A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2383 Big Reunion【2】

Well, after Ji Zhenniang thought about it, it seemed like it was true!

During this escape, the bandits did not attack Mu County. They also escaped early and had sufficient supplies. If they encountered major problems on the way, the Han family would take care of them. The servants of the Ji family would take care of their relatives. All she had to do was take care of them. Just take care of yourself and your children. But after Gu Jinli and Kuang left, she always felt flustered. Now that she saw them, she finally felt much calmer.

However, she would not admit it and said harshly: "That's nonsense. I'm not like this. I really need to be scolded by you twice before I can feel at ease. Am I not the one looking for scolding? Only a fool would do this!"

Kuang Shi glanced sideways at her: "Aren't you stupid?"

One sentence made Ji Zhenniang extremely angry.

Kuang said again: "But fools are blessed."

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang became happy again. She was about to say a few words, but Widow Xiao had already yelled at the top of her voice: "When it comes to blessings, apart from my nephew and daughter-in-law, my family is the most blessed in the entire northwest!"

"My man, I originally thought he was just a rogue, tsk tsk tsk, who would have thought that he is also a Wolf Marquis Army Qianhu, do you know about the Wolf Marquis Army? It's okay if you don't know, just remember that this is the most powerful army in the northwest!"

"This time I killed Xu You and defeated the bandits. My man made a great contribution. He used to be a member of a thousand households, but this time he was promoted to a general, hahaha!" When Widow Xiao thought that Uncle Qin was going to be promoted, she wanted to As a general's wife, she couldn't help but laugh so proudly that her gums were exposed. As a result, she was scolded by Gao Lei who came out of the house to pick up someone.

"Ms. Lanliu, if you blow your wind before the appointment comes down, be careful if you blow yourself up into the sky or fall down and kill you." Madam Gao Lei gouged out Widow Xiao, and then said: "Be aware that if you get carried away too much, you will be troubled by the family. What a disaster, especially for those who serve as officials and generals, especially at a time like this when everything has not yet been decided!"

Emperor Jingyuan has not yet issued an edict to respond to Sanlang's request. At this time, they all have to be careful.

Widow Xiao was afraid of Gao Lei, so she hurriedly said: "I was wrong, Aunt Lei was right."

Then he hurriedly shouted to Sister Xiao and the others: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and bring Brother Gui and Brother Yun over to meet your Aunt Lei. She is one of the owners of the Lei family's caravan."

Now that you are rich, you can fawn over, and there are many benefits!

After Xiao Mei and Xiao Mei heard this, they came over with a child each and saluted Gao Lei: "I have met Aunt Lei."

Brother Xiaogui and Xiao Qingyun also saluted Mr. Gao Lei in a decent manner, and said in a sweet voice: "Aunt Lei."

Gao Lei finally had a smile on his face, nodded, and gave each of them a purse: "Two golden naked men are here to give you as a meeting gift, keep them."

Xiao Qingyun didn't know who Jin Naozi was yet, and he didn't dare to accept gifts from others. He looked at Xiao Xiaomei... Xiao Xiaomei had been taking care of him in the past few months.

Widow Xiao said: "Look at what your sister is doing, just take it and say thank you!"

"Oh." Xiao Qingyun heard her mother say this, took the little purse and thanked Gao Lei.

Gao Lei nodded and gave gifts to the other children. Each child had a gift. When the big wolf and the two wolves were given to him, they were given a kiss by the familiar two wolves, which made Gao Lei's face drool. , shouting happily: "Ouch!"

Gao Lei froze, she had not been kissed by a child for decades, and she didn't know how to react for a moment.

Gu Jinli laughed and said to Erlang: "Great-aunt didn't respond. Let's kiss her again to wake her up."

"...No need." Gao Lei said hurriedly, but felt that if she spoke too stiffly, she would scare the child. She smiled at the second wolf and then went to look at the big wolf: "Big wolf, do you still remember me?"

The big wolf stared at her for a while, then raised the corner of his mouth, smiled at Gao Lei, and nodded as a salute to her.

