Xu You was shouted back to his senses: "Yes, we have to send troops quickly to stop those beasts. We can't go through another siege!"

When Long'an Prefecture was besieged, some bad things happened in the city. Even though Xu You was a person who had been fighting all year round, he still felt frightened when he recalled it.

"Pass the military order from me, except for the 30,000 fixed garrison troops, the entire army must assemble and rush to Erhu Liang. I want to chop up this bastard Tuo Gude!"

If you dare to lie to him and really attack him secretly, he will make Tuo Gude pay the price.

"Yes!" His lieutenant general hurried to deliver the order.

Boom, boom, boom!

The rapid drumbeat of the rally sounded, starting from the Chinese army's tent, and other drums in the camp were also beaten. For a time, the whole camp was filled with the sound of the drumbeat of the rally.

The messenger rode on horseback and shouted: "The enemy is attacking. The Marquis has ordered that except for the 30,000 defenders, all the others must gather and rush to Erhuliang to kill the enemy!"

After hearing this, the soldiers immediately gathered in front of their Qianhu's tent, led by Qianhu, and rushed to the main camp gathering place.

The adults, high-ranking officials, nobles, and young men from aristocratic families from the capital were very frightened and ran to Xu You: "Master Xu, are the soldiers really coming? Isn't this a feint attack?"

When the banquet was almost over, everyone dispersed saying there was an enemy attack, but Xu You said at that time that it was a feint attack by the bandits and told them not to worry and just go back to sleep in peace.

But what about gathering the entire army in the middle of the night?

Xu You said: "It's not a feint attack. The thieves are really coming. I want to lead troops to defend against the enemy."

The noble gentlemen were anxious: "The Marquis is leaving the camp to defend the enemy? What should we do?"

Xu You: "General Shen will stay behind with 30,000 troops to protect you."

In fact, the main purpose is to protect food and grass supplies.

"Thirty thousand troops and horses? Isn't this enough? It's not possible, it's too few. At least 50,000 troops and horses are enough!"

"Leave 50,000 soldiers and horses? Then what else can I use to defend the enemy?!" Xu You was extremely annoyed by Tuo Gude. He couldn't bear the annoyance of this group of people, so he yelled: "Three Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, if you think they are few, transfer your own guards to defend against the enemy, or simply follow me to Erhuliang to fight against the bandits!"


Everyone was quiet.

When Xu You saw this, he sneered in his heart, what a bunch of waste.

However, the families behind these people were still useful to him. He softened his tone and said, "You just need to stay in the camp with peace of mind. As long as I guard Erhu Liang, the soldiers and thieves will not be able to get through."

As he said this, the noble master was thinking in his heart: Can you hold on?

But at this time, no one dares to offend Xu You, wishing him victory.

Supervisor Xin arrived and asked, "Master Xu, how is the outcome of this victory?"

Everyone else looked at Xu You, waiting for his answer.

Xu You said: "This is a sneak attack by the Rong bandits. In any sneak attack, it is impossible to bring too many soldiers and horses. If I bring fifty thousand soldiers and horses to stop them, I will definitely trample the Rong bandits into a pulp!"

However, Xu You was wrong. The Rong people came back with great force, and the great wizard also brought a large amount of poison. Before the Chu army could reach the Rong people, a large number of them were poisoned to death by the poison!

The soldiers were fighting against the soldiers, and the relatives of the guards were also running for their lives.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

In the middle of the night, the patrols of Changliang Guards banged their gongs and shouted: "The thieves are coming. Every household should hurry up and pack their everything bags and gather at the gate of the guardhouse!"

Because there are many wars in the northwest, every household is prepared with an all-in-one bag. In the event of a war, you can escape with your life by carrying the all-in-one bag, taking along the elderly, children, and valuable livestock.

After hearing this, the people of Changliang Guard packed their bags and rushed to the gate of the guardhouse with their families.

"Bank notes, broken silver, hurry up, hide some for everyone, so if we get separated, you can have money to save your life." Widow Xiao was not stingy anymore. She stuffed a little money for everyone in the family, even the youngest Xiao Qingyun. , and added: "The bamboo identification tags are all tied around the neck. If they get separated, they can use the bamboo tags to find the guard station."

