Xu Liu did a good job in giving medicine to save the people this time. Xi Niang has been much gentler to Songxue recently. On Songxue's birthday a few days ago, she even gave one of her mutton-fat white jade hairpins to Songxue.

She also asked Songxue to take the medicine she was taking to facilitate pregnancy, saying that she and Songxue would give birth to a son for him.

Xu You also liked Cui Xiniang, and he also relied on the Cui family to help him achieve great things. Looking at Xu Liu, he has grown into a handsome young man... The winter solstice festival is coming soon, and he needs a grown-up heir to support his appearance in the northwest. Let others know that his Xu family will have a prosperous heir and there is no shortage of men.

For various reasons, Xu You agreed: "If I succeed, I will leave this job to you as a father. But you have to remember that food is a big deal. When you get to Changliang Guard, you must control your temper and not get angry." , you can't break up with Qin and Gu, even if you don't like her two dolls, don't show disgust... One of your tasks in the northwest is to show kindness on behalf of the Xu family, do you understand?!"

At the end of the sentence, his tone became stern, which made Xu Liu feel uncomfortable.

However, Xu Liu said respectfully: "Yes, my son understands. Please rest assured."

After hearing this, Xu You nodded with satisfaction and looked at Mr. Qianshan: "Brother Heng is young and doesn't understand everything. If you want this trip to be successful, you have to trouble Sir a lot more."

With that said, he handed a booklet to Mr. Qianshan.

Mr. Qianshan took it and took a look and was shocked... The extreme cold was so severe that it caused serious damage to this crop of grains.

Xu You said: "I know that you don't want to go to Changliang Wei to ask for food at this time. After all, Qin Sanlang and his wife are very capable. If I want to succeed, I need their help. I shouldn't offend them for food, but this time it's extremely difficult." The cold is too severe, I am in urgent need of food, and I also need the reputation of discovering new food, so I can only go and ask for food in advance!"

Food is the most important thing for the people. After the extreme cold, the food was damaged and everyone was thirsty for food. If it were revealed that he had discovered new food and had a lot of new food in his hand, he would not need to go up and shout, everyone would Everyone will come to him!

Xu You almost laughed when he thought of all the celebrities, capable people, aristocratic families, and noble families coming to seek refuge with him.

"Although the plan is too early and it is easy to offend people, the discovery of new grains can leave a good name in history, so I will naturally help the Marquis." Mr. Qianshan agreed, and added: "But Uncle Cao and Jiang The general needs an explanation from the Marquis himself. They know the truth about cassava. We even said we would share the credit equally with Uncle Cao. Now if we leave him alone and take the credit, he will probably be dissatisfied."

Xu You waved his hand and said with a nonchalant smile: "Uncle Cao is a man who understands current affairs. As long as he is given the title of Duke of the country after achieving great achievements, he will naturally not be angry. Don't worry, sir."

As for Jiang Wangang, he is already on the same boat. If he falls, the Jiang family will also die. Not to mention announcing to the world that cassava is food can solve the food crisis this winter and next spring and ensure that all health stations are well fed. Jiang Wankang valued his soldiers most, and even if he was dissatisfied, he would not break up with him.

Mr. Qianshan smiled... Before I became emperor, I started to give people titles, but you really have them.

However, a madman is not a madman if he is not mad, so let him be.

Mr. Qianshan: "Now that the Marquis has made arrangements, I can rest assured."

Then he asked: "When will we set off? Please tell me when we will set off."

"Have a night's rest and set off tomorrow so that we can announce this great news to the world before the winter solstice." Xu You looked at them and said, "It's better for you people to accompany us and make sure to get this thing done."

"Yes!" General Shen took the lead in responding.

Because Xu Liu's errand was done well this time, Xu You took Xu Liu to Xu's house and had a reunion dinner with Cui Xiniang.

The meal was quite good, but not long after finishing it, Xu You left.

Cui Xiniang sent Xu You out with a smile, and whispered softly: "It's cold, Lord Marquis, don't be too busy with military affairs, and get more rest."

He added: "Sister Songxue has been taking medicine for a while, and her menstruation has just passed a few days ago. Now is the best time to conceive. If Mr. Hou goes to sit in her room more often, maybe she can have a baby during the Chinese New Year. good news."

Xu You was very satisfied after hearing this. He hugged Cui Xiniang and said, "After all these years, Xiniang is still as reasonable and reasonable as she was at the beginning, always thinking about me."

Cui Xiniang's eyes were red, and she smiled again: "Xiniang only wants to be good to Mr. Hou."

The two hugged each other for a while, then Xu You let go of her and came over.

As soon as she came back from sending Xu You off, Cui Xiniang cried and said to Xu Liu: "He wasn't going to deal with military affairs, he was clearly going to accompany that little bitch, sticking together all day long, just wanting to give birth to a son to replace you! "

After saying this, Xu Liu almost wanted to kill Songxue with a knife: "This bitch is just like the Gu family. They are both charming bitches and deserve to die!"

Cui Xiniang was afraid that he would be impulsive and anger Xu You, which would cause her to be implicated, so she stopped him and said, "Brother Heng, don't get angry yet. You should do your business well. In a year and a half, when you reach the age of fifteen, The Cui family will arrange a marriage for you. After you get engaged, you will become an adult and inherit the family business."

Xu Liu understood what he said, and asked Cui Xiniang excitedly: "Mom, the Cui family has chosen a daughter-in-law for me? Which family is it? Is it the princess or the princess of the dynasty?"

Cui Xiniang felt disgusted when she heard this, and said: "Why marry a princess? Once we succeed, they will be prisoners... She is not a daughter of the Chu royal family, she should be one of the top ten aristocratic families."

One of the top ten aristocratic families, this status is not low.

Ke Xu Liudao said: "How can it be enough to just rely on aristocratic families?"

Why don't you marry a few more people to help him?

Cui Xiniang said: "Marry a daughter from one of the top ten aristocratic families to be your main wife. She will help you take care of the back house. After marriage, I will find you a couple of girls who can help you. Don't worry."

After hearing this, Xu Liu became happy and said, "You mother-in-law is so worried about your son."

He also promised: "Don't worry, mother, my son will definitely handle his errands well and take power as soon as possible, so that mother will not be wronged again."

After Cui Xiniang heard this, she smiled with satisfaction and asked him about going to Changliang Wei tomorrow to ask for food.

Xu Liuyi said it.

Cui Xiniang looked at Xu Liu's mind, thinking about what Xu He said before leaving, and became frightened. Finally, she said: "You know Xu He's third apprentice Xu Lianye. He has served Xu He for many years and has learned good medical skills. Xu He I also gave him a lot of life-saving prescriptions. If you take him with you tomorrow, he will prepare the medicine for you."

He also specifically confessed: "You must eat so that you can complete your errands."

Although he didn't say it clearly, in the past two years, Xu Liu seemed to have understood that he was easily excited and would do irrational things when stimulated, so he agreed: "Yes, my son will take him with him, don't worry, mother."

Seeing that he was obedient, Cui Xiniang finally felt relieved. It was very rare that mother and son talked together for less than half an hour.

During this period, Xu Liu also asked about Cui Xiniang’s cousin Yu.

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