"Ahhhhhh! Spare your life, dear man, spare your life, we are not craftsmen, we are honest diggers!" The Fei family screamed, shouting that they were wronged, and moved out of the Qin family and the Gu family.

"We are relatives of Qin Qianhu, the leader of Duchonggou, Liang Wei, the great hero who killed the generals of the royal clan! His wife Gu's grandmother is a girl from our old Fei family!"

"The son of the Gu family, the one named Gu Jinan is still a prostitute. He was granted a marriage by the emperor and married the granddaughter of the Ouyang family. Gu Jinan is still working for the emperor and sees the emperor every day... You, please let us go quickly, otherwise The Emperor will never let you go!"

It was okay for the Fei family not to mention the emperor, but they were beaten even more severely when they mentioned the emperor.

Bang bang bang!

The iron whip kept hitting the Fei family, and a piece of flesh on Fei Jiawang's body was hooked off, causing him to scream: "Dad, help me, my son's flesh has fallen off!"

Fei Da Shen cursed: "Get out of here, your father and I have also had our flesh knocked off, woo woo woo!"

It was so painful that I cried loudly.

Luo Ying saw him and slapped him twice: "A man, he just lost two pieces of meat, is it worth crying?"

Then he asked angrily: "Tell me, where are you craftsmen? Not to mention that I have kidnapped four of your ancestors and grandsons, so that you can never have any heirs!"

"What? Gated? You can't be groomed. I'm not married yet. If I'm groomed, I can't marry Meihua from the village!" Fei Jiawang cried loudly and begged for mercy, fearing that he would be groomed.

Luo Ying said: "If you don't want to be cheated, just confess honestly. Where are you from?"

Fei Dacan asked: "Will you let us go if we recruit you?"

Ma San said: "Our master is a real man, and we always keep our word. As long as you recruit honestly, you will naturally not be cheated."

After hearing this, Fei Da Shen hurriedly said: "Then let's recruit. We are Dong Qing's craftsmen. It's done. Can you let us go?!"

Luo Ying sneered: "It seems that you are drinking wine as a penalty instead of eating the toast."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Wu came and said with a smile: "Sir, we dug up the ant nests. There are five whole nests with countless ants in them. We also took out a honeycomb and got a jar of honey."

Luo Ying was very satisfied and said: "Not bad, go and greet them."

"Yes!" Ma Wu immediately led people to take off the clothes of the Fei family, which scared the Fei family and screamed: "What are you going to do? Stop, stop quickly, you can't use ants to bite us, those mountain ants bite us People are the most poisonous!"

Ma Wu smiled: "Look at what you said, you are so disrespectful. How can we apply honey on you and then let ants bite you? We have to dig a hole first before pouring honey in and letting the ants bite you."

The first half of the sentence made Fei's family very happy, but the second half of the sentence made Fei's family almost ascend to heaven, crying: "Spare our lives, uncle, we have already been recruited, why are you still trying to kill us? Are you not satisfied with Dongqing?" Then we are the work of thieves, right?"

After another two slaps, Luo Ying said: "You are addicted to playing tricks on me. Come on, I will dig a hole for you and fill it with ants."

"No, no!" the Fei family shouted, but Ma Wu had already ordered: "Go ahead, dig a hole, dig deeper, so that the ants can bite through the last layer of flesh and get into their bodies. Make a nest.”

Make a nest!

Do you think this is human language? It is simply animal language.

"Don't worry, Fifth Master, our brothers are very good at their craftsmanship. Once they're properly taken care of," the people from the Eagle Food Gang said and started to use their knives.

The craftsmanship is really good. With one cut and then a cut, a piece of flesh was dug out, forming a bloody hole.

"Ahhh!" The Fei family screamed and cursed in their hearts. Damn it, you are still rubbing salt on the knife. It hurts us to death.

The people of the Eagle Food Gang continued to dig holes, one after another. The Fei family counted them silently. At least five holes were dug in each person.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, that's enough, stop digging, let's recruit. We are Rong thieves and Dongqing Xizuo...ah!" Fei Jiawang cried and screamed, the pain was unbearable.

Old Man Fei was smarter and secretly poked himself in the lower back to make himself faint from the pain.

When Luo Ying saw someone fainting, he asked his men to stop digging holes: "Pour honey and add ants."

"Yes!" The people from the Eagle Food Gang began to pour honey on the four people, and then smashed the ant nest. The ants came out in large numbers, looking for the sweetness of honey, and crawled on the four Fei family members.

The Fei family were blindfolded and could only feel countless ants crawling around on their bodies. This fear of not being able to see but relying on touch made them collapse and shout: "Ahhhh!"

Mountain ants also have very powerful tooth pincers. While eating honey, they bite their flesh, causing them pain and itching.

This was a torturous torture, and this torture was extremely long. I don’t know how long it took. It might have been a day and a night, or it might have been two days and two nights. In short, Fei’s family was tortured until they fainted and woke up, but the torture still didn’t stop. .

The scary thing is that in addition to the ant torture, Fei Dacan and Fei Jiawang were also tortured with water. Pieces of paper soaked in water were placed over their mouths and noses, causing them to suffocate several times.

Fei Jiafu was also in a miserable condition. Two bloody holes were dug out on the soles of his feet. Whenever he dozed off, he would light a candle and burn it in the holes on the soles of his feet.

It was the burning that made Fei Jiafu miserable. He couldn't sleep and his brain was dizzy. He almost couldn't resist and told the truth. However, they were all specially trained by the Fei family's uncle and grandpa, and they gritted their teeth and endured these tortures. .

In another room, Ma Wu said to Luo Ying: "Master Ying, it's been three days, but is it enough?"

Then he reminded him: "If it's too late, a large number of people from the Fengjia Escort Agency will arrive in Bai County. Although we can escape by then, we will be afraid that our identity will be exposed."

In order to regain face, the Fengjia Escort Bureau moved in a lot of reinforcements. Almost everyone from Daliang Mansion and Beicang Mansion were dispatched.

Fengqi and hundreds of households from the Bai County Military Station were searching the city aggressively. They also used the Feng family's tokens to invite the military commanders from Changshan County and Zhen County next door, vowing to block the roads in front and behind them and kill them. Caught.

Luo Ying, who was tending his eagle, laughed after hearing this: "It's just a trivial matter. This Feng Qi is too aggressive. Do you think he would make such a big deal if he couldn't catch us? Will Feng Hong be mad at him?" "

Feng Hong is the head of the Feng family, he is about the same age as him, and the two of them know each other, but Feng Hong has always been defeated by him, and Feng Hong advocates moderation and does not like his arrogant style of doing things.

Ma Wudao: "I should be very angry."

Luo Ying smiled: "Then let's be good people and don't let Feng Hongying die young... The punishment has stopped, but we have to lock them up for another night and tell them the truth tomorrow."

They kidnapped their family members not to force them to find out whether they were really cheating... The hidden cheats had gone through various trainings, and you couldn't find out with just a few punishments.

This is just part of the plan.

"Yes." Ma Wu took the order and went to do it.

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