If you are dead, you have a bamboo sign so that people can know who you are when the body is collected.

Xiao Xiaomei said: "Mom, you have packed everything, let's go quickly."

"Let's go, let's go." Widow Xiao did not hug Xiao Qingyun, but tightly pulled Sister Xiao and Little Sister Xiao to run. Instead of going to the gate, she went to the main house.

Uncle Qin could only hold the child and lead the whole family to chase them.

Gu Jinli and the others had already packed up and were about to take a carriage to gather at the gate of the guardhouse. When he saw them coming, he knew the intention of Widow Xiao very well and said: "Leave the sisters behind. You guys must gather at the gate quickly. The carriages will be there." Go, I will arrange for you to get in the car and go on your way."

"Hey, my nephew's wife, the sisters are entrusted to you." Widow Xiao was relieved and told them: "Be good to Sanlang's wife, and don't let go if you can hold her!"

After saying that, he squatted down and grabbed a handful of mud mixed with snow water. He slapped it twice and smeared it on their sisters' faces. After making their faces look ugly, he left with satisfaction.

"Get in the car quickly!" Gu Jinli greeted them. After they came up, each person stuffed two bags of medicine into them: "Poison and antidote, take the antidote first, and keep the poison to kill the enemy... If you are really unlucky, you will Even if you take poison."

The Xiao sisters responded: "Hey, we get it."

They have all escaped from the war and know how cruel the soldiers are. Everyone understands without having to say too many words.

"Er Qing, drive away." Gu Jinli ordered. After hearing Er Lang's loud cry, he quickly took him from Nurse Hong's arms: "Er Lang, be good, don't be afraid. It's okay. Mom is here."

But when Erlang started crying, it was earth-shattering, and tonight was unusual. The child was sensitive and aware of the danger. Gu Jinli coaxed him all the way to the gate of the guardhouse.

I had no choice but to let him cry first and ask about Yao Baihu's situation: "Are everyone here? Call the names a few more times to make sure everyone from each family and banner is here before leaving."

"Yes." Yao Baihu responded, leaving Lu behind and went back to work.

The guard station has always conducted training on escaping during war, so although the gathering was hectic, within half an hour, everything was ready.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"Don't panic, everyone, just run as usual. We have a carriage and we can run fast. The soldiers can't catch up with us. If it doesn't work, we have poison. Just kill them!"

After saying some words of comfort, he quickly set off.

There were too many cars and horses, and they would have to be counted after running for a quarter of an hour. The soldiers would also count the cars while riding back and forth, so that if they found someone falling behind, they could find it in time.

Although it was late at night, after running out of Changliangwei and onto the main road, it was very lively. I met many people who were also fleeing to the gathering place in Mu County.

"Mrs. Shi and the others are here?" Gu Jinli asked.

Dajin fell in love with Shi Yanfang, so she had to take good care of the little girl and not let anything disgusting happen to the little girl.

Daqing came over and reported: "The people brought by Xia Zhang have brought Mrs. Shi and her daughter. Mrs. Shi and Miss Shi are fine."

He also handed Gu Jinli a letter, which was written by Shi Yanfang on the carriage. It was too chaotic now and they had to run for their lives. Mrs. Shi and her daughter couldn't come over to express their thanks, so they wrote a letter to report that they were safe.

"That's good." After reading the letter, Gu Jinli felt relieved and explained: "It's too chaotic. Don't try to get in the way, and don't let others get in the way. All the carriages with people in Changliang Wei must be connected end to end. Once If someone robs us, the convoy will be split into two, and if we don't keep it together, someone will be separated from us."

"Yes." Daqing took the order and went to do it.

After all this was done and the carriage started moving again, Gu Jinli had time to see the child.

After the second wolf was tired from crying, he was coaxed to sleep, but the big wolf was holding back his tears, his little mouth trembling, but he didn't cry out, but pursed his mouth tightly. After seeing her look over, he finally couldn't hold back his tears anymore. It fell off with a snap.

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