go and arrest the Fei family."

"Caught?" The people from the Yingshi Gang were shocked: "Master Ying, do you really want to arrest him? Isn't this just trying to scare the snake?"

Luo Ying: "What we want is to alert the snake... If the Fei family is really meticulous, then they are extremely good at pretending and hiding. We have to break their defenses and make them think that Saburo's investigation of them is completely over, and then we can continue." Follow them back to the Northeast and touch their base."


"I'm afraid it will take a year or two." People from the Eagle Food Gang reminded.

Luo Ying said: "One or two years is nothing. Some people can hide it for more than ten or twenty years. Don't be nagging and just go and do it."

Wu Jun's secret work in Beicang Mansion has been hidden for generations, and he promised Qin Er that if Brother Mu is still alive, he will take care of him for the rest of his life. Now he is just helping Brother Mu keep an eye on a group of people for a few years. What's the big deal?

Luo Ying personally took people to kidnap his family members.

Bai County is located in Daliang Prefecture, and it is still a territory in the northwest. The Eagle Food Gang has people here. Luo Ying and others stayed in Bai County for a few more days and have already figured out the place clearly. Therefore, it does not take much effort. In broad daylight, They tied up four members of the Fei family.

Master Xiao Feng was shocked and scolded the people in the carriage and horse shop angrily: "I just went out and you lost me. You were also taken away from your carriage and horse shop, which made the Feng family lose a lot of face. It's so embarrassing." It was accumulated by the Feng family for several generations, and if it is gone like this, who will dare to let us go as escorts in the future?!"

The people in the horse and carriage shop were so scolded that they couldn't hold their heads up, but: "That group of people were really powerful and barbaric. They were like bandits coming into a house. They were unreasonable at all. After climbing over the wall, they spread poison and poisoned us." After they are all stunned by the poison, they will be kidnapped directly."

They were revived by the medicine given by Master Xiao Feng who came back.

After hearing this, Master Xiaofeng became even more angry, but now was not the time to be angry. He ordered them: "Search, search the entire carriage and horse shop, especially the residence of Fei's family and the place where they were kidnapped. Search carefully." Once again, if the other party doesn’t want to make things worse, they will definitely leave a letter.”

"Yes." The people from the Fengjia Escort Agency immediately went to search.

They actually found a few crooked words: personal grudge, a beating, and will be sent back.


The people from the Fengjia Escort Agency looked at this letter with the handwriting deliberately concealed, and their faces were black and blue... You should wait until we finish sending the escorts before taking action against your personal grudges. Isn't arresting people at this time intentional to ruin the reputation of our Fengjia Escort Agency? !

However, the Fei family were relatives of the Qin and Gu families, so they had to save them.

Master Xiaofeng said: "Immediately go to the two counties before and after to call for people."

He himself took the Feng family's token and went to the Bai County Division of Soldiers to borrow troops. In short, he had to rescue the Fei family!

And their actions all fell into the eyes of the Eagle Food Gang, so they went back and told Luo Ying.

Luo Ying smiled: "Borrowing troops? This boss has been a general. It's different. If the escort is lost, he can still borrow troops to help."

But he was not afraid at all. With a wave of his hand and two snaps, he hit the Fei family with the iron whip in his hand: "Tell me, where are you from, Dayong or Dongqing?!"

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