A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2328 Destroy the Xu family【6】

"Lao Wan is right. If I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in my hands, I will have to rebel. It is better to be the emperor myself than to be the emperor's slave. What if I end up like the Weiguo family? Wouldn't it be a big loss? ?!”

Everyone was still frightened by the fact that Duke Wei's line was wiped out.

An old man heard the curse and said: "Bah, Xu You is worthy of competing with Duke Wei? When Duke Wei and the Marquis of Qin were in the northwest, when were we ever beaten by soldiers and thieves? Look at him again, he said he was beaten. The Rong thieves were repelled, but was he the one who repelled them? It was obviously thanks to Du Chong and Qin Qianhu that they were able to drive the Rong thieves to Daokou Gou... And this time the Rong thieves made a sneak attack... Mu County, half of the Mu County The county was gone, and more than a dozen guard posts were slaughtered... This matter, just this matter, I am afraid that Xu You and the bandits did it in order to find an excuse to ask the court for more money and food!"

"Beast, Xu You is a beast. For his own selfishness, he actually harms his own people like this!"

The old man who cursed had suffered greatly from the disaster of war. At the end of his scolding, he knelt down and cried loudly: "...No, the old man is going to the government office to sue Xu You and ask the emperor to send someone to kill this accomplice who killed one of our own people. Beast!"

The old man got up and staggered towards the government office while crying.

"Sue Mr. Xu? Is this possible? This old man won't be beaten to death, right?" Someone wanted to stop the old man, but was grabbed by the people present.

Someone who knew the old man's life experience said: "No need to persuade him, just let him go... All his family members died due to drought and war. He didn't want to die in a foreign land and come back with the migrating people. If because of this, Even if he dies, he deserves to die."

But the old man is a white man. If he wants to sue a marquis, he must be punished first. How can he hold on at such an old age?

Therefore, the person who spoke still went to the government office: "If the person is gone, it would be better to collect his body."

After hearing this, the others said one after another: "Let's go together!"

Fortunately, Qi Yi was a good official and did not punish the old man for violating the law. After hearing his complaint, he said: "Old man, I am already investigating this matter thoroughly, but this matter is too big and there must be conclusive evidence." The evidence will be reviewed by the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, and then the emperor will issue an order before arresting the person. Please come back."

"My lord is right, Grandpa Hu, let's go back first." People outside shouted to the old man.

The old man was very stubborn and refused to leave on his knees.

But he was too old, so he burst into tears again, and soon he fainted in the courtroom.

"Call the doctor, hurry up and save him!" Qi Yi hurriedly came down, supported the old man, and asked the doctor to come over and see him.

But after the doctor looked at it, he shook his head and said, "I am too old. I have run out of gas a long time ago. I am also grieving too much. There is no way I can save him."

After hearing this, Qi Yi was filled with grief and said, "...can the acupuncture make him wake up?"

"Okay." The doctor nodded and quickly gave the old man a round of injections to wake him up.

Seeing that the old man was awake, Qi Yi hurriedly asked: "Old man, who is your surname? Where do you live? Do you still have relatives here? Or if there is anything you can't let go of, tell me all, and I might as well..."

After hearing this, the old man knew that his life was over. He shook his head and said: "There is no one in the family anymore and he has lived long enough. I just want to ask you for something... Xu You must be thoroughly investigated for collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. Because of the war in the northwest, we must Too many people have died, and we must no longer allow our own people to murder our own people!"

Qi Yi said: "I promise you that if Mr. Xu really collaborates with the enemy, I will definitely bring him to justice."

After hearing this, the old man smiled and said, "Thank you, sir. The old man can go now with peace of mind."

Then he said: "Sir, I have one more thing to ask you...if we win, burn a piece of paper for the old man so that he can rest in peace."

Qi Yi shed tears: "Okay, I promise you."

Old man: "Thank you, sir."

Since everyone in his family was dead, the old man gave his ancestral home to the government and let Qi Yi make the decision to give it to people who had nowhere to live.

Qi Yi agreed and left the old man to stay in the government office for a day. The old man left that night.

After a day and a night, the matter of Xu You's collusion with the enemy and his country's betrayal became a big fuss. Whether they were children from rich families or traffickers and lackeys, they all came to the government office and asked Qi Yi to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Qi Yi agreed to them.

But some people are worried: "Marquis Xu holds hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands. If he is killed, won't there be no one to resist?"

