A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2251 We still have tricks

"Our men from Qianshan County are really brave. They are not afraid of the local snakes in Mingfeng County at all, nor do they believe in the ghosts and gods they say. Wearing the armor given by the emperor, carrying a sword, he led people to charge to Mingfeng Mountain and destroy the mountain. The strange and powerful Zhuangzi was destroyed, the two so-called immortals were arrested, and many good girls were rescued who were deceived and kidnapped into the mountains...I heard that there were even good-looking young men!"

Everyone exclaimed when they heard this: "Oh, you are so unconscionable. How many girls and husbands have been harmed by this!"

"Oh, it has caused a lot of harm. Those girls and the husband's family are all short-minded. They believe in the two immortals and send their children to the mountains to serve the immortals and then bring them back after three years. That's good. Who brought immortality and blessings to the family, how could you know that those two are fake immortals and real beasts? The villa is a prostitution den, and those girls and husbands are dragged to pick up guests as soon as they arrive at the villa!"

"What a beast! A good girl and husband are being ruined like this. How dare they?!"

"Why don't you dare? I heard that there was someone behind him. When the man from Qianshan County broke into the villa, he was blocked on the mountain by hundreds of masked men who said they wanted to kill him."

"What, this is still happening? What happened next? Changzi, please tell me."

Shi Chang continued: "The man from Qianshan County was not afraid at all. He led his people to guard the villa and told them that if he lived, it would be fine. If he died, the court would not give up and would definitely send troops to encircle and suppress them. When the time comes, they would die. The one who is going to die is not themselves, but all three clans!"

"And tell them what the three tribes are, that is, all the relatives your whole family knows must be killed."

"Those people were paid to do things, and their faces were covered. They obviously didn't want to die. They just wanted to get rid of this matter quickly. Seeing that the Qianshan County man was so unafraid of death, he looked like he wished they would kill him. , he looks like he's trying to make things worse, he's just afraid, so he only surrounds but doesn't kill."

"After siege for a day and a night, Mou Qianhu came back with reinforcements, killed half of the hundreds of people, captured half alive, and then went to arrest the magistrate of Mingfeng County and the two richest families in the county. The matter is now considered temporary.”

After hearing this, the people present high-fived and applauded: "Good catch, good catch! These beasts that are causing harm to people should be chopped up alive!"

Then he said: "Changzi, this group of people can commit such a big evil, even daring to harm girls and young men from other wealthy families in the county. I'm afraid they have some big backers, right? Can that backer be caught?"

Shi Chang said: "There must be a big backer, and the backer must be able to catch it... The man from Qianshan County said that if the cancer in Mingfeng County is not uprooted, he will die to apologize!"

Shi Chang was very excited, clapped his hands and said: "Listen, listen to what our Qianshan County man said. In order to give our people justice, we will even risk our lives."

Everyone was very excited when they heard it, and some even shed tears: "The man from Qianshan County is really a good person. When he comes to us, my house and land may be back, and I won't have to work as a coolie in the city."

Shi Chang said again: "Don't worry, the emperor has said that the man from Qianshan County will patrol all parts of Dachu on his behalf to help us redress our grievances. Our good days are coming."

After hearing this, everyone praised the Emperor again. Those who needed justice knelt on the ground and kowtowed towards the capital: "Long live the Emperor. Thank you, Your Majesty, for remembering us!"

Ha, Luo Ying sneered with disdain... Remember you? If he hadn't seen that Da Chu was almost dead and urgently needed to win over the people, would Emperor Jing Yuan have remembered who you are? !

However, the old thief Zhong Huan is still quite capable. He just helped Emperor Jing Yuan win back so many people's hearts by bringing out a distinguished person from a poor family.


"What a dream it would be for a noble man from a humble family to turn the tide!"

Ma San said hurriedly: "Sir, it's almost noon and the sun is scorching. Let's go home quickly."

Lord Ying, please take it easy. We are running for our lives now. If we speak ill of the emperor so loudly, we will be caught and beheaded.

That Shi Chang was obviously not an ordinary citizen, but a handyman in the government office... Emperor Jingyuan ordered that what Lu Bai had done should be spread to various places as quickly as possible.

After arriving in various places, the local government had to send people to spread the word widely, and Shi Chang was one of the people who spread the word.

Luo Ying disliked Emperor Jingyuan very much and was too lazy to listen to the people praising him. He put away his fan with a bang and flew the flowers in his hand into the aunt's basket. After making the aunt blush like a cloud, he led his troops towards Another house wandered away.

Feng Qi lost a lot of face and refused to give up. He searched the county town for two days, but couldn't find even a hair. His eyes were red with anger: "Those thieves must be hiding in private houses. Lao Wan, I have to go into private houses again." Search!"

Wanbaihu was a bit embarrassed: "We have already searched once, and searching again would be too much."

The Feng family has great reputation, and he is willing to help the Feng family, but he always has to worry about the county magistrate.


"The Fei family themselves said that they were arrested because of a personal grudge. Now that the grudge is over, let's forget about it."

Feng Qi: "I know it's difficult for you to deal with, but it concerns the face and reputation of the Fengjia Escort Agency. If the escort is robbed, and you don't even know who the other party is, what credibility will the Fengjia Escort Agency have in the future?!"

In short, we want to find out those thieves.

In the end, it was the escort chiefs from Changshan County and Zhen County who persuaded him: "Send the escort to the northeast first. Leave the affairs here to us. Don't stay any longer... It's such a big fuss. If the escort makes another mistake, I'm afraid Even your master will suffer."

Fengqi also knew that this matter could not be caused any more, so he could only take Fei's family back to the Northeast.

Luo Ying was very arrogant and took Feng Qi out of the city together on the day of departure. The people from the Feng Family Escort Bureau didn't notice him and thought he was just a passing businessman.

After Luo Ying's mule cart had gone away, he looked back at Feng Qi and the others, and said with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, what kind of disciple did Chief Feng choose? Quickly expel him from the school, otherwise he will disgrace me in the future."

Ma Wudao: "Sir, please stop making sarcastic remarks. Fengqi's fate is all because of you. Besides, he is quite capable."

He just met Lord Ying and was fooled around.

Luo Ying said politely: "Okay, I won't talk anymore, let's go."

"Yes." Ma Wu led the convoy and ran for two hours to a village, where a group of people from the Eagle Food Gang were waiting.

Luo Ying is a cunning rabbit who never lets everyone follow him. Instead, he divides his troops and lets the brothers go on separate journeys with different identities.

"Master Ying, you are finally here." Wei Changping and Wei Changwu learned that Luo Ying had arrived and hurried out to greet him.

After not seeing Ma San, Wei Changwu asked again: "Master Ying, why don't you see Ma San?"

Luo Ying: "He has taken people to do other things. If he doesn't come with us, he will go back to the mountain by himself."

Wei Changwu wanted to ask, what did Ma San do? But he remembered the second master's explanation and did not dare to ask more questions, lest he angered Luo Ying and they would be thrown on the road and unable to go to the Eagle Food Gang.

Luo Ying had always been concerned about Qin Sanlang's affairs, so he sent Ma San and others to follow him personally to Jiqing Mansion in the northeast, in order to find out the details of the Fei family.

This time, Ma San and the others followed very carefully and did not deliberately show any traces like last time. The Fei family breathed a sigh of relief when they did not notice anyone following them again.

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