A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2324 Destroy the Xu family【2】

Gu Jinli laughed. As long as a person is not stupid and knows how to think about himself, he will not do stupid things. They can use it: "I have known Guanzhu Hu since I was ten years old. Since he is the husband recommended by her, then let's Just cooperate and destroy the Xu family."

After hearing this, Mr. Qianshan bowed respectfully to Gu Jinli and saluted: "Thank you, young master, for your trust."

Gu Jinli corrected him: "Sir, you don't need to call me mistress, just call me Mrs. Qin."

Mr. Qianshan frowned: "Young master, do you hate the Lu family for not finding you for so many years and making you suffer for so many years? This must not be the case. The Lu family is also in trouble. It is all the Cui family's fault. They did not take good care of your mother. "

"Is it really the Cui family's fault? Is the Lu family not at all at fault?" Gu Jinli smiled: "Mr. Qianshan, if you are sent to the northwest to serve as the Xu family's military advisor, you should be one of the most trusted confidants of the Lu family. Knowing that the Lu family is so capable and can even find out the secrets of the royal family, why can't I find my mother after decades of searching? She has suffered so much!"

Gu Jinli suppressed his anger and said: "Mr. Qianshan is a wise man. You should be able to think of some things, so don't force us. If you want to be a lobbyist and force us to recognize the Lu family, let's forget about our cooperation."


Mr. Qianshan really felt that there was something fishy about the Lu family's failure to find the eldest daughter for decades, and he also wanted the children of the Gu family to recognize the Lu family as soon as possible... Having too many heirs is the foundation of a great cause. If there are no heirs, If you don’t have any, what great cause can you plan for?

But after these three years of fighting, he had figured out Gu Jinli's temper. It would take time to soften Gu Jinli's temper, so he said: "Let's not mention this matter for now. Let's discuss the destruction of the Xu family first."

Very knowledgeable, Gu Jinli was very satisfied: "Thank you sir."

The two parties put aside the matter of the Lu family for the time being, opened the door and called Gao Lei in to discuss how to deal with the Xu family.

Before the discussion, Mr. Qianshan said: "Liang Jin left eight people squatting around the village. They must be caught first. If there is no news about Liang Jin for a long time, they will leave immediately to report the news and find more people." Come and capture your mother and son."

Knock knock knock!

You Ping knocked on the door and said: "Madam, all the dead men who were watching have been eliminated. Five of them died after taking poison, and three survived. There is no leakage."

Gu Jinli: "Well done, come in and discuss the matter."

"Yes." You Ping came in and stood next to You Xi very well, without sitting down.

You Ping is the most powerful in Ping'an and Happy Festival, and the men he leads are also like death soldiers. He should have been fighting with Qin Sanlang all the time, but after the thieves came, Qin Sanlang was worried about Gu Jinli's mother and son, so he asked You Ping Bring someone back to escort you.

Mr. Qianshan looked at You Ping and was slightly shocked... This group of people was really powerful. They didn't even know where Liang Jin's dead soldiers were squatting, but they caught someone so quickly.

What shocked him even more was what happened next.

After the matter was discussed, another group of people came from Gujiacun, led by Feng Jin. He hurriedly brought the February 2nd gift from Gu Jinan to his two nephews.

After seeing Gu Jinli, he knelt down on one knee and saluted: "Feng Jin, meet my lady!"

After being beaten by Qin Sanlang for three years, Feng Jin's second-best temper has gone away by 70%. Gu Jinli was very satisfied: "Get up, you came at the right time, follow us to the battlefield ahead, and when things are settled, You just go to war."

"Seriously?" Feng Jin was so excited that his eyes were red.

He was unwilling to be a slave for the rest of his life. Before he came to the northwest, he wanted to join the army, make contributions, and change the lives of himself and his brother.

But he was too eager to advance, and because of his good skills, he was a bit arrogant and looked down on other servants, so he was suppressed by the adults.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, we agreed at the beginning that as long as you change your arrogant temper and become stable and consider the overall situation, you will be given the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Now that you have changed well, I will naturally give you the opportunity."

"Thank you, sir, thank you, madam!" Feng Jin cherished his knees, but this time he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Gu Jinli.

He took out the small brocade box and handed it to Gu Jinli: "The eldest young master gave it to me. He said it was very urgent and had to be delivered to Madam as soon as possible."

"Brother gave it to you?" Gu Jinli took the brocade box and opened it. Inside were two small purses and a note: It was given by the Queen, I'm afraid it's unusual.

This sentence made Gu Jinli become solemn. She picked up her purse and opened it inside and out. After checking it, she found nothing. Thinking of Gao Lei's relationship with the Duke of Yuan Dynasty, she showed the note to Gao Lei.

After looking at it, Gao Lei took the purse, opened it and saw the red bean-sized embroidery beads inside, and smiled: "Bring a knife."

Gu Jinli turned around, took out a small knife from his inner sleeve, and handed it to Gao Lei.

Gao Lei took it, picked up the small embroidery beads, and slowly disassembled the threads sewn together... These small embroidery beads made of cloth are very small, and there are many, and the sewing lines are designed. , once it is dismantled incorrectly, the "character" inside will be dismantled, so Gao Lei spent a lot of time to dismantle the small embroidery beads.

"Bring some paper, put some glutinous rice paste on it, and everyone else, please step aside!" Gao Lei ordered, and the others hurriedly followed the instructions.

But there is no glutinous rice paste at this time, so we can only bring glutinous rice balls, crush the glutinous rice and apply it on the paper.

Gao Lei started to glue the small embroidered cloths on the paper, and worked until the evening when he finally spelled out a special letter.

There were not many words, but these words shocked Gu Jinli and he looked at Gao Lei: "Aunt Lei, is this what I thought?"

Gao Lei said with a smile: "It's written so clearly, but you still can't understand it? Of course it's what you think."

But Gao Lei smiled and burst into tears, which scared Gu Jinli: "Are you okay?"

What a strong person Gao Lei was, he actually cried.

Gao Leishi shook his head: "The old lady is fine, she just remembered some past events."

At that time, the influence of the Yuan family in the military was greater than that of the Wei family. They were loyal and loyal men who made great military exploits and helped Emperor Jingwu conquer thousands of miles of land.

However, the heroes were not treated well. Although Yuan Guogong and his family did not become traitors, their end was really miserable... and quite aggrieved.

I also think of the Queen, who was such a good girl with bright clothes and angry horses. Unfortunately, she fell in love with the wrong person and trapped herself in the cold palace all her life, becoming a living corpse!

However, the Empress is indeed a tiger girl, and her integrity is still deep in her bones. This time she finally figured it out and gave her such a thing.

"Kneel down and kowtow." Gao Lei didn't say much, but just pulled Gu Jinli to kneel down. The two of them kowtowed three times toward the east to thank the Queen for her great kindness.

Mr. Qianshan did not see the content on the note. It can be seen that Gao Lei knew that it was a good thing to be so solemn and asked: "Mrs. Gao, what's the big happy event?"

Gao Lei: "It is indeed a good thing. The old people of Yuan Guogong are willing to help!"

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