Seeing this, Mrs. Gao Lei was completely relieved and said to Gu Jinli, "Both children are fine, let's go in."

"Come in, everyone. I've prepared a lot of delicious food for you. You'll be full of meat." Gu Jinli greeted the big guys like a rich man, and the group entered the house in a mighty manner.

As soon as I entered, I smelled a strong aroma of meat, which made the big guy who had worked hard all the way so greedy that he almost drooled. Xiao Qingyun shouted: "Routou."

Gu Jinli smiled, looked back at him, and nodded: "Yes, it's meat. My cousin has stewed a lot of meat for you. You can eat it after you settle down."

After hearing this, Xiao Qingyun narrowed his eyes with laughter, feeling happy.

Seeing that Xiao Qingyun was happy, Erlang also started to have fun, imitating Xiao Qingyun's words: "Yo yo, yo yo!"

Gu Jinli smiled and told him, "No, it's meat."

Erlang: "Yoyo!"

Gu Jinli smiled even more happily and continued to teach. Even after teaching all the way, Erlang kept shouting "YoYo".

"Forget it, Mom will teach you some other time." Gu Jinli was defeated and arranged a courtyard for each family. The women lived in the backyard, and the boys like Sijin Hardware Yi Geer lived in the guest courtyard in the front yard.

As for Sister Yu...

Gu Jinli said: "Sister Yu, please live in my courtyard. The courtyard is big, there are many rooms, and there are enough people to protect you. It will be safe and comfortable to live here."

She remembered that this child had always liked her. When they met today, he looked at her with admiration. He probably wanted to live with her.

However, she guessed wrong.

Sister Yu thought for a while and shook her head: "Thank you Aunt Qin, I'd better live with Aunt Xie."

Mom said that Uncle Qin and Aunt Qin have different identities now, and the two younger brothers Qin and Aunt Qin have been separated for a few months and have just reunited. Aunt Qin must spend more time with her two younger brothers. When she grows up, she can take care of herself. , don’t bother Aunt Qin.

Gu Jinli didn't expect that she would refuse, so he asked, "You really don't want to live with Aunt Qin? It's okay, Aunt Qin is not busy, so don't worry about causing trouble to Aunt Qin."

Sister Yu still shook her head.

"Okay, then you will live with your Aunt Xie, but you can come and play with me at any time. Our two yards are close to each other." Gu Jinli touched her head and said, "Don't worry about your mother, she takes care of her family." After we have settled in, we will come to pick you up."

There were too many relatives, and many of them came back, making the queue very long. The first batch had already arrived in Mu County, but some were still in Cunning County, and the last batch was even still hiding in Long'an Mansion.

The destination of the family members is not the county seat of Mu County, and there is not enough room for them here. Therefore, they have to be diverted. The Han family has to take the family members of the second line of defense to the gathering place in Mu County for resettlement.

"Aunt Qin, are we going back to the guardhouse in the future?" Sister Yu looked up at Gu Jinli and asked.

Gu Jinli said: "We don't know yet. We may have to move forward and move to Longshan Mansion. But your Uncle Qin said that there is a ready-made guardhouse to live in. If we go there, we don't need to build another house. We will have a house to live in." "

Those guardhouses were built when Father Qin and the others were here. They are a large area and are much stronger and wider than the three-year-old guardhouses in Long'an Mansion.

Then he comforted Sister Yu: "Don't be afraid. Even if we go to Longshan Mansion, we will go together and we won't be far apart."

After hearing this, Sister Yu breathed a small sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Well, I'm not afraid!"

Since she was six years old, she has been coming to the northwest with her parents. The journey has been dangerous and difficult. In the past few years, she has been in fear every day because of the confrontation with the soldiers and thieves. But as long as we are still together, she is not afraid.

"Be good." Gu Jinli looked at the sensible little girl and gave her a box of candied haws: "Here, it's specially for Sister Yu. Only Sister Yu has it, and no other brats have it."

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