A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2323 Destroy the Xu family

Xu Liu was startled. Regardless of the pain, he opened his mouth with all his strength, crying and cursing incoherently: "Li Gan, Wo is a short man!"

Bang bang!

Gu Jinli slapped him twice more, raised his chin and sneered: "Why don't you dare? Let alone hit you. If I hadn't seen that you were still useful, I would have stabbed you to death. Come on, give me a hard beating!"

"Yes." You Xi and Daqing brought their subordinates over, lined up, and slapped Xu Liu.

They were all martial arts practitioners and were extremely powerful. Xu Liu was a weakling and couldn't stand it at all. He was knocked unconscious after only a few slaps.

Gu Jinli scolded disdainfully: "Useless thing."

"Sixth Young Master?" Cui Duo was anxious: "Wu Qianshan, what do you want to do? Are you going to watch the Sixth Young Master being beaten to death?!"

Mr. Qianshan: "Don't worry, Mrs. Qin will use her measures carefully. She won't kill the Sixth Young Master. At most, she will only maim him."

Is this human language?

Cui Duo asked: "Are you determined to betray the master and help the Qin Gu family?"

Mr. Qianshan said without hesitation: "Yes, I want to support the Qin and Gu families."

Then he corrected: "I didn't betray my master, I just don't want to waste my time helping the Xu family, they are not worth it!"

He, Wu Qianshan, is a famous counselor in Chu. Countless scholars admire him and his reputation is valuable. He also wants to leave a name in history, so he must choose someone who can support him, rather than continue to work in the Xu family. Wallowing in the mire.

"You..." Cui Duo was shocked and angry. He didn't know what to say. He suddenly covered his heart with pain on his face. He looked at Gu Jinli and knew that he had also been poisoned.

Mr. Qianshan also felt uncomfortable and said to Gu Jinli: "Mrs. Qin, I have surrendered to you, and there is still a lot of evidence in my hand that can bring down Xu You. Can you give us the antidote?"

Gu Jinli: "Press each person's head and give them an antidote."

"Yes." Daqing counted twenty-two antidotes, put them in a bag, and threw them to Cui Duo.

Cui Duo took it, a little afraid to eat it.

Mr. Qianshan took the bag and when he started to take the medicine, he paused, and finally took out only one antidote and took it first: "Thank you, Mrs. Qin."

Gu Jinli: "We should be grateful to Mr. Qianshan. If it weren't for his help, these dead soldiers would not have been poisoned."

Liang Jin and the others were very powerful, but it was very difficult to drug them. They succeeded in poisoning Liang Jin and others, all thanks to Mr. Qianshan's delay... And she found that after Liang Jin and others were poisoned, the color of their eyes changed. Likewise, I am afraid that my body has long been poisoned by other colorless and odorless poisons.

This poison should have been administered by Mr. Qianshan.

It can be seen that Wu Qianshan betrayed the Xu family as early as on the road.

"Since Mr. Qianshan is so sincere, please come inside and have a chat." Gao Lei reminded: "There is a lot of noise here. Although Master Yan and the others are blocking it, the dear family members will inevitably come over and ask questions. ask."

Mr. Qianshan: "Mrs. Gao is right, I really should have a good talk with Mrs. Qin."


"There are some matters involving Mrs. Qin's mother. Mrs. Gao may have to avoid it."

Gao Lei was very kind to her young master, but she still couldn't let her know about the Lu family's affairs.

Gao Lei has lived a long life, and the Lei family also has secrets. She knows the rules very well, nodded and said: "Okay, I will wait here to stop you."


"I also have a request. Sanlang's wife must bring two groups of You Xi and Daqing in, but you can only bring this guard leader in, and you must hand over your sword and sword."

Only in this way can Gu Jinli's safety be ensured.

"Mrs. Gao's words make sense." Mr. Qianshan was very cooperative and agreed to everything.

