A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2286 Mr. Qianshan helps

"Stop boasting and go get the medicine as soon as possible. If it's too late, it will be gone!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up and get the medicine... Shopkeeper Cao, I bought your jar, and I will give you the money later!"

"Shopkeeper Cao, give me the barrel and I'll give you the money when you get back. It's too late to give it now!"

Shopkeeper Cao also hurried to get the decoction to prevent the plague. He had no time to argue with them and said to them: "I'll give you these things, but you have to help my family get a good place. I will bring people to follow!"

"Okay, hurry up!" The person who took the things from Cao's shop responded. It was the big medicine shop that carried the bucket and held the altar to get the decoction to prevent the plague.

At this time, people were too afraid of the plague, and people from the entire city came here, completely surrounding the large medicine shop of Shilu Medicine Shop, making it impossible to squeeze in.

General Shen led his soldiers and horses to stop the big guy, beat the gong and shouted: "Master Xu and Shilu Medicine Company are ordered by the emperor to release medicine to save the people. Everyone is waiting in line to get the medicine. Do not push or crowd. Violators will be punished under military law!"

When everyone saw this posture, they didn't dare to push anymore, and they queued up to get the medicine.

Shilu Medicine Store prepared enough decoctions, so although there were many people coming to get the medicines, every household received the decoctions.

After everyone got the decoction, they were very grateful: "Shilu Medicine Shop is really the life of Hua Tuo, who saved us from the evil hands of the plague!"

Second Manager Lu was very happy and said: "Practicing medicine to help the world is just a helping hand in times of crisis. I don't deserve everyone's praise."

"How is this just a helping hand? It's obviously a life-saving favor!" The big guys said a lot of words of gratitude, and many people wanted to send their children and grandchildren to Shilu Medicine Store as apprentices: "It's okay to sign a death contract, as long as If you can join the world and repay your kindness, you just need to learn a few more skills."

Haha, Manager Lu sneered inwardly, you guys will take advantage!

"They are all children of good families. How can the Shilu Medicine Shop sell them into slavery?" said the second manager Lu, and then said: "It's getting late. Those who have received the medicine should go back."

This is rejection. Although the big guys are unwilling to give in, they don't dare to pester too much.


"Second Manager, this, this decoction can really prevent the plague? It looks similar to boiled typhoid medicine."

Second Manager Lu was almost angry to death, but he still had to endure his temper and said: "What is happening now is typhoid fever. This prescription is mainly for the plague caused by typhoid fever, so it is somewhat similar to the typhoid fever medicine. However, this prescription is indeed made by the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty." The imperial doctor left a good prescription for getting rid of the plague, so you can take it with confidence."

The Great Zhou Dynasty has been dead for hundreds of years. Even if these idiots have suspicions, it is impossible to find out, not even Yuanzi Medicine Store.

However, the words "Dazhou Palace" are quite bluffing. After hearing this, everyone was shocked and admired. After thanking the furnace medicine shop, they rushed home with the jar containing the medicine and drank the medicine with their family.

Because of this move, the entire Long'an Prefecture was praising Shilu Medicine Store, and Yuanzi Medicine Store was outclassed.

The people at Yuanzi Medicine Store don't care. In any case, dispensing medicine to save the people is their first priority. What they care about is: "Is there really a plague in Kaoshangou Village?"

Qi Yi said: "We have sent people quickly to Kaoshangou Village to check the situation. There should be no plague. If there was a plague, several nearby villages and wealthy households in the town would have come to Fucheng to avoid the plague. How could there be such a thing like this? It’s so peaceful now.”

But the people at Yuanzi Medicine Store were worried and stayed for one more day, waiting for Master Tao and his people to come back from Kaoshangou Village and confirm that there was no plague before they felt relieved.

As for who spread the rumor, there is no way to find out... Just say something outside the city and the person will escape. Where can you find it?

However, Qi Yi suspected that Xu You and Shilu Medicine Company did it. It was too obvious, but he had no evidence... Even if there was evidence, he could not touch Xu You now and could only endure it.

Qi Yi said to the people at Yuanzi Medicine Store: "You guys, hurry up and set off. This typhoid fever won't pass so quickly. We still need your medicinal materials to make up for it."

