But now it's wartime, and everyone doesn't dare to believe their words easily. An old man shouted: "Xiao Erliu, hurry up and find a military master to come and take a look at their household registration and military flag. Are they true or false?"

"Hey, I'll go right away." Xiao Erliu carried the baggage and ran forward like a rabbit. He dragged a general flag that was escorting the family members to escape. He pointed at the group of people surrounded and said: "Master, this is This group of people!”

The commander-in-chief was an experienced man, so he singled out people to question. Three people were asked in total, and they all said almost the same thing. After checking the household registration and the small military flag given by General Cheng, he said to everyone: "He is one of our own people." , not meticulous work.”

After everyone heard this, they felt relieved.

The general flag asked the group of people about Erhu Liangshan's situation.

"That's not good. You have to run away quickly, lest half of the people in Mu County were massacred by the bandits like it was back then!"

"Yes, yes, yes, run away quickly, the further away the better!" After knowing the tragic situation of Erhuliang, the big guys ran away faster. They carried the children on their backs, supported the old man, and fled towards Long'an Mansion. .

Chang Liang Wei's people quickly got the news and reported to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli quickly took out a map and found the meeting place of Erhu Liangshan and Mu County. He breathed a sigh of relief: "It's in the direction of the front and rear. The distance is still quite far. We can stop at the meeting place of Mu County and have a rest." .”


"You still have to flee as far away as possible. It is best to flee to Gujia Village in Gaoshui County in one go. Once there, you can safely stop for a few days and wait for news from the front. If the situation gets worse, you can flee to Xing'an in one go. Mansion."

Gu Jinli had already planned her escape route. As long as the soldiers in front could withstand it and were not defeated by the soldiers so quickly, she would be confident that she could safely escape to a safe place with her family members!

Sister Xiao felt relieved after hearing this.

But Xiaomei Xiao was very worried: "Cousin, will Jifeng and the others be okay?"

Gu Jinli said: "In a war, anything can happen. There is no point in worrying. The most important thing we have to do now is to protect ourselves. If nothing happens, they can fight with peace of mind."

She was also worried about Brother Qin, but she knew that Brother Qin was also worried about them. Only when mother and son were safe could he fight with peace of mind.

After Xiaomei Xiao heard this, she fell silent.

Sister Xiao said: "You didn't listen to me when I asked you not to be a soldier. Now you know you are afraid."

Xiao Mei raised her chin and said stubbornly: "Humph, I'm looking for a soldier. I don't know about others, but Jifeng is very capable. He will definitely survive and be promoted!"

Tsk, Sister Xiao nodded her head and said, "Just hang yourself on this broken tree in Jifeng."

Gu Jinli allowed their sisters to quarrel, so that Xiao Mei could feel better, and then went to see his two sons... The two cubs were now well, and were being held by their respective nannies, playing with their dolls face to face.

"Ouch!" The second wolf was very strong, and the puppet kept being pulled in his hand, but he also liked to tease the big wolf. He stretched the puppet in front of the big wolf, and after the big wolf caught it, he snatched the puppet back. , giggling with joy.

The big wolf was not angry at all and played cooperatively with his younger brother.

Seeing this, Gu Jinli grabbed the puppet, pulled it a few times, and snatched it away. He looked at the two wolves and said, "Ha, my mother snatched it away. Let your brother play with it for a while."

It’s about giving the big wolf the puppet.

The big wolf was very happy, holding the stuffed doll with his two little hands, jumping up and down and shaking his little body: "Uh-huh!"

Erlang also started laughing.

After the big wolf played for a while, he went to grab the puppet again. The big wolf pulled it twice and let go. The second wolf howled happily after grabbing the puppet.

Gu Jinli laughed to death: "I don't know who the two of you are teasing whom?"

Nanny Lin said: "The two young masters are amusing each other."

In the carriage behind, Grandma Yu and Grandma Tao smiled when they heard the laughter of the two children.

Aunt Yu sighed: "Madam, you have such a good temper. No matter what happens, you can always find fun and never suffer yourself."

