
"There hasn't been any movement from the Xu family, so it's not certain whether they will come to ask for food."

However, they all knew very well that with Xu You's virtue, how could he not come to ask for food?

Qin Sanlang wanted to say something, but he found that no matter what he said, it was all nonsense... He was still too weak. If he were a general or a marquis now, he could protect Xiaoyu's things, and the Xu family would not dare Come and grab it.


A wolf and snowman on the window failed to stand firmly and fell outside the window.

"Ahhhh, oooooooo!" Erlang cried anxiously.

Gu Jinli took the opportunity to say: "The wolf snowman has fallen. Hurry up and make another one, make it firmer, and set off as soon as you are done. If it is too late, it will be punished by military law, and the three of us, mother and son, will also be affected."

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this, turned around and hugged her. After a long time, he said, "Thank you, Xiaoyu."

From now on, he will take back everything Xiaoyu has and will never let her suffer!

Gu Jinli was very happy to see that he had let go of the matter... When you don't have enough power, you have to suffer some losses first, otherwise if you keep something by force, you will only suffer greater losses.

Then he urged him: "Stop hugging him and build a wolf snowman quickly. Your son will cry so hard that the sky will fall."

"Okay, let's build it now." Qin Sanlang let go of her and went out to build a wolf snowman again.

After seeing the new wolf snowman, Erlang, a brat, broke down in tears and laughed. Then he and his brother lay on the kang and continued to watch the wolf snowman.

General Jiang gave a death order, so Qin Sanlang did not dare to wait any longer, so he rushed to the Duchonggou camp with a batch of convenient medicines for treating cold and cough.

Gu Jinli, while taking care of his two sons, asked the people at the health center to make convenient medicines to treat wind and cold day and night.

It's extremely cold and there will definitely be a lot of people getting sick. Make some convenient medicines and prepare them so that you don't have to boil them when you need them urgently. It takes more than an hour to boil a dose of decoction. People with high fevers will die before the medicine is boiled. come out.

The next day, someone came to Changliang Guard for help. They were people from Shigang Guard and Grizzly Guard.

Mrs. Shi said: "Sanlang's wife, do you have any dry firewood that can be burned? Lend us some, and we will return it in a few days... The weather was really cold so suddenly, but the toilet stocked up in just two days." There is no more firewood to burn, and the trees cut down in the snow are too green to be burned. Once burned, they will emit smoke and can kill people."

Mrs. Shi was very embarrassed. Chang Liang Wei had already helped them a lot, and she really shouldn't come to ask for help again. But there was really no other way. If they couldn't get more firewood, everyone in their guard would freeze to death!

The situation of the Stone Guard was worse than that of the Grizzly Guard. They didn't even have a place to cut firewood.

Mrs. Qianhu of Shigangwei cried: "We have sent people to Duchonggou for help, and also sent people outside to buy firewood and charcoal, but the weather is too cold, and the surrounding farmers are short of firewood. Even if we give a high price, they will You can't sell much to us. You have to go to Mu County to buy charcoal, but it will take several days to go back and forth. We can't wait so long, so we can only ask the nearest Changliang Wei."

Changliang Wei was a brick-burner and would hoard dry firewood. Looking at it, Changliang Wei had the most dry firewood.

Gu Jinli had long expected that they would come to borrow firewood, and she had to borrow it. If she didn't borrow it, someone would really die... It took a lot of effort to win the hearts of the people on the first line of defense to Chang Liang Wei. She couldn't lose it because of firewood. .


"We can lend you firewood, but not much. One guard station can only lend you eight loads of dry firewood for emergency use."

In this kind of weather, there must be more than one or two people coming to borrow dry firewood. Gu Jinli couldn't lend them too much, so he had to keep some dry firewood for later use.

"That's enough, that's enough. Eight carts of dry firewood can save your life!" Mrs. Qianhu of Shigangwei cried out with excitement. She held Gu Jinli's hand and said, "Mrs. Qin, thank you very much. You saved our lives."

Mrs. Shi was also very grateful, but she quickly said: "Sanlang's wife, do you have paper and pen? We will write you a note."

Mrs. Qianhu of Shigang Guard was stunned, then nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, yes, you really should write a written statement."

Gu Jinli nodded and asked Erqing to get a pen and paper.

The two ladies were sincere and quickly wrote the receipt and stamped the seals of their respective guards. With these seals, they could prove that it was not them who borrowed the firewood, but the guards.

"It's done, let's go, I'll take you to load firewood." After Gu Jinli accepted the note, he didn't dare to delay and immediately took them to load firewood.

After loading the firewood, the two ladies did not dare to stay any longer. They immediately took the firewood back, for fear that if they were a quarter and a half too late, someone in the guardhouse would freeze to death.

After they left, several more guards came to borrow firewood for emergency use, and Gu Jinli borrowed all of them.

At the beginning of October, many health stations had not yet cut firewood to prepare for the winter. Therefore, the matter of drying firewood really cost the lives of many health stations. Most of the health stations, especially those without mountains and forests, were crazy and risked their lives. Went to borrow firewood in the wind and snow.

The Daokougou Camp could not watch the guards freeze to death due to lack of firewood. After five days of extreme cold, they finally got a batch of dry firewood and sent it to each guard post.

But it was too late, and some people in the poor health centers froze to death due to lack of firewood for heating.

The second line of defense where the most people froze to death was a little far away from the Daokougou camp. When the dry firewood was delivered, it was already the seventh day of extreme cold. The soldiers whose wives and children froze to death complained about Daokougou. This is especially bad for disaster relief.

But Xu You felt that he was merciful by sending firewood to various health stations to save lives, but it was just a hundred or dozens of weak people who froze to death. Shouldn't he be held responsible?

If you have any complaints, go to God, or go to Emperor Jingyuan. Don't go to him, he is very busy!

Xu You is indeed very busy, because the impact of this extreme cold is far more than freezing to death, and there are also frostbite and frostbite.

Due to this extreme cold, a severe typhoid fever broke out in the entire northwest. Many people fell ill, and there was a shortage of medicinal materials to treat wind and cold.

Many health stations on the first line of defense sent people to Changliang Wei to ask for medicine and doctors.

Mrs. Feng was smart and was the first to kill Changliang Wei. When she saw Gu Jinli, she cried: "Mrs. Qin, you must give a batch of typhoid medicine to Sha Liuwei. Hundreds of people are sick, half of them are children. You have eaten all the medicinal materials I stored, you must save us!"

He quickly took out a box of banknotes and stuffed them into Gu Jinli's hand: "One thousand taels, keep it first. If it's not enough, our Shaliu Guards will make up for it!"

The Feng family is not poor, but now they only seek medicinal materials to cure their illnesses.

She was the first one to come, and she really needed the medicinal materials to save her life. Naturally, Gu Jinli would not refuse, and said: "The medicine can be given, but our chief Liang Wei does not have much medicinal materials, so we can only give you two carts of life-saving medicines." If there is more, there will be nothing left, so you have to quickly take the money and go to Fucheng or other places to buy medicinal materials."

Mrs. Feng said: "I have sent people to buy it from a distance. Two carts of medicinal materials are enough for emergency treatment!"


"The doctors from Yuanzi Medicine are still here, can you lend us two doctors? There are too many sick people in the Wei Institute, and the doctors we have are not skilled enough in medicine. We need to ask them to come over and help and treat the seriously ill ones. Save it."

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