Luo Ying felt very sad when he heard this. He, who was always arrogant, had tears in his eyes.

Originally, I wanted to rush out and hug my son, but I was afraid that my son, whom I hadn’t seen for a year, would scare him if he suddenly appeared. Seeing that he really wanted to see the trust eagle, I immediately released the trust eagle.


When little Luo You heard the hawk's cry, he was overjoyed. He quickly raised his head to look for the eagle. After finding it, he ran after the eagle: "Mom, the eagle is here. It must be daddy who has sent a message back again."

Cousin Yu was also very excited when she saw Xin Ying. She quickly put down her things and ran out. As she ran, she told her son: "Brother You, stay away from Xin Ying. Don't get too close, or it will hurt you!"

Eagles are birds of prey, and Brother You didn't have any protection on his body. If he was caught, the consequences would be disastrous.

Then they quickly called to the people who were protecting them in secret: "Aqian, Sunniang, come out quickly, an eagle is coming."

The person guarding them did not appear after receiving the explanation. Instead, Luo Ying came out, leaping up and raising his elbows to greet the swooping Xin Ying.

Xiao Luo You was confused. He felt that this scene was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. However, he was very excited and shouted: "Ahhhh!"

Luo Ying smiled. After catching the Xinying, he spun around in the air and landed firmly on the ground with a bang. It was so cool that even little Luo You was stunned.

Luo Ying was afraid that she was too tall and her son was too short, so she would not be able to see him clearly against the light, so she knelt down on one knee and stretched out her hand towards her son: "Brother You, do you still remember me?"

"Ah, daddy, it's daddy!" Little Luo You ran towards Luo Ying, bumped into his arms, and cried: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, it's daddy who is back. Brother You recognizes daddy."

Luo Ying was stunned when she heard this, and was very curious about how this little kid still remembered her. When she saw her daughter-in-law coming over and looking at him with red eyes, her heart ached. She wanted to push her son away to hug her, but Cousin Yu waved her hand to stop her. .

Over the past year, Brother You has been asking almost every day when his father will come back. Now that he has finally come back, he has to let Luo Ying hug him first.

Luo Ying understood, put down the trust eagle, took his son into his arms, patted and comforted him gently: "Brother You doesn't cry, it's because of daddy that he didn't come home after being away for so long."

It was okay if he didn't comfort him, but when he comforted Xiao Luoyou, he cried even harder: "Wow, wow, wow!"

Luo Ying was so frightened that she hurriedly asked: "Brother You, have you been bullied? Don't cry, don't cry, tell daddy who made you angry? Dad must go and tear up his whole family!"

Cousin Yu laughed when she heard this. This is the Eagle Food Gang. Before he left, he left Master Gui in charge. How could anyone dare to bully their mother and son?

The child just hadn't seen him for a year. He felt aggrieved and suddenly met him, so he couldn't hold back and burst into tears.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Little Luo You was still crying, but fortunately his crying was getting quieter. After a while, he stopped crying and hugged Luo Ying and said, "Daddy is back. I am so happy. I don't want to cry."

He wiped a handful of tears with his hand, frowned at the tears falling in his hand, and explained to Luo Ying: "It fell by itself."

One sentence made Luo Ying almost cry. She hugged him and said, "It's dad's fault. Don't be sad. Daddy will go out less often and watch over Brother You and your mother every day."

Little Luo You was very happy. He lay in Luo Ying's arms and nodded his head: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm happy to see daddy every day!"

Luo Ying laughed when he heard this, but said, "Brother You, come down first. Daddy will hug you later."

Little Luo You didn't want to come down, for fear that his father would come again, but he was taught well by cousin Yu and was an obedient child. He nodded and said, "Okay."

"You're so good." Luo Ying praised him, put him down, turned around and walked quickly towards his wife, hugging her into his arms: "Jiaojiao, did you miss me?"

Without waiting for Cousin Yu's answer, he held her face again and kissed her deeply, leaving little Luo You stunned for a moment. After remembering that this seemed to be a game that his parents liked to play, he stood on tiptoes, He raised his hand and pulled Luo Ying's belt, and said enthusiastically: "Dad, I want to play kissing too!"

