After hearing this, the witch army pushing the powerful ballista stopped immediately and aimed at Luo Ying.

Whoosh whoosh!

The powerful crossbow arrows flew out, buzzing, and headed towards Luo Ying.

"Archers with strong crossbows, get out of the way!" Luo Ying's ears were very good. After hearing the sound, he shouted to remind General Sheng and the others, and then with a sway of his body, he hung upside down from the horse's back to its belly.

Bang bang bang!

A powerful crossbow arrow flew over the horse's back and pierced the ground not far ahead, knocking several of General Sheng's shield soldiers away. Luo Ying managed to escape.

"Spread out to both sides, spreading out the range of powerful crossbow arrows!" General Sheng shouted.

There was a crash, and the old northwest army immediately dispersed to both sides.

Tuogude was furious: "Let it go again!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Dozens of powerful ballistae vehicles fired large crossbow arrows at General Sheng and the others. Three of the powerful ballistae vehicles also aimed at General Sheng, trying to kill him, the former northwest general.

"Drive!" General Sheng had excellent riding skills. As soon as he controlled the reins, the horse immediately ran to the side.

The old northwest troops who were targeted were veterans with rich combat experience. Seeing that they could no longer run, they all jumped off their horses and lay on the ground. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, powerful crossbow arrows flew over their heads, only damaging the horses but not them. .

"Hahaha, trash. Although the crossbow is powerful, it is too big and can only fly upwards. If we lie down, it will be unable to do anything to us!" The old soldiers in the northwest were very crazy and laughed at Tuo Gude.

Luo Ying got even crazier. After blowing a whistle, he shouted towards the old army in the northwest: "Sing Rongfu, sing, and remind little Tuotuo of the time when he was chased by the Chu army until he peed his pants!"

"Yes!" The old soldiers in the northwest sang "Fighting the Rong Fu" one after another. It was the song that Jun Tianwei hummed before he died. The song was loud and loud, resounding throughout the fields. After listening to it, the old army veterans remembered that they were killed when they fought against the old army in the northwest. The scene of the chase gave me a chill in my heart.

Tuo Gude was completely angered and shouted: "Go ahead, chop Luo Ying into pieces and kill Sheng Yunchen!"

Tuogu never expected that the old northwest armies like Sheng Yunchen would reappear. Looking at these old enemies, he recalled the nightmare of previous defeats and lost his composure again.

When he was completely angered, a large number of soldiers and horses suddenly rushed out from a small mountain col on the left side behind him. The leader was none other than Qin Sanlang.

"Whoosh!" A sharp roar sounded, and tens of thousands of horses appeared on the mountain col.

The galloping horses swooped down like lightning and scattered the witch army behind Tuo Gude.

"Black Begonia!" Qin Sanlang shouted towards the fastest black horse, making a few whistles that Qin Er taught him when he was a child, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart: The second brother is too bad, even if he likes Begonia Flowers , Second brother can’t give his mount such a girly name.

And he can't change Hei Begonia's name yet, because his second brother is dead. This is the last gift given to him by his second brother. No matter what, he has to keep calling it and cannot change it.

Qin Er said: "Youngest, accept your brother's gift well. If Black Begonia dies, there will still be Red Begonia, Pink Begonia, and White Begonia for you to ride on, so don't worry."

That's right, Qin Ji prepared many horses for Qin Sanlang, all named after Begonia. Who told Qin Sanlang to like to sleep with Begonia flowers hidden when he was a child?

Qin Ji felt that as a good brother, since he wanted to give gifts, he had to send them to his little brother's heart. Both horses and begonias were liked by him, so they were given together, which was perfect.

When the black horse heard it, he rushed towards him.

Qin Sanlang grabbed the horse's mane, turned on his horse, aimed the crossbow arrow at Tuo Gude, and fired three arrows in unison, shooting off Tuo Gude's helmet.

"There is an enemy attack from behind. Gather your troops to protect King Tuogu!" Hu Ang shouted, and then shouted to Peng Tu in front: "Come back quickly, we have been tricked. Luo Ying is not really injured, they are trying to surround him." Kill King Tuokude!”

