A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2363 Falling into the trap

Tuo Gu's hand on the horse paused and he let out two whistles. The witch army that was charging forward immediately split into two. Half continued to kill towards the place where Luo Ying fell from the horse, and the other half returned and gathered around him. around to protect him.

Tuo Gude took out a bag of antidote, took one himself, and then threw the remaining antidote to the witch army: "Divide the antidote and eat!"

This is the antidote to stimulant powder.

Although the stimulating powder can make warriors excited, killing the enemy regardless of injuries will make people lose their minds... He was harmed by the stimulating powder just now, and almost got Luo Ying's way. Fortunately, he didn't let Hu Ang take it. Stimulant powder.

"Yes." The witch army shared the antidote, but there was too little antidote, only more than two hundred people, and the remaining witch army did not receive the antidote.

Tuo Gude was not worried. On the contrary, he was very satisfied. As long as more than two hundred witch troops protected him, he would charge the rest. He wanted Luo Ying to die!

Then he ordered: "Push all the powerful ballistae over, aim at General Jian Chu, and kill them all for me!"

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. As long as the generals who are cheap to Chu are killed, the rest of the Chu army will be just a bunch of lambs to be slaughtered by the brave warriors of the Rong Dynasty.

Click, click, a large powerful crossbow cart was pushed up, loaded with poisonous crossbow arrows, and shot towards the Dachu generals.

Whoosh whoosh!

"Sir, be careful!" After Han Sansong saw the big crossbow arrows heading towards Niu DaBao, the bow and arrow aimed at the soldiers immediately turned around and shot towards Niu DaBao's horse, hitting the horse's neck.

The horse was in pain and neighed. It raised its front hooves high and knocked the bull and leopard off the horse. The big crossbow arrow hit the horse with a bang and shot it straight away, nailing it to the ground not far away.

Niu Dabao was frightened by the sight. The bandit's powerful crossbow was so powerful that it could even shoot a horse weighing several hundred kilograms away.

"Dad!" Niu Erjin hurriedly rode over, jumped off the horse, and ran towards Niu Dabao: "Dad, how are you? Are you injured?"

"You brat, you're looking for death. I told you, take care of yourself on the battlefield and don't take risks to save others. Doing so will only kill yourself. What are you doing here?!" Niu Dabao hurriedly got up and kicked the cow. Erjin: "Go back, don't rush forward."

"Sir, horse!" Han Sansong has been in the northwest for three years and has experience in fighting. When he hit the long knife in his hand, his horse suffered pain and ran towards Niu Dabao. He took the horse of his cavalry and let the horse The cavalry ran back, followed the infantry, and shouted to Erjin: "Erjin, follow the vanguard. Don't rush forward. If you rush too far, you will become a target for the thieves... Don't let us worry. you!"

After that, he shouted to his soldiers: "Get in formation, follow the military flag closely, and watch the enemy's positioning arrows. Don't cross over easily, or you will be hit by their arrows!"

After hearing this, the soldiers reorganized their formation and moved forward. When they were within shooting range, they fired arrows to hit the thieves from a distance.

Niu Erjin didn't want to cause trouble to everyone, so he followed the vanguard obediently.

On the other side, Peng Tu had led the witch army to kill not far from Luo Ying. When he looked on the horse, he saw that Luo Ying's body was covered with blood. The crossbow arrow had been broken into two pieces. The wooden section was thrown to the ground, and the iron section was thrown to the ground. The fault lies with Luo Ying.

Peng Tu was overjoyed and immediately asked the witch army to raise flags and tell Tuo Gude the good news.

After Tuo Gude saw the flag, his eyes brightened: "Hahaha, with the blessing of the witch god, Luo Ying, a bastard like that, was really injured by a powerful crossbow arrow. He will definitely die this time!"

However, Tuo Gude did not pursue him. Instead, he asked the witch army to raise a flag and inform Peng Tu that he should lead the troops to kill Luo Ying and cut off Luo Ying's head.

