A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2264 Everyone is happy

Uncle Mu Tong also became curious and wanted to know what kind of disease Mrs. Tan had. He nodded and agreed: "Okay, you might as well go in and let the little boss have a look."

Seeing Mrs. Tan's face showing panic and defeat, she said: "Mrs. Tan, don't worry. Even if your disease is a strange disease, it is not a scary disease like tuberculosis. Don't worry."

"...Thank you, doctors, for bothering you." Mrs. Tan was very grateful.

Uncle Mu Tong nodded and said to the coachman: "You wait outside, and our guards will just send Mrs. Tan and her daughter in."

"Hey." The coachman knew the rules and was waiting outside the room honestly.

Mr. Wu had people bring him food and water, and he was very comfortable waiting.

Xiao Chengju became the new coachman and drove the Tan family's mother and daughter to the guardhouse, straight to the house where Gu Jinli lived.

Daqing had already informed Gu Jinli about the Tan family's affairs.

So when the Tan family arrived, Gu Jinli was already waiting with Qing Pu Qing Hui, Si Qing Wu Qing and others. When he saw someone coming, he pointed to a room outside the house and said, "Go inside."

This was a newly built pharmacy when she was pregnant, which stocked some medicinal materials used by pregnant women, parturient women, and children. Now it is in use again.

"Thank you, Mrs. Qin." Mrs. Tan had met Gu Jinli. In the past, she only thought she was a bit fierce. It can be seen that she wanted to see a doctor in person. She was very grateful. She said: "Mrs. Qin, it's okay if you don't see well. I won't I don’t blame you, I have no right to blame you, I just want to thank you for helping me.”

It would be great if Mrs. Qin could see a doctor for her. If she didn't, it would be her fate. There is no reason to blame others.

Gu Jinli nodded and said with a smile, "This is natural."

Doctors are not gods, and they cannot cure you of any disease with just one look.

Then he said: "Go to the bed and lie down. I will check you first."

"Hey." Mrs. Tan did as she was told.

Doctor Dai and the others were waiting outside.

Because she didn't know what the disease was, she had to check her whole body, which took a lot of time. However, Mrs. Tan was very obedient and did whatever Gu Jinli asked her to do.

Half an hour later, Gu Jinli opened the door and said to Doctor Dai and the others: "It's not a disease caused by the body, it's something that got into the trachea and was blocked by that thing."

This kind of thing is common, but it was rarely diagnosed in ancient times, but it is better to be diagnosed in modern times.

"Something is stuck in the trachea? No wonder the pulse is normal but the symptoms of coughing appear, and blood is coughed up." Doctor Luo suddenly realized, but: "What is stuck in the trachea? How can it be taken out?"

I'm afraid I can't get it.

But if it is not taken out, Mrs. Tan will die if she develops a high fever or if the thing completely blocks the trachea.

Gu Jinli: "It would be really difficult to take it out without tools."

After hearing this, Tan Xiaoxiang almost knelt down to Gu Jinli, but finally held back... Mrs. Qin was kind to them. If she knelt down to beg for treatment, it would be equivalent to coercion. Mrs. Qin had already helped them. If she forced others to rescue them again, , wouldn’t it mean repaying kindness with hatred?

So although she was anxious, she didn't say anything.

Gu Jinli became curious, looked at her and asked, "Why don't you say a few words?"

Tan Xiaoxiang was stunned and said: "Thank you, Mrs. Qin, for your help. Try your best to treat it. If it can't be cured, it's okay. If it's bad... our family will bear the burden and there will never be a single complaint."

Gu Jinli smiled: "You are quite sensible, but you are just too tolerant."

She had already heard about Yong Linwei. If she were her, she would probably have to slap Mrs. Xiao twice on the spot.

Xiao Chengju said: "Cousin, Miss Tan is from a girl's family, so it's better not to be too aggressive... For Aunt Tan's illness, I asked my cousin to help."

"What did you say?" Gu Jinli looked at Xiao Chengju, his eyes burning with gossip.

Aunt Tan?

You shouted very kindly and spoke for Miss Tan. Are you attracted to her?

Xiao Chengju pretended not to hear and just smiled and said: "My cousin and cousin-in-law often say that all the guards should unite in order to defeat the soldiers. Now that Yonglin Guard is in trouble, our chief Liang Guard should naturally lend a helping hand. "

Gu Jinli was shocked...Are you crazy? Why do you suddenly say such sensible things?

But now is not the time for gossip. She looked at Mrs. Tan and said: "I can only try to cure it. I don't dare to say whether it can be cured. Before the cure, Mrs. Tan has to sign a guarantee... It is about life, and it is empty words. Only by establishing evidence can I let go and cure the disease.”

Mrs. Tan naturally didn't hesitate and agreed: "This is what it should be. I will write it myself as proof."

"Refreshing!" Gu Jinli brought pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Mrs. Tan wrote a written statement, saying that the treatment was voluntary and all risks would be borne by the Tan family.

After Mrs. Tan finished writing, she signed and fingerprinted it herself, and asked Miss Tan to also sign and fingerprint it.

After looking at it, Gu Jinli put it away with satisfaction and said, "It's done, let's get started."

She told several doctors how to treat Mrs. Tan, which was to first insert an needle to dilate the trachea, and finally insert a resin tube to suck out the things: "This is the last resort. I have massaged Mrs. Tan before. Tried to flush the stuff out, but couldn't."

Doctor Luo asked: "What is the resin tube? Can you show me it?"

Can I use something I have never heard of?

And it goes down into the trachea. This won't kill people, right?

Gu Jinli opened her medicine box and took out the resin tube: "It's this kind of thing. It's a gel made of resin. However, the effect of the gel is not very good. It will soften in half a quarter of an hour when exposed to water and melt in a quarter of an hour. , so you have to be quick when sucking.”

Doctor Luo took it and looked at it, and sighed: "It looks ordinary, but I didn't expect it could be used to save people."

After that, put down the resin tube.

Gu Jinli picked up the resin tube, came to a wooden stake, and uncovered the cloth of the wooden stake... This wooden stake was human-shaped, had seven orifices, and was marked with acupoints and veins. It was for Si Qing and Wu Qing to learn medicine.

At this moment, she inserted the resin tube into the mouth of the human-shaped stake. After only twenty seconds, she immediately pulled it out. She went back and forth more than a dozen times before she found the feel. The resin tube successfully passed through one of the left chest of the human-shaped stake. A small hole emerged.

"Practice more and get the feeling back so that Mrs. Tan can suffer less." Gu Jinli said and continued to practice. After practicing a hundred times, he said: "Okay, give Mrs. Tan the drug and go to bed and lie down .”

Then he said to Uncle Mutong: "Uncle Mutong, you go out first."

"Hey." Uncle Mutong and Doctor Luo had already finished giving Mrs. Tan the injection, got up and went out, while Miss Tan was left behind.

After Mrs. Tan sniffed the drug, she fell asleep quickly.

Gu Jinli said to Miss Tan: "Let your mother sleep on her side. Hold her steady. She cannot move or fall down. She must stay lying on her side."

"Yes." Miss Tan suppressed the nervousness in her heart and did as Zhao Jinli said.

Gu Jinli then asked Qing Hui to loosen the bones in Mrs. Tan's back and front. After loosening her bones, he called Qing Pu: "Come here, I'm going to start inserting the resin tube."

"Yes." Qingpu hurried over to prepare.

Gu Jinli squatted half-crouched, aimed for a while, and then began to slowly insert the resin tube.

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