In the crowd, Sheng Rui muttered in a low voice: "Magistrate Zhai is so stupid. The discovery of new grains is a rare and great achievement..."

As soon as the words "Great Contribution" came out, the concubine and grandson of Pingyong County Lord next to him couldn't wait and shouted: "County Magistrate Zhai, the discovery of new grain is a great thing that has contributed to the people and the country. Hurry up and pick up the new grain." , I will hurry up for another eight hundred miles to report the good news to the emperor, so that the emperor can have a good year. If you are not free, I can do it for you!"

After hearing this, Sheng Rui smiled secretly in his heart: You idiot, you really got fooled just to get the credit.

After hearing this, Magistrate Zhai wanted to die. He originally wanted to help the Xu family delay it for a day and a half, and let the Xu family find a way to solve the problem, but this man ruined it all.

Magistrate Zhai was so angry that he went to the court in person to see who the idiot was. When they saw each other, Magistrate Zhai was delighted: "It turns out he is the grandson of Pingyong County Lord. He is a relative of the emperor and he is really loyal!"

Aren't you afraid that the Xu family will kill you?

Even if you are not afraid of death, your county master's grandmother is still afraid of offending the Xu family.

What is the status of the Xu family now? That is an existence that even the emperor is afraid of!


Since you want to be a hero, I will help you.

Magistrate Zhai grabbed the grandson of Lord Pingyong and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Chi cares about the country, I will leave it to you to go to Changliang Wei to welcome the new grain."

After hearing this, Chi Shiyi was shocked: "Are you serious, Magistrate Zhai? You really want to leave such an important errand to me? Isn't Magistrate Zhai going?"

Magistrate Zhai chuckled: "It's cold this year and the grain harvest is serious. I still have many official duties to attend to, and I don't have time to go to Liang Wei. Besides, Mr. Chi is the grandson of the county lord and a serious relative of the emperor. This is tantamount to It is most suitable for Mr. Chi to take part in a major event that has contributed to the development of the country. This job will be left to you, Mr. Chi."

Hurry up and get on your way for me.

Hahaha, Chi Shiyi smiled so hard that he thought he had gained a lot of credit, so he straightened his face and said, "Don't worry, Magistrate Zhai, I will definitely bring back the new grain."

Magistrate Zhai waved his hand and said: "The new grain belongs to the imperial court and the people. Mr. Chi should guarantee it to the emperor and the people. There is no need to promise anything to me."

Don't mess with me, I just want to survive until I leave office and don't want to get involved in such a life-threatening incident!

After Chi Shiyi heard this, he hurriedly faced the people present and said, "Don't worry, people, I will go to Changliang Wei now. I will definitely bring back the new grain so that everyone can have a good year!"

The people were very proud, and they clapped their hands and shouted: "Well done, Mr. Chi, hurry up, we have prepared the worship items and the banquet, waiting for you to come back to celebrate!"

Someone else said flatteringly: "It turns out that Mr. Chi is the grandson of the county lord. It's really disrespectful... Mr. Chi looks quite young. He's not married yet. My little daughter..."

"Shopkeeper Fang, don't forget your little daughter. Mr. Chi is the grandson of the county lord. Do you know who the county lord is? He is similar to a princess and a relative of the emperor. You still want to marry your little daughter to Mr. Chi? Stop dreaming, being a maid for Mr. Chi is enough!"

Shopkeeper Fang didn't choose, and said, "If Mr. Chi doesn't mind, my little daughter is willing to be your maid."

After Chi Shiyi heard this, he actually started to think about it seriously. Magistrate Zhai was speechless and said hurriedly: "Don't talk about irrelevant things. It's important to go to Changliang Wei to receive the new food now."

After saying that, he took Young Master Chi to the court, not letting Shopkeeper Fang and others pester him with irrelevant things.

Zhang Yamen was very discerning and pulled a few Yamen brothers to stop the crowd: "This is an important place in the court. You are not allowed to enter or make any noise. Violators will be severely punished!"