That's right, Qin Sanlang, Luo Ying, Gui Ye, General Sheng and General Ling want to surround Tuo Gude.

This thief is considered a hero, very brave, smart and tenacious. He is much more powerful than Tiehe. Killing him will keep Dachu peaceful for at least fifty years.

Moo moo!

"The enemy is attacking, the soldiers are coming back, rescue King Tuo Gude!" Hundreds of soldiers ordered the soldiers to blow the horns, so that the soldiers from all directions came back to stop Qin Sanlang and others who were coming to save Tuo Gude.

However, it was too late.

"Fire arrows to stop the soldiers who are returning to the savior!" General Ling ordered, and immediately rushed down with his troops and horses to cut off the soldiers.

General Sheng also led his troops to rush to the front of Tuo Gude and stopped the soldiers who wanted to come back. For a moment, the soldiers were cut into three sections, and Tuo Gude was surrounded in the middle in order to kill Luo Ying.

What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Qin Sanlang: "Aristae, shoot!"

Whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen powerful ballistae fired arrows towards Tuogude.

"Shield formation!" Hu Ang shouted, asking the witch army to form a formation to block the powerful crossbow arrows.

However, Qin Sanlang modified a large powerful crossbow cart. Not only did the range of the powerful crossbow arrows become longer, but the power of the powerful crossbow arrows also became stronger. After penetrating the iron shield of the witch army, it continued to kill Tuo Gude.

Tuo Gu was stunned and furious. These ballistae chariots belonged to their Dajong, but a bitch like Qin Mu actually used Dajong's things to deal with him!


Tuogude was quite brave. Seeing that there was no way to escape, he held the knife in both hands and slashed at the incoming powerful crossbow arrow... After the crossbow arrow was blocked by the iron shield, its strength became weaker, and Tuogude knocked it aside with his sword.

Ke Tuogude was also shaken to the ground by the force of the crossbow.

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Ying took the opportunity to shoot a sleeve arrow, Tuo Gude did not rush to avoid it, and was hit by an arrow. The crossbow arrow only hit his shoulder. Tuo Gude only suffered pain and was not seriously injured.

"Luo Ying, you're dead!" Tuo Gude pulled off the rope from the horse, quickly swung and pulled it, lassoed Luo Ying, and pulled back hard. Luo Ying was pulled towards Tuo Gude. .

"Master Ying!" Master Gui was shocked and quickly drew his knife to cut the rope, but this kind of rope was made of cowhide and beef tendon, so it was difficult to cut.

The sharp arrows of the witch army were already aimed at Luo Ying, and they fired arrows at him.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sharp arrow kills Luo Ying.

Luo Yongyong was fierce and used his strength to twist his body and dodge most of the sharp arrows. But no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't dodge all the sharp arrows when his neck was tied and dragged along. He was hit by several arrows.

"Master Ying!" Master Gui was so anxious that he got on his horse and chased after Luo Ying: "Fire the arrows and kill the witch army firing arrows on the opposite side!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The people from the Eagle Food Gang and the old northwest troops fired arrows together, interrupting the witch army's attempt to fire arrows again and saving Luo Ying's life.

Qin Sanlang had already rushed over on horseback, grabbed the spear from a shaman soldier, and threw it towards Tuo Gude.

He had amazing arm strength and good accuracy. He aimed his spear at Tuogude's head. Tuogude didn't have a helmet on his head at the moment. If this move was successful, Tuogude would die!

Unfortunately, after Tuogude heard the sound, he quickly avoided it. The spear only poked off one of his ears, and blood poured out.

Tuo Gude looked at the ear that fell on the ground and became furious. He grabbed the sword and rode towards Qin Sanlang: "Qin Mu, I want you to die!"

Qin Sanlang's expression remained unchanged, his deep eyes were full of murderous intent and perseverance, he stared at Tuogude closely, riding a black horse, holding the Tang Dao made for him by Gu Jinli, he faced him head-on.

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