Mr. Meng said: "Shut up, what are you talking about? Do you think our soldiers are all slaves of the Xu family? Even if Xu You falls, the soldiers will still fight!"

This is quite right. Gu Jinli and Mr. Qianshan dared to take the risk of assassinating Xu You and destroying the Xu family. They also knew that a general is a general and soldiers are soldiers. It is impossible for the soldiers to stop resisting just because Xu You died.

"Xu You is a thief who has no conscience and must be eliminated. Otherwise, if he succeeds, our lives will only be more miserable." Now, Mr. Meng no longer hides it. His family was bullied by Xu Fang and robbed by Xu You. He told all the inside story about the birth and cried: "Look, this is the Xu family, a family of thieves and bandits. Do you want to let him live to become the next Meng family?!"

What Mr. Meng said was so exciting, and it also involved his two granddaughters, that everyone was frightened.

In Long'an Mansion, it was not only the Meng family that was harmed by the Xu family. Seeing that Mr. Meng was willing to risk everything, other people also told the story about their property being robbed by the Xu family.

For a time, the crimes of the Xu family were made public, and the behavior of animals was everywhere.

"How dare a beastly slave raised by a beastly master, a domestic slave, harm a good family like this!"

Peng Wen was satisfied when he saw that the people in Long'an Mansion hated Xu You. He quickly left and returned to his residence, asking the people from the Lei family's caravan to spread the news to Xing'an Mansion.

In short, the fact that Xu You collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country must be publicized so that the entire northwest knows about it, and the Xu family must be completely nailed!

Master Yan and his son are not idle either. He is an old servant of the Qin family and has been with the Eagle Food Gang for several years. Now he has contacted people from the Eagle Food Gang. Relying on the relationship with the Eagle Food Gang, he has contacted the old Qin family and the Yuan Kingdom. Ministry of public affairs.

After receiving the news from Xin Ying, Luo Ying was so happy that she looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. For the second time, she felt that Gu Jinli was pretty good: "Well done, Mr. Gu. This is the Qin family's daughter-in-law, so brave!"

Cousin Yu said: "Brother Mu's daughter-in-law is very good to begin with. It's because you love Brother Mu so much that you always feel that it's too wronged for him to marry a peasant girl. In fact, he is not wronged at all and he likes her in his heart."

Luo Ying smiled: "Jiao Jiao is right, but the Gu family is still not as good as my Jiao Jiao."

"You say such shameful words again." Cousin Yu blushed after hearing this, and added: "Hurry down the mountain and gather the troops. After destroying the Xu family, we still have to fight the army. We can't do it without enough troops... The ghost master will also Bring him with you, he is very resourceful and can help a lot.”

Luo Ying refused: "No, Master Gui must stay to protect you mother and son."

Cousin Yu said: "There are enough people around me... The other secret passage is only known to you, me and Master Gui. If someone really betrays the master, I will escape from there."

Seeing that Luo Ying wanted to say more, he interrupted him and said resolutely: "I have always listened to you, but this matter concerns the lives and deaths of too many people, and it also concerns whether our family can reverse the case. There is no room for error. , you must listen to me!"


Luo Ying knew her temper very well, looked at her, and after a moment, nodded and agreed: "Okay."

He hugged her again and said, "Be well, Jiaojiao. If anything happens to you, I will chase you until the next life to settle the account with you!"

Cousin Yu smiled: "Okay, I promise you."


"You have to keep chasing me in the next life, otherwise I won't be able to get married."

Luo Ying understood what she meant, and felt happy. He hugged her for a long time, and then hugged his son. Then he led people down the mountain, used the letter eagle to spread the news, and gathered his old troops together.

Many of the old men knew that Qin Sanlang was still alive and wanted to destroy the Xu family, resist the army, and reverse the case for the Qin family. They all came to gather, and a considerable force was gathered.

Luo Ying was very happy to see so many people coming back, and saluted them: "Luo Ying would like to thank all of your colleagues for your help on behalf of Qin Mu. After this battle, we will definitely let everyone live in this world openly and will never let you down again." Suffer the slightest injustice!”

What responded to him was a rhythmic chorus: "Hoo ho ho!"

Luo Ying's eyes swelled when he heard this, as if he had returned to the scene more than ten years ago when he and Qin Er were fighting on the battlefield with their elders.

He put away his thoughts, paid homage to Qin Hou and his son, and rushed to the battlefield ahead with the assembled old troops and the brothers from the Eagle Food Gang.

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