Cui Duo wanted to know the truth, but was forced to accept it. He was searched by Master Yu, and all the hidden weapons, swords, and poisons hidden on his body were taken away.

"Please." Gu Jinli turned around and walked back to the main courtyard.

After entering the main room, closing the door, he sat down and said, "Why are you helping us, Mr. Qianshan? Whose are you? Who is the master behind you? What do you want? What does the master behind you want?"

Cui Duo was shocked and looked at Mr. Qianshan: "She doesn't know anything, so you betrayed the Xu family to help her. Do you know that the Sixth Young Master is the closest descendant of the old master and the heir that the old master wants to support!"

"You also said that Xu Liu is just a descendant who is closest to the old master." Mr. Qianshan smiled, pointed at Gu Jinli and said, "And she is the granddaughter of the old master."

There it is again.

But Cui Duo didn't believe what he heard at all: "How is it possible? If the master still has his biological granddaughter, how can he support the Xu family? Promote Xu Liu?"

Mr. Qianshan: "How is it impossible? Her biological mother Cui is the daughter of the old master who has been missing for many years... This matter is still the Cui family's fault. If the Cui family didn't take good care of it, our eldest lady would also He will not live among the people."

As for supporting the Xu family and promoting Xu Liu...

"That's because the master needs military power, so he can only support Xu You, who was already in charge of the army at that time. It's different now. The master's grandson-in-law is the second-grade general Wu'an, who controls the right army and the vanguard army of the camp. He is still wronged. The son of the Marquis of Qin... You also admire the Marquis of Qin of the Great Chu. You know how much influence the Marquis of Qin has in the northwest. As long as the identity of General Qin is made public and he ascends to a high place, he can gather the scattered old troops."

The reason why Cui Duo listened to Mr. Qianshan and did not help Liang Jin was partly because he respected the Marquis of Qin and did not want the Marquis of Qin's son to be controlled.


"Emperor Jingyuan designated the Marquis of Qin as a rebel who supported Duke Wei. If his identity is revealed, General Qin will probably die."

Mr. Qianshan smiled and said: "That's why we got together to discuss how to destroy the Xu family. As long as the Xu family is destroyed, General Qin, as the son of the Marquis of Qin, can assemble the old northwest troops, defeat the bandits, and achieve great success. After that, we will be able to fight against Emperor Jingyuan, and then Emperor Jingyuan will not be able to kill General Qin... And what the old master wants the Xu family to do is to occupy the northwest and fight against Emperor Jingyuan."

Look, the plans just overlap.

Moreover, the person they helped was the granddaughter of the old master, so the old master would only be happier.


Cui Duo was stunned. What Mr. Qianshan said was indeed reasonable.


"Is she really our master's granddaughter?"

You must confirm your identity, otherwise if you help the wrong person, they will be traitors and will die!

Gu Jinli also said: "Yes, Mr. Qianshan, you have to provide evidence. It's useless to just say something I don't understand."

"Young master, do you really not understand?" Mr. Qianshan smiled, took out a letter, handed it to Daqing, and said to Gu Jinli: "This is the acknowledgment letter from Guanzhu Hu... Guanzhu Hu and I are old acquaintances, and Guanzhu Hu is I am kind, I respect her very much, and I will help the people she values.”

Will these confidants know that Gu Jinli is the master's granddaughter, or Hu Guanzhu said it... If Hu Guanzhu didn't do it deliberately, they would not have known so early that the master had found the missing daughter, and that daughter had two sons and two daughters.

Gu Jinli was stunned. Was it Guanzhu Hu who said that? No wonder: "Bring me the letter."

Daqing went over and took the letter with his leather-gloved hands. After testing the poison first, he opened the letter and spread it out in front of Gu Jinli for her to read.

After Gu Jinli read the letter, he believed Mr. Qianshan's words. What's interesting is that Hu Guanzhu also used the word "medicine" to form a sentence in the letter, which means...Qianshan loves fame, admires strength, understands considerations, and is not stupid.

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