A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2292 Happy and Furious

Chi Shiyi was very satisfied with what he heard and said to Lu Baihu from the Military Division: "Let's go into the village to save people."

"Yes." The group of people walked towards Shibai Village.

But before the convoy entered the village, a group of soldiers wearing armor and swords rushed out and said: "Stop, who is coming? The villagers in this village have violated military law and will be taken to Daokougou Camp for trial soon. Don’t wait until you enter the village, otherwise you will be treated as an accomplice!”

Bai Sixiong said: "This military master, please stop making nonsense. We are from Shibai Village. When your sixth son was poisoned that day and you arrested the villagers, we all saw it in the cellar. We ran to The county government of Mu County is looking for someone to save lives, and now everyone in Mu County knows about this... For the sake of everyone, I also ask the military master to release the people in our village, and don't let a small matter turn into a big deal out of anger!"

"What did you say?!" The soldiers were shocked and couldn't believe that the people in Mu County already knew what happened that day.

Bai Sixiong said again: "I said, the people in Mu County already know what happened that day, and they also know that Chang Liang Wei discovered new grains... Military Lord, the matter has come to this, it should be downplayed, don't make a fuss about trivial matters. big."

Little things?

This mountain villager actually said that this was a trivial matter. Who knew what would happen to Mr. Xu’s family if outsiders knew about it? What will these helping soldiers face? !

However, Zhang Er felt that Bai Sixiong's strategy, skills, and words were not like a mountain villager.

Bai Sixiong pointed at Chi Shishi again and said: "This is the grandson of the Lord of Pingyong County in the capital. Military lords, please don't be impulsive. Go and inform Zheng Qianhu first and let Zheng Qianhu speak out."

The soldiers were shocked again. Even Zheng Qianhu knew this man. It seemed that he was indeed from Shibai Village.

"You guys wait a minute." The general flag did not dare to neglect and went back to the village in person to inform Zheng Qianhu of the matter.

When Zheng Qianhu heard about this, he was so angry that he cursed: "Damn, someone slipped through the net and made the matter bigger!"

The general asked: "Sir, what should we do?"

He looked at Zheng Qianhu again and said: "It is no longer possible to kill people and silence them... This person is the grandson of the county lord, and he is a relative of the emperor. To touch him is tantamount to conspiracy. All brothers have families..."

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was already very clear, which was to ask Zheng Qianhu not to forcefully help the Xu family, but to at least be diplomatic for the sake of his own family and his brothers.

"Sir, why don't you use dragging tactics?" Zongqi suggested: "Anyway, the Marquis has rushed to Changliang Wei. As long as the Marquis handles this matter, let the people of Changliang Wei say that the new grain was discovered by the Marquis' family. Yes, even the grandson of the county owner can’t do anything.”

Xu You had people in Mu County. As soon as the incident broke out, Xu You's people rushed to Daokougou camp to tell Xu You the news.

Just now, a quarter of an hour ago, Xu You had personally led people to Changliang Wei.

General Banner: "Sir, if the Marquis takes action personally, he will definitely be able to turn things around. There is no need for us to kill people and silence them and ruin the reputation of the Xu family."

Zheng Qianhu was moved and said, "I know what to do. Let's go and see the grandson of the county lord."

He also asked the general banner to release the village chief.

"Yes." The general flag complied.

Zheng Qianhu went to see Mr. Chi first.

When they met, Zheng Qianhu did not insist that the people in Shibai Village were guilty. He only said: "Sixth Young Master had an accident in Shibai Village. Although Xu Lianye admitted that he was responsible for the poison, the Sixth Young Master had hens given by the village for lunch. If they are dissatisfied, I will have no choice but to detain them in the village and wait for the Marquis to be punished."

He added: "They have not suffered, they are all fine. If you don't believe me, you can follow me into the village to meet the head of Shibai Village and his family."

Bai Sixiong said: "Mr. Chi, let's go into the village and have a look."

"Yes." Mr. Chi nodded in agreement.

