A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2263: Being attentive

"Thank you, it's just a trivial matter." Xiao Chengju didn't waste any time and asked Miss Tan and Mrs. Tan to get into the carriage: "I'll drive you in the carriage and you'll be there soon."

But Tan Xiaoxiang refused: "Little brother, we have a driver, you just ride a horse and lead the way for us."

Xiao Chengju frowned and touched his face again. Could it be that he wasn't handsome and attractive enough?

But he quickly agreed: "Okay, then I will ride on horseback to lead the way for you."

"Hey, thank you little brother." Tan Xiaoxiang was very happy, went to find someone to drive, and followed Xiao Chengju to the guard station.

After waiting behind the gate of the health center, Xiao Chengju raised his voice and said: "Mr. Wu Qi, inside is Mrs. Tan from Yonglin Guard. She is sick and needs to go in to see a doctor from our health center for treatment."

Dr. Dai and others would also treat outsiders, but Mr. Wu did not stop him. He only asked according to the rules: "What disease is it? Is it contagious? If there is a possibility of contagion, you can only wait outside."

Is it contagious?

Xiao Chengju really didn't know, so he could only ask towards the carriage: "Miss Tan, what disease does Aunt Tan have? Has a doctor said it can be contagious?"

Tan Xiaoxiang held Mrs. Tan's hand tightly and said truthfully: "My mother has always been weak and gets sick when she is tired. This time it was caused by lung fever in the summer. After a month of treatment, she was cured, but my mother felt that My breathing was not smooth, and in autumn, I started coughing again. Now I have to cough every time I say a few words... I went to see a doctor, and many doctors said I was fine. However, someone in the health center spread gossip, saying Maybe it’s tuberculosis.”

"Tuberculosis?!" Xiao Chengju was shocked. No wonder Miss Tan wouldn't let him drive. She deliberately took a few steps back when talking to him. She thought she was shy. Was she afraid of infecting him?

He still had some beauty in his heart and felt that Miss Tan cared about him quite a bit.

But he quickly grasped the point and asked: "Who spread the gossip, Mrs. Xiao?"

Tan Xiaoxiang said: "There is no evidence."

But after the rumors of tuberculosis came out, my mother made up her mind to marry her to Xiao Liang.

At that time, Tan Xiaoxiang felt that Mrs. Xiao had deliberately spread the word about tuberculosis, but her father was often not at home, and her mother, in order to keep the home safe, did not allow her to make random guesses. Saying that there was no evidence was an injustice. This was an injustice to a lady from a hundred households, but she would Let the guard camp roar!

The situation in Yingxiao was so big that no one could bear it. Tan Xiaoxiang could only endure it, thinking about asking a famous doctor to cure her mother's illness, and then investigate the rumors.

Then he said: "Little brother, I'm sorry, I'm not..."

Xiao Chengju smiled: "It's just a rumor. It's not what the doctor said. It's not accurate. You don't need to apologize."

Wu Zongqi had heard this and frowned: "Although it is a rumor, for the safety of the guardhouse, Mrs. Tan and her daughter must wait in the carriage. I will send someone to invite Doctor Dai and Doctor Mutong out."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Wu!" Xiao Chengju was very happy and saluted Mr. Wu, which made Mr. Wu narrow his eyes and looked at him and asked: "Young Master Xiao, are you okay?"

Xiao Chengju laughed and said: "It's okay, this is not the same as usual."

Mr. Wu: "..."

That's bullshit, you're not usually so kind.

However, he didn't say much, just because Xiao Cheng spoke venomously, and he didn't want to bring trouble on himself, so he ordered his soldiers: "Sanyang, go find the doctor, remember to explain the matter clearly, and ask Doctor Dai and others to take precautions before coming out."

"Yes." Sanyang rode on horseback to call someone.

Xiao Chengju was afraid that the Tan family would be anxious about waiting, so he talked to them: "Miss Tan, Aunt Tan, you don't have to worry. All the doctors in our health center are miracle doctors. They can treat even a broken leg, let alone a minor cough." Sew it on!”

