A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2269 Extreme Cold【2】

Tan Qianhu didn't say anything.

General Wu knew that Xiao Chengju wanted to marry Tan Xiaoxiang, so he spoke for help: "Have meat to eat every day? Your ambition is not small. I am a general, and now I can make my family eat meat every day. If you can really do it, you can also It’s promising.”

Most of the poor people in Da Chu can only eat one meal of meat a day at home, so it is not an easy task to provide their families with meat every day.


"When a man starts a family and starts a career, he must have a serious job. Working with a hammer and a stick every day always doesn't make people feel at ease. If you want to get married, it doesn't sound good if you don't have a serious job."

General Wu's words made Xiao Chengju lower his head... Miss Tan is a young lady from a Qianhu family. If he wants to marry her, he must have a serious job, otherwise he will bring shame on the Tan family!

"General Wu is right, a real man should have a serious job, but I thought too lightly before." Xiao Chengju was smart and knew that General Wu must have deep meaning in what he said, so he asked again: "I dare to ask General Wu, is there any errand in the army that this kid can do? If the army doesn’t dislike it, I’m willing to serve in the army.”

"Haha, there really is." General Wu said: "There is a position in the army, which is a concubine that existed during the Qin Dynasty. It can be promoted to the fifth rank, and can manage hundreds of people. It mainly helps the general to handle some common affairs, such as Distribute supplies to each David, do sales work for each David, increase income, etc."

"There used to be a lot of people working in this position, but there have been a lot of wars in the past ten years, and the various health centers can't even provide food and clothing, let alone have extra things to sell, so this position has been vacant for nearly ten years. No one has held the position in years.”

General Wu said and sighed slightly... When the Wei Guogong line was still there, each of the David offices performed their own duties and could truly be self-sufficient, with surpluses for sale.

But after the great disaster of Duke Wei's line, the northwest side was in chaos. It could only maintain the general regulations of the army. There was no room for small positions such as concubine and cheng.


"After this incident of selling medicinal materials, the official position of concubine can be granted a few more. Can't we collect medicinal materials every year and have to be in charge of this general?"

"From now on, this general will not come here, and Qin Qianhu will not have to go back to the guard station to deal with the sale of medicinal materials. The guards will not have to send the medicinal materials to Changliang Wei ten days in advance. They can leave it all to the concubine. . The concubine will take people to collect medicinal materials, mountain goods and other items from David, keep a clear account, and present it to the general."

General Wu told Xiao Chengju about the matter, and finally said: "But if you are just starting to appoint people, you have to start from the ninth rank. You can only manage about ten people. Are you willing to do it?"

Xiao Chengju was shocked and looked at Qin Sanlang... Cousin Qin must have helped him get the position, otherwise how could he, an unknown little bastard, be hit by such a great thing?

"Don't look at me. It's General Wu who's asking you if you're happy to do it. Tell General Wu yourself. But if you do it, you have to do it well. If you don't do it well, you'll be beheaded by military law. I won't do it for you. Please forgive me." Qin Sanlang said, holding the handle of the knife with one hand, looking like the king of hell.

Xiao Chengju smiled, saluted General Wu solemnly, and said, "Thank you so much, General Wu, for your love, I wish you all the best!"

"Hahaha, OK, wait... Then you will ride to Duchonggou Camp to report the day after tomorrow." General Wu was about to leave after the banquet. He originally wanted Xiao Chengju to go with him, but he thought that this kid would still want to go with him. If you want to marry me, give him two more days.

"Thank you, General Wu!" Xiao Chengju wanted to cry a little. He was just a poor boy whose father died early and his family property was completely destroyed due to the war. He thought he had no hope for life, but since he met his father and cousin Qin, He can actually become an official.

Xiao Chenggong and Qian Qinghe had already begun to wipe their tears... The sky has no eyes. They are better at studying than their second brother, they are more handsome than their second brother, and they are more generous than their second brother. Why didn't they become officials, but the second brother became the first? .

Father/father-in-law, please don’t glare at us, it’s useless. We can’t help it anymore, we just want to cry: woo woo woo!

Uncle Qin almost wanted to slap them away, but he could only laugh and said: "They grew up together and have a good relationship. I'm happy to see that brother Ju has a serious job."

General Wu knew the nature of the Xiao family and deliberately teased them: "I can see that your family's relationship is really good. Boss Xiao and son-in-law Qian don't have to be too discouraged. The army is short of manpower. As long as you are willing to join the army, we will If you can come with me, we can go to the Du Chonggou Camp to fight against the bandits."

Bang, bang, bang!

Xiao Chenggong and Qian Qinghe were so frightened that they knocked down the bowls and chopsticks next to them. They immediately stopped crying and avoided General Wu's questioning by picking up the bowls and chopsticks.

To serve as a soldier and fight against bandits?

Oh, don’t be ridiculous, we still want to live a few more years!

General Wu did not stay long. After finishing the banquet, he said goodbye to the people at Yuanzi Medicine Store: "Manager Min and Shopkeeper Cheng, thank you very much... If you need any help in the future, as long as it does not violate military law and morality, just say so. , I, Lao Wu, will help even if I risk my life!"

Manager Min Da quickly bowed his head and said: "General Wu is serious, we also need the medicinal materials to collect them, and we did not lose money, but also made a profit."

This is true, I did make some money.

But General Wu knew that if Yuanzi Medicine Store wanted to collect medicinal materials, they could just collect them directly from the south. There was no need to go all the way to the northwest. It was indeed a great kindness for David to earn this kind of money.

General Wu said nothing more and solemnly bowed, and everything was settled in this prayer.

"Ouch!" Erlang shouted anxiously when he saw that General Wu kept talking to others and ignored him.

"Hahaha, why are you so anxious? Grandpa Wu is here to say goodbye to you." General Wu came over, took Erlang from Qin Sanlang's hands, looked at his chubby face, and said, "Eat more and sleep more." , grow up well.”

"Ahhh!" Erlang was so excited that he fluttered his little body and asked General Wu to play Feifei with him. When General Wu didn't understand what he meant, he cried loudly.

"Don't cry, don't cry. I'll let you fly now." General Wu hurriedly lifted him up. After going back and forth five times, he stopped and said, "That's enough. You're still young and can't play too many times. Wait until next time. Grandpa will take you to play again."

"Ouch!" Erlang didn't understand. He was still immersed in the joy of playing Feifei, so General Wu gave it to his own father.

General Wu hugged the big wolf again and played Feifei with him six times, making the big wolf giggle with joy. Then he pointed at his little magpie and shouted to Qin Sanlang: "Ahhh, ahhh!"

This is to release the magpie and fly it to General Wu.

The guys had been collecting medicinal materials together for ten days, and they already understood his hobby very well. Qin Sanlang ordered his servants: "Let the big magpie fly around."

Bang, General Wu raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Sanlang, I'm not telling you, this name is too bad, can't you change it to another one?"

The Qin family's servants, wolves, and birds, all have names of 1, 2, 3, and 4. It's so simple that it's shocking!

Qin Sanlang said seriously: "It's easy to remember this way."

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