A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2252 Green Horse King

But Fei Dacan was still worried. When he was resting at night, he used branches to write on the ground in the house: We cannot take it lightly. If this is a ploy to let us put down our guard, if we relax because of this, we will fall into the trap and it will cause serious problems. Son!

After reading it, Fei Jiafu wrote: No way, I have tried it twice, and I still want to continue to follow. Do you want to follow us back to Dahushan Village?

Fei Dacan wrote: It is extremely possible.

Old Man Fei tapped his fingers twice to show his approval. He was also afraid that the people from the Fengjia Escort Agency were watching them, so he deliberately complained: "We are injured people, why do we only eat multi-grain steamed buns and lean meat?" Porridge? I won’t even give you any eggs or chicken, it’s so stingy!”

Fei Jiawang responded: "Grandpa is right, we have to take advantage of our injuries to order more delicious food, we can't lose money!"

After finishing speaking, he wrote: No matter whether they are following us again or not, we must send the letter to the Green Horse King as soon as possible. If it is too late, it may be too late.

Tian Khan has already cleaned up the Rong territory. After the Witch God Festival in September, he will lead the great wizards and warriors from various tribes to attack Chu again. He will definitely devour the great Chu in one go and turn the great Chu into the garden of the great Rong. Let the people of Chu become slaves who serve them, and let the Great Rong prosper forever!

However, Qingma County and Huyang County were the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Although they were taken away by the army for many years, the Qingma Kings of the past generations, including the survivors of the two counties, all remembered that they had the same roots as the Great Chu. Especially this generation of Qingma King, he was A true Chu man.

He already knew what would happen to the Chu people once Da Chu was breached. After being entangled and heartbroken, he wanted to help, and the only people who could make him completely determined to help were the descendants of the Fei family.

Time was tight, so they had to deliver the letter as quickly as possible.

But they couldn't tell if they were being followed, so they didn't dare to act rashly... After all, Qingma County and Huyang County were occupied by the Rong, and their current status was that they were real thieves!

Fei Jiawang wrote: Dad, what should I do?

Fei Dacan was the most powerful among them. He thought about it and wrote: Wait and see, if I meet a Dongqing businessman, the letter can be sent!

The Qingma King contacted Da Chu by taking the route from Da Rong through Dongqing and then from Dongqing into the Northeast, so there were some of their people among the Dongqing merchants.

Fei Jiawang wrote: Yes.

After finishing writing, he erased the words and started shouting again: "Is there anyone here? Come quickly, we are not full, please give me some more bowls of meat!!"

The people from the Fengjia Escort Bureau were so noisy by them that they brought them a plate of multi-grain steamed buns and several bowls of lean meat and cauliflower soup.

Seeing this, the Fei family quit and shouted at the top of their lungs: "It's multi-grain steamed buns and lean meat soup again. I'm not willing to give the whole meat and add most of the vegetables. Are you so stingy? Your Fengjia Escort Agency is so poor. Really? If it doesn’t work out, let’s just pay for the meal. We are rich people now!”

I got three thousand taels of silver.

No one in the Fengjia Escort Bureau wanted to pay attention to them, but for the sake of the Qin and Gu families, they could only say: "It's not that I can't bear to feed you, but you are injured and need to eat something light to take care of yourself until you recover." Eat big fish and big meat, otherwise the wound will fester if you overdo it, and your life will be at risk."

"Hey, who are you cursing!" The Fei family was very angry, but after hearing the explanation, they did not call out anymore, collected the things, and reminded: "Go back and tell Master Xiao Feng that he will give us fish and meat when we are well. Eat until you are full, otherwise we will write a letter to your cousin, niece and son-in-law to complain!"

"I know, I know, you go to bed early. You have to be on your way at midnight tomorrow, so as not to be unable to get up tomorrow and delay everyone's schedule." The escort was afraid of them, so he ran away quickly after saying this.

The Fei family was still not convinced and shouted a few words from behind before giving up.

In the days that followed, while the Fei family was recovering from their injuries and traveling, they were paying attention to whether they were being followed, and thinking about how to send the letter quietly.

Ma San followed with others. I don't know if the Fei family was too powerful or if they had been following people for a long time, but they were exposed. In short, Fei Da Shen discovered their traces.

Fei Dacan was shocked and angry. When he was resting at night, he wrote and cursed: Damn, I was still followed. Who is Qin Sanlang? How could he hire such a capable person? He hasn't given up following us for several months, and he is afraid that he will really follow us back to Dahushan Village.

The rest of the Fei family were also shocked, this was too difficult to deal with.

Fei Jiawang asked: What should we do now?

Fei Da Shen: What else can I do? I can only let them follow, continue to act, and then find a way to send the news out.

He is the leader, and everyone in the Fei family listens to him.

Ma San also seemed to realize that the Fei family had discovered that they were following them, so he became more and more careful. In order to erase the traces, he could only extend the tracking distance to avoid following too close and the traces would become more obvious.

But once the distance is extended, there will be mistakes in tracking.

When they entered Northeast China, the Fei family finally found an opportunity and took advantage of the ginseng sales to get the news out.

The Fei family is a ginseng digger and knows a lot of medicinal materials. Along the way, they asked people from the Fengjia Escort Bureau to help find medicinal materials to sell. After selling them all the way, Ma San and the others got used to it, so they didn't become suspicious.

Therefore, the people in Masan did not find out that Fei's family was selling ginseng and sent the news away.

Afterwards, they checked which pharmacy sold ginseng, but found nothing. The Fei family continued on their way, so they had no choice but to follow.

I followed him all the way to Dahushan Village, Shanmang County, Jiqing Prefecture, but found nothing strange.

The Fei family came back from looking for relatives. After showing off what kind of general their relative was, they set up a banquet and treated the village elders to a fine meal. They also went to Meihua's house at the head of the village to propose marriage, saying that they wanted to marry Meihua.

But Meihua fell in love with the young master from the county, and the uncooked rice turned into porridge. The marriage failed. The Fei family scolded Meihua's family for several days, and then prepared things for the winter.

But these are all things that happened a few months later, and Luo Ying and the others still don’t know.

After Luo Ying left Bai County, he led his troops to the Eagle Food Gang's home base.

He had been away from home for a year and was eager to return home. He led his people on a long journey, but it was not until half past September that he returned to the mountains and saw his wife and children.

Little Luo You is three years old and is sitting in the yard wearing a brand new cotton coat, looking up at the sky in a daze.

Cousin Yu is sitting in the house, making her own enlightenment books, large calligraphy books and other things. Once they are completed, she will give them to her son to practice calligraphy.

I was worried about my son, so I would poke my head out of the house from time to time, look at little Luo You, and talk to him: "Brother You, you can't sit still all the time. You have to get up and run to keep your body warm."

It's different on the mountain than down there. It's already very cold on the mountain in September and a half.

"Oh." Xiao Luoyou responded, and stood up obediently, running in circles in the yard with his short legs.

But every time I run a lap, I look up at the sky.

Cousin Yu saw it and smiled and said: "Don't look at it, be careful not to fall. Your father just asked the letter eagle to deliver the letter two days ago. The letter will not come so soon."

But little Luo You missed his father, so he asked cousin Yu: "Mom, has dad forgotten us?"

The voice sounded like a baby's, and also a little aggrieved.

Cousin Yu was very distressed, but she still smiled and said: "Nonsense, your father loves us mother and son the most. How could he forget us? He will definitely remember us. Brother You, don't be sad."

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