The group of people walked directly to the village chief's house.

When they waited, Village Chief Shi and his family had already been packed up and were sitting in front of the fire to warm themselves up.

But they looked haggard and their bodies were still trembling. One look at them showed that they had had a bad couple of days.

"Grandpa, parents, are you okay? Santai is back to save you!" When Shi Santai saw his family, he immediately rushed over and hugged them, crying bitterly.

Chi Shiyi was in a hurry to go to Changliang Wei to pick up new grains, and had no time to watch their tender drama. He said, "Since they are not guilty, Zheng Qianhu should stop guarding here and withdraw."

"I'm sorry, but I obey." Zheng Qianhu said: "Although they are not guilty, they are involved in the case of the poisoning of the prince's son. We can only leave after the case is found out."

Mr. Chi hurried away, not wanting to argue with Zheng Qianhu, so he just asked, "You won't kill them, right?"

Zheng Qianhu smiled: "Mr. Chi, the people of Mu County have already known about this matter. Do you think I would be so stupid to kill them at this time?"

The tone was very bad, and Mr. Chi was unhappy when he heard it. However, he was in a hurry to leave and didn't care too much. He just said: "In that case, I won't stay any longer."

Bai Sixiong was afraid that something might happen to the villagers after Mr. Chi left, so he whispered a few words to Mr. Chi.

Mr. Chi frowned and complained in his heart. It was really troublesome to save people, but everyone in Mu County knew that he was here to save people. If something happened to the people in Shibai Village, he would not look good on his face, so he could only order his two subordinates. Person: "You stay and watch, in case something happens and you can't tell clearly."

The two servants bowed and responded: "Yes!"

Although Zheng Qianhu was not happy that Mr. Chi retained someone, he didn't say anything and delayed Mr. Chi for another two quarters of an hour. He estimated that by the time Mr. Chi arrived, the Marquis would have already packed up Chang Liang Wei, so he let Chi go. Young Master and the others left.

Bai Sixiong's mission ended here, and he did not follow him anymore, but stayed in the village to take care of him.

Zhang Er and the others continued to follow, urging Mr. Chi: "Young Master, hurry up and go to Chang Liang Wei. If it's too late, something might happen, and the credit will be someone else's!"

Although Chi Shiyi is known as the concubine of the county lord, his grandmother is not the county lord, but the county lord's concubine. No one in the county lord's mansion takes him seriously at all. Therefore, he really wanted to accomplish this great feat and return to the capital in high spirits!

"You're right to remind me." Chi Shiyi immediately ordered: "Set off quickly and rush to Changliang Wei!"

After giving the order, the convoy hurried to Changliangwei, but they were riding in carriages, which were faster than Xu You's horses. Xu You arrived at Changliangwei half an hour earlier than them.

As soon as he arrived at Changliang Wei, Xu You revealed his identity: "I am Marquis Xu. My son was poisoned and was sent to Changliang Wei for treatment. Please open the door quickly and let me in!"

The words "Zhong Chuhou" are too unpleasant to hear. Xu You usually doesn't say it and only says that he is Xuhou.

The Marquis came to the door in person. Wu Zongqi did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly came over and knelt down to salute: "General, I will pay my respects to the Marquis. To the Marquis..."

Bang bang bang!

Xu You hurried into the guardhouse. He felt that Mr. Wu was deliberately blocking him when he came to greet An. He raised his whip and slapped Mr. Wu several times. He said angrily: "Open the door quickly. If you dare to talk nonsense again, you will be punished by military law!"

Wu Zongqi was beaten and did not dare to stop him. He hurriedly said: "Open the door quickly and welcome the Marquis into the guardhouse!"

"Yes." The soldiers under his command hurriedly opened the gate of the guardhouse.

Xu You rode a horse, rushed into the guardhouse, and rushed directly towards the main house, hoping to directly find the master and threaten him, and get the new grain matter into the hands of the Xu family.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through the run, a group of people came running from the side of the road, and the leader was Jiang Wanzang!

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