Aunt Tao nodded in agreement: "Madam has known how to enjoy hardships since she was a child."

The gathering place in Mu County was quite far away from the guard station, and there were too many people fleeing for their lives. Gu Jinli and the others arrived at the gathering place the next morning. They took out their tokens, revealed their identities, and entered the gathering place.

The gathering place was very large, comparable to half of Daokougou Camp, but the people on the second line of defense were much closer than them. At this moment, the Mu County gathering place was already occupied by the family members of the second line of defense.

Fortunately, Mr. Han was smart. As soon as he arrived at the meeting place, he went to find out if anyone lived in the former Qin House. After learning that it was not available, he sent someone to find General Fu and asked him to leave Qin's house empty for a day. If Gu Jinli and the others hadn't arrived after one day, they would arrange for someone to move in.

It was only a free day, so General Fu agreed.

Therefore, Gu Jinli and the others had a house to live in as soon as they arrived.

"I've met Aunt Qin." As soon as Sister Yu saw Gu Jinli, she ran over to salute her, then looked behind her, her eyes lit up when she saw the big wolf and the two wolves, and she said happily: "Are these two younger brothers? "

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "It's them."

"Aunt Qin." Brother Yi also ran over. After bowing, he ran to see the big wolf and the two wolves: "Big wolf and the two wolves, do you still remember brother Yi? You have grown older than before."

During the Hundred Days Banquet, they were small and soft, and he didn't dare to touch them for fear of breaking them.

"They are so young, how can they remember you." Han smiled, came over and said a few words to Gu Jinli, and then quickly said: "It's been almost two days of journey, let's go and settle in first."

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law Zhang." Gu Jinli followed Han to the Qin residence where he lived before.

The relatives camped in the open space near Qin's house. The soldiers' barracks were on the periphery of the relatives' camp, surrounding the relatives' camp in the middle to protect them.

More than an hour later, the tent was set up, a fire was lit, hot water was boiled, cooked soybean meal was prepared, and after a warm meal, it was time to go to sleep.

I kept rushing and didn't stop much at night. I was so tired that I couldn't sleep without it.

Gu Jinli also took a nap.

But she was woken up less than an hour later. It was Ji Zhenniang and Kuangshi. She was very happy and hurriedly got up and dressed to meet them.

Ji Zhenniang cried as soon as she saw her: "Gu Xiaoyu, now that I'm seeing you, I'm almost scared to death, woo woo woo!"

Gu Jinli said deliberately: "Okay, don't cry. You are almost thirty years old and you still cry easily."

This trick was very useful. After Ji Zhenniang heard this, she immediately stopped crying and said angrily: "Gu Xiaoyu, who do you think is almost thirty years old? I am in the year of Hua Xin, when I am the youngest and most beautiful!"

Gu Jinli smiled and went to see Brother Rui: "Aunt Qin, give me a hug. Our Brother Rui must be scared."

Ji Zhenniang said proudly: "My brother Rui was not frightened. He even thought it was fun to drive in the middle of the night."

"That's good." Gu Jinli hugged Brother Rui, talked to Kuang for a moment, and then told them to go to bed quickly.

When it was getting dark, Mrs. Tan and her daughter also arrived.

Gu Jinli was completely relieved when she saw them. The Tan family and the Xiao family were engaged. Xiao Chengju was still in Duchonggou, so she had to keep an eye on Miss Tan.

All the familiar people arrived at the gathering place in Mu County safely, and Gu Jinli was very happy.

But it didn't take long for the scouts to send news here. After General Fu read the battle report, he immediately sent people to beat gongs to inform everyone in the camp: "The soldiers and thieves are coming fiercely. We can't stay here for long. All your relatives will continue tomorrow." Set off and escape to Fucheng!"

As soon as the news came out, the entire gathering place burst into tears.

But after crying, the relatives took the time to prepare things for tomorrow.

Early the next morning, the relatives fled to Fucheng in great numbers.

Gu Jinli and the others also fled, but they met Du Neijian halfway.

Du Neijian went back and forth only for one thing, which was to rush to the battlefield ahead to read out the secret edict!

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