"Go up, half surround Luo Ying, half stop the rescuers, make a quick fight, kill Luo Ying, sacrifice his head to the Witch God, and ask for forgiveness!" After Peng Tu's demonic words confused the crowd, he immediately led the witch army towards the Follow Luo Ying and kill him.

"Stop them and escort Master Ying to retreat!" Master Gui shouted at the top of his lungs. Look at that, Luo Ying was really seriously injured, and his hand had been pressed on Luo Ying's chest, and there was blood everywhere.

Peng Tu looked at it clearly: "Luo Ying is really injured, his helmet has fallen off, the crossbow is aimed at him, kill him!"

"Ouch!" The witch soldiers were very excited after taking the stimulating powder. They shouted, aiming their crossbow arrows at Luo Ying's head and shooting at him.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The people of the Eagle Food Gang formed a formation with iron shields to block the sharp arrows, and shouted: "Hold them off and let Master Ghost escort Master Ying away, quickly!"

When the witch army saw that Luo Ying was about to run away, they rushed over and were soon fighting with the people of the Eagle Food Gang.

Aqishan and the others also took stimulant powder and wanted to avenge the great wizard. When they saw the movement here and knew that Luo Ying was injured, they immediately asked someone to blow the trumpet.

Moo moo!

"The vanguard general of Da Chu, Luo Ying, is seriously injured. Quickly cut off his path and kill him to avenge the great wizard!"

Many soldiers had heard of the name of Luo Ying, the vanguard general of Da Chu. When they learned that Luo Ying was seriously injured and the effect of the medicine powder, they went crazy and started to kill him.

Master Gui looked at the soldiers who were coming like a tide, cold sweat broke out on his back, and cursed: "What a mess, this time all the soldiers are here to kill you!"

Then he let go of his hand, looked at the real wound under his right armpit, and asked, "Can you still walk? If you can, get on your horse and retreat!"

Luo Ying was really injured, but he was just grazed by a powerful crossbow arrow and took the antidote, so it was nothing serious.

"Damn, this beast Tuo Gude is still so shrewd. I'm pretending to be like this, and he won't come here!" Luo Ying cursed and insisted not to get on the horse, but let the ghost master and the brothers of the Eagle Food Gang continue to drag him away. Follow him and keep pretending.

"In order to lure him to the bait, you risked your life!" Master Gui was so angry that he wanted to stab Luo Ying, but after cursing, he had to call the brothers of the Eagle Food Gang: "Quickly, drag Master Ying to the right Let’s go, wherever General Sheng is, go to him. After joining forces with him, it will be easier to defeat the witch army.”

The brothers from the Eagle Food Gang hurried over to drag Luo Ying away.

Tuo Gude saw it and finally couldn't wait any longer: "It's not a lie, that bitch Luo Ying is really injured. Hu Ang follows me and kills him. He must die this time!"

After saying this, he chased Luo Ying on his horse.

Hu Ang was so anxious that he quickly followed with two thousand witch troops to protect Tuo Gude.

When Luo Ying saw it, he cursed Tuo Gude: "This beast is really afraid of death. With so many people escorting him, how can Brother Mu kill him?!"

The ghost master said: "Young Master has made arrangements, so don't worry, just retreat to General Sheng."

Tuo Gu was shrewd and it was not easy to plot against him, so Luo Ying did not take the risk impulsively, but decided on a strategy to lure the enemy after repeated discussions with Qin Sanlang.

It's just that the battlefield is chaotic. Whether this strategy can succeed depends on coordination. If the coordination is not good, or Qin Sanlang doesn't arrive in time, the strategy will fail!

The ghost master urged again: "The sharp arrows of the witch army are catching up. They are dragging you too slowly. Get up quickly and run away on horseback!"

Luo Ying had no choice but to get up and was helped onto the horse by two brothers from the Eagle Food Gang. He rode the horse and ran staggeringly towards General Sheng.

Seeing this, Tuogude became anxious, whipped his horse, sped up and chased Luo Ying, and shouted to the back: "Luo Ying is about to run away, hurry up and chase, use the ballistae and fire arrows!"

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