Gu Jinli asked: "How many people in Shaliuwei are seriously ill from typhoid fever? Are more seriously ill children or adults?"

Mrs. Feng was a conscientious person. She took out a booklet and handed it to Gu Jinli: "All the seriously ill people are in it."

Gu Jinli took it and took a look at it, and sincerely praised: "Mrs. Feng is really a meticulous person, and the case booklet is really well done."

The patient's family name, age, symptoms, when the disease occurred, what medicine was used, and any reaction after taking the medicine are all clearly written.

Mrs. Feng said: "I'm just following your case booklet."

There are female doctors like Qingpu Qinghui in Changliang Wei. At each health clinic, some relatives who have women's diseases will come to seek medical treatment. There are too many people, so the two female doctors made a separate booklet for each of them. record.

After hearing what her grandma said, she told the doctor at the health center to do it. Although it was a bit troublesome to make the booklet and it was a waste of paper, it was very convenient when it was used.

After reading the case booklet, Gu Jinli said, "Mrs. Feng, wait a minute. I'll go to the hospital and ask the chief manager of Yuanzi Medicine. After all, they are the ones who provide the doctor."

"Hey, Mrs. Qin is going to ask for help. I'll wait here." Mrs. Feng wanted to follow, but think about it, the Qin and Gu families are familiar with Yuanzi Medicine, and they will definitely discuss some things. She It's hard to talk to others here, so I won't cause trouble.

I have to say that Mrs. Feng is indeed very transparent, and Gu Jinli does have something to ask Manager Min.

"Mother Tao, help me entertain Mrs. Feng." Gu Jinli said, put on his cloak for going out, took Sanqing away, and went to see Manager Min.

Manager Min Da and the others were trapped in the extreme cold and stayed in Changliang Guard, but they were not idle and helped make medicine every day.

When Manager Min saw Gu Jinli coming, he stood up to greet him: "If there is something wrong with Gu Xiaodong's family, just let someone come and report it. Why did you come here in person? It's too cold. If you get typhoid, it will be transmitted to the two children." "

Uh, I heard it. Manager Min didn't care whether she was sick or not, he was just afraid that if she was sick, she would infect the two children... Her big wolf and two wolves were indeed loved by the elderly.

"There is an urgent matter that requires the help of Yuanzi Medicine, so I came here to ask the chief steward what he wanted." Gu Jinli told Mrs. Feng that she came to seek medical treatment, and handed him the case booklet: "The chief steward has a look."

Manager Min frowned after looking at them: "There are six serious illnesses, and three of them are children under three years old. We really can't delay it. I asked Lao Luo to take people to Shaliuwei to help with the treatment."

Gu Jinli was surprised: "You agreed so easily?"

Manager Min Da rolled his eyes at her and said, "Are you going to die without saving her?"


"If I help you, there may be no end to it." Gu Jinli looked at Manager Min and said: "There are many people suffering from typhoid fever this time, and all health centers are short of medicinal materials to treat typhoid fever... Yuanzi Medicine is here I collected a lot of medicinal materials but failed to transport them in time. I am afraid that Daokougou Camp will keep an eye on these medicinal materials and send troops to requisition them. By then, Yuanzi Medicine Store will not only suffer heavy losses, but it will also lose its good reputation for doing righteous deeds. Being snatched away.”

Xu You was reluctant to send some dry firewood to various health clinics. Now that there was a shortage of medicinal materials, how could he be willing to spend his own money to buy emergency medicines for each health clinic?

I'm afraid that he will target Yuanzi Medicine Store and use the medicinal materials from Yuanzi Medicine Store to gain his reputation.

This is what Gu Jinli is most worried about.

Manager Min listened and fell silent.

After a while, he pointed to the case booklet of Shaliuwei and said to Gu Jinli: "Let Lao Luo go to Shaliuwei for medical treatment first. Those children cannot wait too long and must be treated as soon as possible."

"Okay." Gu Jinli nodded in agreement, but before leaving, he added: "We have people and tokens. If the chief manager wants to leave, our people can send you away overnight."

Manager Min laughed after hearing this, looked at Gu Jinli and said, "Gu Xiaodong's family is still too young."


How to carry so many medicinal materials?

Even if they can get through the gathering place in Mu County, if this great typhoid fever really kills many people, Xu You will send a memorial to the capital, saying that their Yuanzi Medicine Store stayed up all night when typhoid fever broke out and the northwest was short of medicine. If he runs away, how should he respond?

Gu Jinli said: "Although the idea of ​​running overnight is not good enough, if you stay, you may suffer heavy losses. This is hundreds of thousands of taels of medicinal materials."

Xu You is someone who likes to take advantage. When he is short of medicine, he must be very happy if he can get it for free... And Chushen Medicine Store is a relative of the emperor, and Shilu Medicine Store is here to help Xu You. Xu You It is impossible for you to touch these two medicine stores. The only one who will suffer is Yuanzi Medicine Company.

At this moment, Gu Jinli really regretted letting Yuanzi Medicine Store come to collect the medicinal materials.

But Manager Min smiled, waved his hand and said: "Gu Xiaodong's family should go and do some work first. It's not that serious. I'll see if it doesn't work in two days. I have my own way to deal with it."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli had no choice but to leave. He called Dr. Luo and told him that Manager Min asked him to go to Shaliuwei for medical treatment.

People's lives were at stake. After hearing this, Doctor Luo immediately called his two medicine boys and followed Gu Jinli away.

Gu Jinli returned to the main house and said to Mrs. Feng: "Doctor Luo will go back with you to help, but doctors are not gods, and some diseases cannot be cured. We can only try our best."

Mrs. Feng said: "I understand, it is a big help to lend us a doctor to help us at this time. Thank you very much."

Mrs. Feng did not stay long and rushed back to Shaliuwei with Dr. Luo and two carts of medicinal materials for treating typhoid fever.

But with typhoid fever, things were destined to be uneventful. That night, Shi Yanfang suddenly came to Chang Liang Wei.

She was originally a smiling little girl, but this time she burst into tears after seeing Gu Jinli: "Sister-in-law Qin, my mother is sick, has a high fever, and has been sleeping. Many people in the health center are sick, some. Several family members came to my door crying with their children in their arms, and some children had rashes on their bodies... I was scared and didn't know where to find a doctor, so I had to come to you."

Gu Jinli hurriedly said: "Don't cry yet. What are your mother's symptoms? Does she have a severe fever?"

Shi Yanfang grabbed Gu Jinli's hand and finally found her backbone. After sobbing for a moment, she calmed down and told Mrs. Shi's symptoms. Then she said worriedly: "Sister-in-law Qin, my mother can't, will she die?"

Gu Jinli comforted her: "Of course not, it would be so easy to die. Besides, when you came here, you asked the doctor to examine her. She has taken medicine, and I guess she has started to get better now."

After comforting him, he didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly sent someone to find Uncle Mu Tong, asking him to pull a cart of medicinal materials for treating wind and cold, along with people and horses, and rushed back to Grizzly Bear Guard with Shi Yanfang overnight.

The two guards were close to each other, so they rushed to Grizzly Guard in the middle of the night. In the afternoon of the next day, Sanqi came back and said that Mrs. Shi's high fever had gone away and there was no danger for her life.

Several children with high fevers in the health center also began to have their fevers subsided, and their relatives stopped making noises.

"Uncle Mutong has seen it. It's not a plague, it's just a common red rash. The child is sick and weak, so it's coming out," Sanqi said.

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