Luo Ying smiled: "Go and play with your wife from now on. She is my wife, you can only kiss me."

Cousin Yu blushed at what he said. She pushed him and said, "Let me go quickly. The child is old. Don't do this in front of him again. He will remember it. How embarrassing~"

How could Luo Ying listen? He hugged her tightly and said, "Jiaojiao, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I keep running around like a wild eagle. Don't worry, I will definitely stop running around in the future and be at home with you every day."

Cousin Yu smiled: "You are saying this again. When I married you, I knew you wouldn't be able to be at home all the time. I was prepared. There is no need to say these guilty words... There is no need to say these things between us."

They have experienced so many things, and it is no longer a relationship between lovers, but a relationship that allows each other to commit their lives.

After hearing this, Luo Ying finally couldn't help but shed tears, which scared cousin Yu. She quickly wiped his tears: "A manly man, if you cry in front of your son, you will be laughed at by him in the future. Stop crying."

"Am I still afraid that he will laugh? His achievements in this life may be more than mine, but he will definitely not be able to marry a first-class wife like me!" Luo Ying said, lifting Cousin Yu horizontally and heading towards her. Go inside.

Little Luo You followed him like a follower, wondering why he suddenly fell out of favor.

In order not to let his father forget him, he shouted from behind: "Daddy, Daddy."

Fortunately, his father still remembered him. After carrying his mother back to the house and sitting down on the kang, he reached out and hugged him to the kang, and asked him: "Dad hasn't been back for so long. How did you remember your father?"

After hearing this, Brother You ran off the kang, went to the box and took out a stack of portraits, pointed at them and said: "Daddy looks normal, looks like he has a beard, looks like he is laughing, looks like he is angry, looks like he is wearing armor ... They were all painted by my mother. She said that if Brother You looks at the portraits every day, he will never forget his father."


Luo Ying was so moved that she picked up Brother You and walked outside the house, shouting: "Come here, take Brother You to play."

Then he said to his son: "Daddy has something important to tell your mother. You can't listen to children. Go and play first. Daddy will grill you a barbecue tonight."

Little Luo You was an obedient child. He nodded in agreement, but then asked worriedly: "Will daddy still leave?"

Luo Ying touched his little head and said with a smile: "No, daddy will be at home with you this year."

However, he said this too early. At the end of this year, many major events happened, which prevented everyone from having a good New Year.

"Okay!" Xiao Luoyou was very happy, waved his little hand to his father, and followed the servants away.

When Luo Ying saw that her son was gone, she immediately returned to the house and couldn't wait to kiss her daughter-in-law.

A breakup was better than a wedding, and the trouble was too much. By the time Xiao Luoyou could eat barbecue, it was already midnight and he was dug out of the bed by his old father.

Luo Ying said: "A manly man, you must keep your word. Daddy said I will give you barbecue tonight and I will definitely do it."

"Ah~" Xiao Luo You was so sleepy that he yawned and snuggled against Cousin Yu: "Mom, what did daddy tell you? You even fell asleep after talking."

One sentence made Cousin Yu almost want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in and glare at Luo Ying.

Luo Ying was afraid that his son would tire his wife, so she hugged her son and stuffed a piece of barbecue into his mouth: "Eat more meat and talk less."

In order not to embarrass her daughter-in-law, Luo Ying changed her subject again and talked about the Northeast: "Wei Xiaoer is becoming more and more eager for success, but Wei Qi... I didn't expect that a humble person back then was actually good at dancing. , there are many capable people with lofty ideals gathered around me.”

Wei Qi is Wei Er's uncle. Because he is the second son, he cannot inherit the title of Duke Wei. He has been studying since he was a child and plans to become a civil servant. In the eyes of everyone, he is an honest man who only knows how to drop books.

But when she saw him this time, Luo Ying was shocked. She felt that they were blind back then and thought that Wei Qi was incompetent, even a little too honest and useless, and needed the support of his father and brother.

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