A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2265 Recovery and Cleaning Up

Tan Xiaoxiang looked on, terrified, fearing that the resin tube would hurt Mrs. Tan or break inside, killing Mrs. Tan directly.

Siqing noticed that Tan Xiaoxiang was trembling, and quickly pressed Mrs. Tan's waist to stabilize Mrs. Tan's body, but did not say anything to remind Tan Xiaoxiang.

Madam is inserting the resin tube. If she speaks at this time, she is deliberately causing confusion!

Inserting a resin tube is a delicate job. Even though Gu Jinli has tried it hundreds of times on a human-shaped wooden stake, it is not easy to successfully insert it on a real person.

Fortunately, she was careful enough not to damage Mrs. Tan's throat or the inner wall of her trachea. Half a quarter of an hour later, she finally succeeded. She stabilized the resin tube and said to Qingpu: "Suck!"

Qingpu immediately closed Mrs. Tan's mouth and began to suck the resin tube... This was a more difficult task than inserting the resin tube. The force of the suction must be mastered. If it is too light, the relics will not be sucked out. If it is too hard, it will hurt the trachea or the airway. Lungs.

Qingpu controlled the force and sucked for almost half a quarter of an hour, but still nothing came out. Mrs. Tan's body began to shake because of the discomfort, and Sanqing and Siqing were holding her down tightly.

Gu Jinli frowned. If she couldn't suck it out anymore, the resin tube would become soft and she might not be able to pull it out... So she decided to take a risk and pushed the resin tube down another inch while moving the resin tube to explore inside. While saying to Qingpu: "Suck it again."

Qingpu immediately followed the instructions. After a few breaths, she suddenly breathed something in. She was overjoyed and breathed hard... Then she stood up and spit a small thing into a small porcelain bowl: "Madam, it's out. Hurry and smoke the pipe!"

I'm afraid it might melt if it's too late.

Gu Jinli moved his hand and quickly pulled out the resin tube, and hurriedly checked the resin tube. After finding that it was intact, he was finally relieved. However, the resin tube had been moistened very soft. If it had been a little longer, it might have broken inside. .

"What is it?" Gu Jinli came over and looked at the thing in the white porcelain bowl: "It turns out to be a small soybean, No, look, it's this little thing that made your mother sick."

She handed the white porcelain bowl to Tan Xiaoxiang. After seeing it, Tan Xiaoxiang cried with joy, knelt down and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Qin, for saving my life!"

Gu Jinli smiled and helped her up: "You thank me too early. I have to wait for a few more days to know whether the disease is completely cured."

Then he told her the reason: "We still don't know how many soybeans your mother breathed in, so we have to take another look."

Tan Xiaoxiang didn't hesitate and said directly: "What to do next, just ask Mrs. Qin, the Tan family will do as you say... Thank you very much."

Then he asked Gu Jinli: "Mrs. Qin, there is blood on the soybeans. Is my mother... injured?"

Gu Jinli said: "This soybean has been blocked in your mother's trachea for several months. It will rub against the trachea and it is normal to have some bloodshot streaks. Just keep it for ten days and a half, so don't worry."

With that said, he took out the smelly medicine and gave it to Mrs. Tan to smell.

After a while, Mrs. Tan woke up from the smell.

After waking up, she was pleasantly surprised to find: "I, my illness seems to be cured, I can breathe in, I don't feel blocked when I breathe in, and the left upper chest no longer hurts."

"Mom, Mrs. Qin helped you take out the soybeans." Tan Xiaoxiang showed the white porcelain bowl to Mrs. Tan.

Mrs. Tan looked at the small soybeans in the white porcelain bowl, with tears in her eyes, and said to Gu Jinli: "Mrs. Qin, thank you very much, you saved our whole family."

It was all because she was sick and there were rumors of tuberculosis. She was afraid that if she died, Sister Xiang would be unable to marry, and because Xiao Liang was good, she wanted to marry Sister Xiang to the Xiao family.

But the Xiao family is not a good match. Before the marriage was decided, Mrs. Xiao became all kinds of arrogant. If Sister Xiang married her, she would never be happy in this life!

"Mrs. Qin, have you taken out the things?" Dr. Luo couldn't help but knocked on the door and shouted outside.

"Take it out." Gu Jinli asked Sanqing to open the door for them.