This was not his bragging, it was his cousin who said that if he had all the tools, he could really reattach the broken leg and hand... Doctor Dai and Uncle Mutong still believed it, saying that when there was a war, if there were soldiers If your hands and feet are cut off, just try to sew them up. Anyway, it’s a dead horse being used as a living horse doctor. It doesn’t matter if it works or not, there’s no burden.

Xiao Chengju spoke a lot of words and told a lot of interesting things to the Tan mother and daughter. Mr. Wu looked at him sideways and was very sure that Xiao Chengju was crazy today.

"Doctor Dai and the others are here!" Sanyang rode out, followed by two mule carts, but it was not Doctor Dai who came to see the doctor, but Doctor Luo.

Sanyang said: "Our two young masters are still young. In order to prevent them from getting sick, we have to keep Doctor Dai and Doctor Mutong with them. Doctor Luo from Yuanzi Medicine is a man with superb medical skills and has also treated tuberculosis patients. So Doctor Dai said, let him see if he has tuberculosis first."

Wu Zongqi felt relieved when he heard this: "Doctor Dai and the others are very thoughtful. Please invite Dr. Luo quickly."

Not long after, Dr. Luo came over. He was covered with three layers of robes, covering his whole body. Only his eyes were exposed. He also had gloves on his hands. He said to the driver: "Drive the carriage ten meters away. Don’t leave people behind, keep it empty.”

"Hey." The officer driving the car immediately obeyed.

After everything was done, Dr. Luo lifted the car curtain, sat on the front panel of the car, and checked the pulse of Mrs. Tan in the car. He was happy when he saw the pulse, and said to the Tan mother and daughter: "It's not tuberculosis, it doesn't even look like a cough." disease."

Miss Tan was overjoyed when she heard this and said to Mrs. Tan: "Mom, did you hear that? It's not tuberculosis. It's really a rumor spread by people with ill intentions who want to harm our family!"

Mrs. Tan was also very happy, but she still asked uneasily: "Doctor, is it really not tuberculosis? You don't have to hide it, I have already been prepared."

Doctor Luo said: "Why are you lying to me? If it's not, it's not. Do you not believe me, or do you want to get tuberculosis?"

Mrs. Tan said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, it's just that I can't speak. I didn't mean that I couldn't trust you."

But when she got anxious, she started coughing again, covering her heart and touching her neck, looking quite uncomfortable.

Dr. Luo frowned and gave her a few injections. After she calmed down, Mrs. Tan felt better.

"Although it's not tuberculosis, your illness is strange... I don't think you have a cough caused by hot lungs and cold lungs, but you cough and have difficulty breathing. It's strange, it's really strange." Dr. Luo put down the car curtain and took off his clothes. Covered in robes, he called to Doctor Dai and the others: "Doctor Dai, Lao Wu, come here and have a look. Is this pulse okay?!"

When Dr. Dai saw that it was not tuberculosis, he came over relieved and checked Mrs. Tan's pulse. The three of them consulted together for half an hour, but they could not get any results.

"Weird, why is this happening?" Dr. Dai has treated countless people and has never seen such a strange disease: "The pulse is weak and there is no sign of cough, phlegm or wind evil entering the body. Why do I cough a few times?" Is it better after a month? There are still bloodshot eyes occasionally..."

It was precisely because there was blood in the saliva that Mrs. Tan coughed up that several relatives saw it, so there were rumors that Mrs. Tan had tuberculosis.

"Doctor Dai, why don't you let Mrs. Tan enter the health center and ask my cousin to take a look at her?" Xiao Chengju said: "My cousin has a quick mind, maybe she can know about some strange diseases."

He even said that he could sew up his hands and feet after cutting them off, and even cut open his stomach to sew his intestines. He knew that it was normal to know some strange diseases.

Doctor Dai nodded: "Yes, yes, my boss may know what kind of disease this is."

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