Shopkeeper Fang was afraid and didn't follow her. He thought that when he went back, he would send his little daughter directly to Mr. Chi's house and take up the position first... Dear relatives of the emperor, you must hold on!

In the court, Chi Shiyi was happy when Magistrate Zhai pointed at Bai Sixiong and Shi Santai and said: "When Mr. Chi goes to welcome the new grain, he will pass by Shibai Village and rescue the people in their village."

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Chi came to his senses and wanted to quit, but the people present said: "Mr. Chi, the people in Shibai Village are innocent. As a relative of the emperor, you have to rescue them!"

"Mr. Chi, please save the people in our village. I'm kowtowing to you!" Shi Santai kept kowtowing to Chi Shiyi. Chi Shiyi felt pain just hearing the sound.

Bai Sixiong also kowtowed: "Master Chi, please save our people in Shibai Village. They are innocent people... You are a relative of the emperor. Looking at the entire northwest, only you can save them!"

After flattering him and putting on his hat, Chi Shiyi agreed: "Don't worry, everyone, as a relative of the emperor, I will definitely rescue the villagers who have been wronged!"

"Well, Mr. Chi is well done. He deserves to be the grandson of the county lord!" The big guy praised Chi Shiyi.

Sheng Rui: "..."

Suddenly I felt that I had gone too far, wouldn't I beat Chi Shiyi to death this time?

"That matter can't be delayed. Mr. Chi, please leave as soon as possible. I will write an order and ask the people from Mu County's military post to go with you." Magistrate Zhai quickly wrote the order and sent Mr. Chi out of the county like a god of plague. The yamen also said to the people: "Send Mr. Chi away and send him out of the county!"

"The county magistrate is right, let's send Mr. Chi away!" The people from Mu County beat gongs and drums to send Chi Shiyi and his servants out of the county.

Although Sheng Rui disliked Chi Shiyi's stupidity and his tendency to act like a relative of the emperor, he didn't want to kill him, so he gave up a thousand taels of silver and gave it to Zhang Er: "Take this and invite your brothers to follow." Chang Liang Wei helps out."

Zhang Er saw that he had given so much money, and his hands were shaking. After calming down, he collected the money and said: "Mr. Sheng, we are only witnesses. If something happens, we will only run away, but I can’t save Mr. Chi.”

Sheng Rui nodded: "Just be a witness... After all, the Xu family is a Hou family. They want to be proud. There are outsiders here, so it's not good to make it too ugly."

"Hey, with your words, the little one knows what to do." Zhang Er immediately went to call someone and told his brothers: "Although the risk is high, money is hard to make nowadays, and every trip Each person can get more than a hundred taels, which is enough for us to live until the end of next year, or even the beginning of the next year. If there is a war, with this money, we can escape with our family and have a settlement fund."

"This opportunity is rare, let's do it!" A group of brothers also have to support their families, and they are willing to take risks for the sake of their families.

Zhang Er: "Since you are all willing, then hurry up and get in the car to follow."

"Hey." A group of brothers got on the mule cart and caught up with Chi Shiyi.

Chi Shiyi also wanted to go to the commander's office to ask for troops. It took Zhang Er and others a while to catch up with them, and they directly stated their intention without hiding.

Chi Shiyi saw that he was here to help, so he took them with him without chasing them away.

However, Zhang Er was smart and left three brothers in another mule cart to follow him from a distance. If he found anything wrong, the brothers in the other mule cart hurriedly ran to the county town to ask Sheng Rui for help.

The group of people rushed towards Changliang Wei in a mighty manner, and finally arrived at Shibai Village the next morning.

"Mr. Chi, this is right here. This is our village. Please go into the village quickly and save the people in our village. Only you can save them." Bai Sixiong saw that Mr. Chi liked others to wear high hats, so he begged. Speak flattering words.

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