But the big wolf still didn't cry. She probably kept saying things like "Don't cry, don't make noise" when coaxing the second wolf. The big wolf heard it, so he kept silent.

The two children are ten months old, almost one year old, and can understand some adults' words.

Gu Jinli looked at the big wolf and wanted to slap himself twice. He hugged the big wolf quickly and coaxed: "Big wolf, be good. It's my fault. I was just busy and didn't even look at our big wolf. Cry, don't hold it back." .”

She coaxed him softly, kissed him, and wiped his tears.

The tears became more and more wiped away, but the big wolf just held it in and refused to cry.

Gu Jinli was anxious, thinking that children have the strongest imitation ability, so he whined and said: "Big wolf, don't be afraid if you cry like mother, it's okay, the soldiers can't get through, your father is beating them, Just cry boldly.”

As he spoke, he whined again, teaching him with actions.

After teaching for a while, the big wolf finally burst into tears: "Wow, wow, wow!"

He cried miserably and his voice was as loud as the two wolves.

Gu Jinli was heartbroken. He hugged him and coaxed with some choking words: "Big Wolf, be good, cry, don't worry, mother is here... your father is also leading troops to fight against the bandits to protect us."


Big Wolf's little hands tightly grabbed Gu Jinli's clothes, and he cried heartily for a full quarter of an hour before his voice became quieter and turned into sobs.

After sobbing for a while, he slowly calmed down and shouted to Gu Jinli, "Ahhh."

It was as if he was telling Gu Jinli that he was fine.

Seeing this, Gu Jinli finally felt relieved, laughed, kissed his cheek, and praised: "Our big wolf cried so well. From now on, we don't have to hold it in when we cry like this. Our parents are here, so the big wolf doesn't have to cry by himself." Hold on."

As she talked, she almost shed tears... The big wolf was too sensible and had a humble temper. When he saw the second wolf crying, if everyone was busy coaxing the second wolf, he would hold back even if he wanted to cry.

When the toy was snatched away by the second wolf, he would pull it twice at most. After failing to snatch it away, he would laugh and would not try to snatch it again.

This is probably due to the temper brought about in the womb. In the womb, it cannot compete with the second wolf, so it will grow smaller when it is born.

It was precisely because of this that she was able to give birth smoothly without suffering too much.

"Big Wolf is my savior. Mom loves Big Wolf the most." Gu Jinli kissed him and asked, "Are you hungry? Mom will feed you milk."

Nanny Lin said: "Madam, I have already fed the eldest young master. He is full. He was not ready to nurse yet, but he was frightened by the battle. He was so scared that he cried."

He knelt down and sat in the carriage again, and said guiltily: "This slave did not take good care of me. Please punish me, madam."

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "It's not your fault. You have done a good job. You have been holding him tonight, talking to him in a low voice, and comforting him. It's just that this child has a delicate and sensitive temperament. I should pay more attention to him."

Rather than seeing that he is not crying, you just assume that he is fine and keep busy with other things.

Nurse Hong also did a good job. Just now, the big wolf cried loudly and disturbed the second wolf. She covered the second wolf's ears and put him back to sleep before he woke up completely.

Then he said to them: "You don't have to worry about the children at home. They are safer than us in the county."

"Yes, thank you madam." The two wet nurses responded.

The big wolf tugged on her clothes and shouted: "No, no, no, no!"

Gu Jinli smiled and said to Sanqing: "Bring in the magpie hanging outside and show it to the big wolf."

"Yes." Sanqing responded, brought the birdcage in, lifted the goose down cotton cover outside, and let the big wolf see the magpie inside.

"Aha, ugh!" The big wolf was very happy to see that the magpies were still there. He called out and reached out to catch them.

Gu Jinli said: "Look, your big magpie is still there, don't worry."

"Uh-huh!" Big Wolf smiled happily and responded to his mother.

Seeing that he was happy, Gu Jinli also became happy. He played with him for a while, let him urinate, and then coaxed him to sleep.

The big wolf was no longer afraid, and soon fell asleep.

Nanny Lin said: "Madam, please come and hold me. You can take the opportunity to sleep."

Madam has been busy all night and needs to get some sleep and have a good rest.

Gu Jinli shook his head: "No, I can sleep even if I hug the big wolf... The big wolf was frightened. If he wakes up and can't see me, I'm afraid he will be frightened again. If the child is frightened too much, he will get a fever and get sick."

Then he said to Nurse Hong: "Give me the two wolves as well, I will hold them to sleep."

"Yes." Nanny Hong responded and gave Erlang the urine before giving it to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli hugged the two children and leaned against the wall of the carriage. He fell asleep soon, but was woken up after less than half an hour.

"Why did you stop?" Gu Jinli asked, "It's still noisy. What happened?"

Erqing said: "It's the convoy in front of us that overturned two cars and is rescuing people."

Gu Jinli's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. After waiting patiently for two quarters of an hour, Daqing came over and said, "Madam, it was Mrs. Lian's mule cart that overturned. No one is fine, but the wheels of the cart are broken. We are moving the things on the cart to other places." Let’s go by mule cart and it’ll be fine in a while.”

Gu Jinli felt relieved after hearing this. After waiting for another half-quarter of an hour, he was finally able to leave.

But on the way to escape, there were many cars in a mess, and cars overturned every hour. Fortunately, the most serious ones only injured hands and feet, and killed mules and horses, but no one was killed.

When it was getting dark, people began to appear on the road fleeing for their lives on foot. They were all villagers who had moved here in the past two years.

Changliangwei is doing various businesses. Many farmers have gone to Changliangwei to sell things, and they even went to ask for medicinal materials when it was extremely cold. After seeing Changliangwei's fleet, they all came to ask: "Yao Baihu, what are you doing?" Are the soldiers really fighting this time, or are they just making a sneak attack and then leaving?"

Yao Baihu said: "It's not clear yet. In short, it's always right to escape to the gathering place in Mu County first. If it's a feint attack, we can come back in a few days."

But if there is a real fight and everyone escapes too late, that would be bad.

"Hey, I understand, thank you Yao Baihu."

This was not the first time for everyone to deal with Chang Liang Wei. They knew the rules and did not stalk him. After asking about the situation, they left and went back to tell the people who were fleeing together about the situation.

After hearing this, everyone put their hands together and prayed to the sky: "God bless me, it's best to sneak attack and leave after one round, but don't come back again."

In cold weather, you have to freeze to death on the road while escaping. And once a fight starts, it won't end in a month or two. It can take at least three months, or even last for a year or two like it did back then. Yes, that will delay this year’s spring plowing!

Farmers make a living by farming. Even if they are running for their lives, they are still worried about spring plowing.

However, the thieves were serious this time.

In the middle of the afternoon, news spread that several guard posts in Erhu Liangshan and nearby guard posts had been slaughtered by bandits.

"God, everyone, please run away quickly. The thief Tian Khan has led his troops to attack. Many of Erhu Liangshan's guardhouses have been massacred. There are corpses everywhere!"

After hearing this, people on the road hurriedly surrounded the person shouting: "What? Are you serious? Where are you from? How do you know about this? You are not just a trickster, deliberately spreading rumors and causing trouble, right?!"

The group of people cried: "Conscience of heaven and earth, we are registered residents of Hushu Village, thirty miles away from Erhuliang Mountain. After seeing the flames of several guardhouses in Erhuliang, we did not dare to delay and ran away immediately... On the way, we also met General Cheng who rushed back to rescue us. This, this is the small military flag he gave us, which can prove that we are not meticulous!"

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