A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2329 Killing Liang Tu

Wei Changping and Wei Changwu also went to help. They were completely shocked when they saw Luo Ying gathering so many people... They didn't expect Qin Hou to be so popular in the northwest.

What Luo Ying wants is for them to be uneasy, so that Wei Er can understand that Brother Mu is no worse than him. If he wants to succeed, he must put aside his madness and look at Brother Mu on an equal footing, instead of thinking that Brother Mu is inferior to him in every way!

"You two don't want to go, so stay here, marching and fighting, what are you doing?" Luo Ying shouted, and Wei Changwu and Wei Changping hurriedly followed, not daring to lose sight.

In Mu County, the battle is still going on. The soldiers have advanced another twenty miles and are almost reaching the county seat of Mu County.

If it weren't for Qin Sanlang and General Cheng leading the left and right armies, and with Poison as an assistant, the county seat of Mu County would have been captured long ago.

As for Jiang Wankang, he was leading troops to defend against the enemy at Du Chonggou... Seeing that Erhu Liang could not be attacked for a long time, the bandits were afraid that Jiang Wankang would come with troops and horses to help, so they sent some soldiers to attack Du Chonggou and hold Jiang Wankang back. Now, Both sides are fighting, and no place in Mu County is peaceful.

Xu You had already withdrawn into the county with some of his troops, and placed catapults on the city towers with poison and poisonous insects in them. Once the soldiers came to the city, he would drop poison and poisonous insects to greet them.

They also had two trenches dug outside the county seat. One trench was filled with poisonous insects and the other trench was poured with pine oil. If the trench could no longer withstand the force, the two trenches were used to block the soldiers for a while so that he could lead the troops to retreat.

As for the defeat, haha, it was Qin Sanlang and Cheng Chong who led the troops at the front to defend against the enemy. Even if Mu County was lost, it was because of their inability to defend against the enemy and had nothing to do with him.

And he could still kill them to sacrifice the flag on the grounds of defeat!

Two of them, no matter who dies, it will be good for him.


Xu You was having a sweet dream when an eagle chirped. Three eagles suddenly appeared, spreading their wings and hovering over the tower. After a while, they suddenly swooped down towards Xu You.

Xu You was shocked and ordered: "Fire arrows and shoot these three beasts to death!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Sharp arrows were fired at the three eagles, but the three eagles were extremely smart and very flexible. They turned to one side to avoid the rain of arrows, then waved their wings, rushed upward, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. in the sky.

Damn it, he missed it. The people he brought to the tower were all sharpshooters!

Then he immediately ordered: "Lieutenant General Lang, quickly send scouts to check around, but people from the Eagle Food Gang are here? If the traitor Luo Ying is here, report it immediately!"

The only people who can make three eagles appear at the same time are the Eagle Food Gang... This group of bandits is too rampant and powerful. If they appear at this time, there is no telling what they will do.

"Yes!" Vice General Lang responded and sent out one of his subordinates, Bai Hu, to lead a hundred scouts and run in all directions to check for any traces of the Eagle Food Gang nearby.

Liang Tu, who was beside Xu You, did not move and continued to guard Xu You with his dead soldiers.

Now that they are fighting, they must protect Xu You's safety. If anything happens to Xu You, everything will be over.

However, the three faith eagles were just bait to make Xu You believe what happened next.

"Open the city gate, open the city gate quickly. We are the confidants of the Sixth Young Master. Cui Jian and Cui Zheng, on the orders of Mr. Qianshan, have a matter of life and death to see the Marquis. Let us in quickly!"

General Shen followed Xu Liu to Fucheng and recognized Cui Jian and Cui Zheng. After hearing their voices, he went down to the city tower in person and said to the guard guard: "It's not Xizuo, it's the people around Mr. Six, hurry up and get out of the way." City gate.”

"Yes." A group of soldiers worked together to slowly open the heavy city gate.

"Come in." General Shen said. Seeing their injuries, he hurriedly asked: "Didn't you two escort the Sixth Young Master and Aunt Cui to Fucheng to temporarily escape the military disaster? Why did you come back suddenly? But what happened?"

After Cui Yan and Cui Cheng came in, they grabbed General Shen's arm and said, "Take us to see Master Hou quickly. The people from the Eagle Food Gang are robbing people, and Liang Jin and the others can't hold it anymore."

"Let's go, quickly follow this general to see the Marquis." General Shen hurriedly took them to see Xu You.

After Cui Jian and Cui Zheng met Xu You, they quickly told the story: "Qin Gu, a bitch, is surrounded by people from the Eagle Food Gang. They sent news to the Eagle Food Gang. After Luo Ying learned about it, he personally led her The killers are coming to snatch the Qin Gu family and prevent her from dragging down Qin Sanlang... Mr. Qianshan is resourceful and Commander Liang Jin is brave. The two of them work together to temporarily hold back the people of the Eagle Food Gang and take the Qin Gu family with them. Zhuangzi fled to the Cui family."

"But Luo Ying and the others have wolves and are hunting for them. Mr. Qianshan asked the Marquis to send someone to stop the Eagle Food Gang immediately... As long as Luo Ying can be stopped for a few hours, he can escort the Qin Gu family here. , when Qin Gu arrives at the county seat, with so many soldiers and horses blocking her, it will be difficult for the people from the Eagle Food Gang to save her!"

When Cui Jian was talking, he kept covering his abdomen with his hands. His abdomen was bleeding. Xu You saw it and believed what they said even more.

And one more thing……

"Aunt Song is back with the slaves, and she is suspected to be pregnant."

What? !

Xu You was furious when he heard this: "Why did Xueer come back suddenly? What happened, tell me!"

Cui Cheng supported the injured Cui Jian and said, "Reporting to the Marquis, it was the Sixth Young Master who wanted to take the opportunity to destroy Aunt Song. Later, they bumped into Mr. Qianshan and Commander Liang Jin. They saw through the Six Young Master's tricks and rescued Aunt Song. Came out. Aunt Kesong did not dare to follow the Sixth Young Master and his mother to Fucheng anymore. She begged Mr. Qianshan and said that she would come back to find the Marquis. Even if she died, she would die by his side."

"Xue'er..." Xu You was moved. In order to protect his concubine and the hostage, he sent out his amulet: "Liang Tu, take the dead soldiers to rescue Xue'er, and meet Mr. Qianshan and the others. Be sure to save Xue'er." Son, bring back the hostage Qin Gu!"

Liang Tu frowned when he heard this: "Master Hou, if I leave and someone comes to kill me, I will have no one to protect you. Why don't you let General Shen lead the troops to rescue people?"

Xu You shook his head: "No, he is no match for the Eagle Food Gang. You must lead him there."

He added: "The bandits won't be able to attack the county town for a while, and Luo Ying wants to rescue the Gu family. As long as you hold him back, he won't have time to kill him, so you go. Be sure to save Xue'er and the Gu family." Bring it bitch!”

"Yes!" Liang Tu could only accept the order, and Cui Zheng led the way, leaving the county with his dead men to rescue Mr. Qianshan and others.

Cui Jian was injured and did not go. He knelt down and begged Xu Liu: "Master Hou, calm down... After the sixth master learned that Songxue might be pregnant, he was afraid that his aunt would fall out of favor, so he wanted to kill him. Please give him another chance. The Cui family will definitely..."


Xu You kicked Cui Lian away: "Give him another chance? How many times have I given him a chance? The Cui family, the Cui family, every time he makes a mistake, you move out of the Cui family to plead for him. If it weren't for Cui's For the sake of the family, do you think I will spare him lightly again and again? I have already thrown him to feed the poisonous insects, and I have no shortage of sons!"

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