After several doctors came in, they immediately asked: "Where is the foreign object? Is the resin tube still intact? Is it not broken?"

Gu Jinli showed the things to them, and several doctors stood around and looked at them for a quarter of an hour. They stopped when they had seen enough.

They went to check Mrs. Tan's body again. After seeing that she was breathing smoothly and that she didn't cough again even though she was talking, they all nodded: "Xiao Dong, this method is indeed feasible."

Doctor Dai prescribed medicine for Mrs. Tan again: "You are weak. You have not been able to eat or sleep well in the past few months, and you are also worried too much. You have to take decoction and medicine for about half a year to be healthy. This medicine is not expensive and can be used for one day." Just eat it once.”

Yonglinwei is not rich, so Doctor Dai only picks up cheap medicinal materials to prescribe medicine.

Mrs. Tan was very grateful and stood up and saluted: "Thank you, Mrs. Qin, and all the doctors for your trouble."

Gu Jinli said: "We didn't bother too much, but Mrs. Tan, now that her illness has recovered, I'm afraid we will have to worry a lot about the health center... The lack of people in the health center is a serious problem."

Mrs. Tan said: "Thank you, Mrs. Qin, for reminding me... Previously, I felt that my end was coming, and I became anxious and panicked, which caused trouble. But now there are some things and some people that really need to be dealt with."

Seeing that she was not really weak, Gu Jinli felt relieved and shouted outside the house: "Second cousin, Mrs. Tan and the others are going to stay in the guardhouse for a few days. You can send them to the female guest's house."

"Hey, it will be done." Xiao Chengju couldn't get what he wanted, so he hurried to drive.

Gu Jinli put the Tan mother and daughter into the car: "The house has everything. Mrs. Tan can live in peace. If you need anything, just come and tell me."

"Hey, thank you, Mrs. Qin." Mrs. Tan was very grateful. Seeing that a little girl in Gu Jinli could take care of Changliang Wei very well, she wanted to clean up the Xiao family quickly so that Yonglin Wei could be clear.

Therefore, she did not go to the female guest's house immediately, but asked Xiao Chengju to send their mother and daughter out to meet Xiao Baihu and his wife.

The Xiao family couple were still detained in the carriage. When they saw Mrs. Tan coming, they were overjoyed and thought that Mrs. Tan was here to save them.

Mrs. Xiao was smug in her heart, but she said unforgivingly: "Madam, why did you come to save us now? We are your future in-laws, you..."

Bang bang!

Mrs. Tan slapped Mrs. Xiao twice, interrupted her, and cursed angrily: "Ms. Xiao Hu, what are you talking nonsense about? Who are your future in-laws? Your Xiao family has never come to propose marriage, nor has my Tan family. I didn’t go to your Xiao’s house to talk about the marriage, and my daughter was more polite and didn’t meet your son in private. Please don’t talk nonsense about this kind of disappearance in your family in the future, otherwise don’t blame me for sending you to the government!”

Mrs. Xiao was shocked: "You, you hit me?!"

Mrs. Tan sneered and said: "What's wrong with beating you? You know who spread the rumor about my tuberculosis. You'd better do it cleanly and don't let me find any evidence, otherwise Xiao Baihu won't be able to save you." .”

After saying that, he smiled and said: "I forgot to tell Mrs. Xiao the good news. The soybeans blocking my trachea have been taken out by Mrs. Qin, and I am fine."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

And this step of alerting the snake was just her first step in cleaning up the Xiao family... She knew Mrs. Xiao's temper very well. If the rumors were really her fault, she would be stupid enough to find those people to silence them, so that she could Mrs. Xiao caught him red-handed.

But she had to stay in Changliang Guard. If she returned to Yonglin Guard, Madam Xiao would definitely act cautiously... She had to make Madam Xiao panic and make Madam Xiao less worried before she dared to find someone to silence her.

After Mrs. Tan taught Mrs. Xiao a lesson, she wrote another letter asking General Wu to send someone to Duchonggou to Tan Qianhu.

General Wu learned that Mrs. Tan had recovered from her illness and that she still needed to take care of Mrs. Xiao, so he was very happy to help... Yonglin Guard must take care of it, otherwise the guard house would be in chaos in the event of a war, which would be unimaginable!

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