"Hey." The people from Yuanzi Medicine Store didn't stay long. After learning that there was no plague, they immediately left the city.

The Shilu Medicine Store had not yet left, but it had been dispensing medicine for three more days, and then it had stopped dispensing medicine after it had completely built up its good reputation.

After this dynasty, Xu You, Xu Liu, and Shilu Medicine Shop all gained a good reputation in Long'an Prefecture. However, they used the name of the emperor to dispense medicine to save the people. Therefore, although their reputation was good, it was also cheap. After seeing Emperor Jingyuan, Manager Lu felt a little uncomfortable.

Xu Liu was very happy. He had been having bad luck in the past two years, but this time he finally got the job done. When he goes back, his father will definitely praise him!

Qi Yi didn't like Xu Liu and felt that he had been ruined by education, but he brought Shilu Medicine Store to dispense medicine, which was regarded as a service to the people. Qi Yi set up a banquet to entertain them.

Xu Liusheng, the son of the Hou Mansion, was treated as an honored guest and was toasted by Qi Yi, the prefect, and felt very proud.

But once this person is proud, he is prone to bad luck... After Xu Liu had a good meal and a drink, he stayed in Fucheng for another two days before being urged to go back by General Shen.

General Shen: "Sixth Young Master, the camp must be busy collecting food. If we go back early, we can also help."

Speaking of this crop of grain, General Shen had a sad face. It snowed heavily in early October, and the soybeans in the fields did not grow. After being beaten by the heavy snow, the bean plants were all rotten after the snow melted, and they could no longer be allowed to grow. The soybeans have matured and can only be harvested early, fearing that the yield will be greatly reduced.

This crop of food is considered finished. If the capital doesn't send them food, I'm afraid even the animals will starve!

In winter, so many war horses depend on soybeans to feed them. Now that soybean production has dropped significantly, General Shen has a headache just thinking about it.

Xu Liugang was urged to go back after just two days. He was very dissatisfied, but he learned well and did not dare to be willful anymore. He said: "I am ignorant and have made General Shen worried. Please ask General Shen to make arrangements. Let's make arrangements tomorrow." Walk."

"Hey!" General Shen immediately went to make arrangements for the return journey. At half past midnight the next day, the convoy set off for the return journey.

The people in Long'an Prefecture were still grateful. They knew they were leaving and ran to see them off, which made Xu Liu happy again.

The group hurriedly hurriedly arrived at the Daokougou camp in early November.

But what greeted Xu Liu was not Xu You's praise and banquet, but Xu You's sad face.

Xu You looked at the soybean yields reported by various health stations and almost tore up the brochure: "It's just a small amount of soybeans. Let alone people eat them, it's not even enough to feed the horses if mixed with hay!"

After Xu You got angry, he thought of cassava and had a smile on his face again... Guimingshu had been eaten and planted for two years. Chang Liangwei must have saved a lot, so he took the opportunity to harvest the cassava grown by Chang Liangwei. , on the one hand, it solves the problem of food shortage, and on the other hand, it can gain the reputation of the Xu family for discovering new food. It kills two birds with one stone!

Xu You glanced at the big tent, and after seeing that they were all his own people, he announced his plan.

Mr. Qianshan thought when he heard this... To be honest, this plan was proposed to Xu You when the ghost potato came out. He told Chang Liangwei to plant the ghost potato, and in two years, they would be able to pick the fruit. .

But within two years, his mood had changed, and he didn't want Xu You to take advantage of him.

Xu Liu was overjoyed when he heard this and suggested: "Dad, leave this errand to your son. My son went to Long'an Mansion and has made a lot of progress. He will definitely be able to handle this errand properly."

...I'm still sick, my face is swollen (it's said to be mumps and maybe otitis media), my brain is swollen and painful, and I'm a little confused. I'll speed up the writing until the war starts. I'll try to finish it after a few chapters, and I'll finish it by the weekend at the latest, Qianshan Sir is not a simple good or bad person, he is an ambitious man who wants to leave his name in history. If he thinks you are no longer good, he will give up. If you turn to the Ming Dynasty again, the Xu family and his son will be finished together. Thank you for your support, and I am very sorry... I hope things get better soon and that I can write quietly before the end of the year. I really want to finish it as soon as possible and to the best of my ability.

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