A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2270 Extreme Cold【3】

"Young Master, the magpie is about to fly." Bahu opened the birdcage, took out a branch as thick as a finger, reached into the birdcage, and knocked inside, and the two magpies rushed over.

Bahu used a branch to push away the magpie with a yellow beak and colorful wings, and let the magpie with a black beak and white feathers stand on the branch. Then he pulled the branch back, and with a move of his arm, the magpie flew high.

"Ahhh!" Big Wolf shouted excitedly when he saw his magpie flew away, and proudly looked at the big guy, as if you want to see how powerful my big magpie is.

General Wu couldn't stop laughing and praised: "Hey, the big magpie raised by the big wolf is really powerful. Look at how it can fly and circle in circles. It's very powerful."

The big wolf agreed very much and shouted: "Yeah, yeah!"

The second wolf was also very happy to see it. He pointed at the second magpie in the birdcage and shouted to Qin Sanlang: "Ouch!"

Qin Sanlang smiled and said to Bahu: "Let the two magpies out too."

"Yes." Bahu quickly released the two magpies.

Two magpies were flying in the air very happily. They would fly far away and disappear before everyone's eyes, but they would fly back soon.

Yes, magpies will fly back. The magpie of Big Wolf flew away and then flew back the next day.

General Wu looked at it for a while and then said: "Big Wolf's Big Magpie is very powerful. Grandpa Wu likes it very much, but Grandpa Wu is going back to Du Chonggou. I will see you two brothers again when I have the opportunity."

The big wolf didn't understand, but responded obediently: "Hmm~"

Ha, General Wu smiled and returned the big wolf to Qin Sanlang. Without any extra words, he just said to Tan Qianhu: "You are the head of a thousand households in a house. The affairs of the guard house and the family are all matters. You decide what to do, you don’t have to look at anyone else’s face or face.”

Tan Qianhu was very grateful: "Yes, I will finally understand."

General Wu nodded and left Changliang Guard with his soldiers.

When the second wolf saw General Wu leaving, he howled excitedly at first. When he saw General Wu didn't turn around and came back, he burst into tears sadly, causing the big wolf to start whimpering too.

General Wu's personal soldier said: "The general did not give the two young masters Qin's face in vain. They know how to be grateful. When the general is gone, they will cry reluctantly."

General Wu smiled: "Of course, Saburo just looks at him and doesn't say anything, but everything he does is to help the various guards. The two little babies followed his father."

Or they follow elders who are more distant, such as their grandfather.

Then he said: "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. There is something wrong with the soldiers this year. They haven't made many raids on us. I'm afraid they are holding back a war!"

But some soldiers didn't think so: "The general is overly worried. The number of raids by thieves has decreased. Maybe he knows that he can't cross the poisonous insect ditch, so he doesn't waste his efforts."

"Shut up!" General Wu was furious. He turned around and hit the soldier who spoke with a whip: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are still my own soldier. Don't you know that the calmer the confrontation, the more murderous intent you will hide?! "

After hearing this, the soldier quickly dismounted his horse and knelt down, saying: "General, please calm down. I'm just lax. Please punish me, General."

"After returning to the camp, go to the punishment camp and pick up twenty military sticks. If you dare to commit the crime again, you won't have to work as a servant next to me. Go where you came from!" General Wu said and set off again.

The soldiers all knew that General Wu was really angry, so they all tightened their skin and hurriedly followed General Wu.

General Wu was indeed very angry and worried. Even the soldiers around him thought so. In the entire northwest, countless soldiers had been paralyzed by the bandits.

If all the soldiers relax and the bandits take the opportunity to launch a massive attack, how can they fight back? I am afraid that I will be defeated by the thieves in one fell swoop and become a corpse under the iron hoof of the thieves!

No, he had to rush back to the Duchonggou Camp as soon as possible, inform General Jiang about the matter, and ask him to report the matter to Xu You, and ask Xu You to give an order to increase the training intensity of the entire Northwest Army, so that everyone Don't relax and be ready for battle at any time.

After General Wu left, Tan Qianhu thanked the people at Yuanzi Medicine Store, talked to Qin Sanlang for a while, teased the big wolf and the two wolves, and then asked someone to lead the way to the female guest's house to meet his wife and daughter.

Xiao Chengju then recommended himself: "Uncle Tan, I am familiar with Chang Liang Wei. Can I show you the way?"

Tan Qianhu refused: "No, just let Cong Xiaozi take me there. He is also familiar with Chang Liang Wei, and we still know each other."

Cong Wenshan was carrying a food box and was going to deliver meat and vegetables to Xiaoji. When he heard this, he shouted: "Uncle Tan, I'm very busy!"

I'm going to please my future wife, so don't bother me.

But Qin Sanlang glanced at him, and Cong Wenshan immediately said: "Come on, come on, I'll take you there right now!"

I came here quickly to show Tan Qianhu the way.

Xiao Chengju was very frustrated. It seemed that Tan Qianhu still looked down on him.

Bang, Uncle Qin gave him a slap on the back of the head and said, "Why are you so aggrieved? I didn't say I wouldn't agree, so go to work first."

"Oh, I got it." Xiao Chengju touched the sore back of his head and quickly cheered up. Suddenly he felt a little chilly on his body and said to Uncle Qin: "Dad, Tan Qianhu didn't bring any clothes. It's getting cold in the morning and evening. I'll go Buy him something to keep out the cold."

There is a supply house in the health center, which is stocked with various supplies. If each family's share is not enough, you can spend money to buy them.

Uncle Qin nodded: "Go ahead and ask my little sister to deliver it. You are a grown man, so it's not easy for you to deliver it."

We are talking about marriage. If you go to give it away, it will be difficult for others to accept it. Let the younger sister go and deliver it. It will be easier for the Tan family to accept it.

"Hey, I got it." Xiao Chengju responded and quickly ran away.

Qian Qinghe and Xiao Chenggong were depressed when they saw this, especially Xiao Chenggong. He looked at Uncle Qin with eyes and shouted: "Dad~"

"Daddy, you still have the nerve to call me daddy?" Uncle Qin scolded: "If you want to live a good life, you have to learn from your second brother. He can practice literature and martial arts while making money to support the family. Look again You will only hold a book and study hard, and you will do all the work only when it is assigned to you, and you will never take the initiative to find work. If you continue like this, you will be finished when your mother and I die!"

Xiao Chenggong was frightened: "No, it's not that serious, right? Aren't there cousin Qin and the second brother?"

They can't just ignore him, right?

"Do you still want to live with Qin's nephew and brother Ju for the rest of your life?" Uncle Qin laughed angrily and said to Xiao Chenggong: "Since you envy brother Ju, then when he reports to Duchonggou Camp, you Follow along."

Xiao Chenggong was startled and asked a little happily: "Follow my second brother to the Duchonggou Camp. Can they want me?"

Uncle Qin smiled: "I can, but I'm short of manpower. How can I not want you?"

Then he looked at Qian Qinghe and asked, "Do you want to go together?"

Qian Qinghe felt that there was something wrong with this and quickly waved his hand: "No, no, my son-in-law still has to take care of the accounts of the brick kiln, so it's hard to leave Changliang Wei."

"You are smart." Uncle Qin sneered and told them: "Work hard for me. If you don't make any progress, I want you to look good!"

Qian Qing congratulated: "Yes, yes, my son-in-law will definitely make progress."

Mom, my father-in-law is really going to take action to punish them. Brother, please wish yourself well!

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