A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2384 Mrs. Bai asks for an audience

Sister Yu took it and opened the box. She saw that inside were candied haws made from various summer fruits such as apricots, plums, plums, mulberries, hawthorns, etc. They were not strung together, but placed one by one in the box. They were colorful and beautiful. Extremely: "Thank you, Aunt Qin!"

The little girl was very happy and made Ji Zhenniang jealous: "Gu Xiaoyu, why did you only make one box? Where's ours?"

Gu Jinli gave her a roll of his eyes: "You are already old and still fighting for food with a child. How shameless is it?"

Ji Zhenniang was so angry that she was shaking: "Gu Xiaoyu, who do you think is getting old? I'm still young!"

Gu Jinli looked her up and down and said something that made Ji Zhenniang furious: "You're not as young as me anyway. I'm only nineteen and you're already over twenty."

Then he said: "Don't be angry. Women age quickly when they are angry, and they will also develop nasolabial wrinkles."

Ji Zhenniang: "..."

"Thank you, Auntie, don't be angry, I'll give it to you, and brother Rui, take a few more. The box is not small, and there are a lot of candied haws in it." Sister Yu smiled and handed the box to Ji Zhenniang in a sensible way, asking her to take.

Ji Zhenniang said: "Auntie doesn't want to eat it, just give one to your brother Rui."

Gu Jinli reminded her: "Bite it into pieces before feeding it to Brother Rui. Don't feed it whole, or you may choke."

"I know." Ji Zhenniang took one, bit it into four pieces, and fed it to Brother Rui.

Rui Geer smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Dian Dian."

"It's Tiantian!" Ji Zhenniang was so angry that she told him: "Come on, tell me, Tiantian."

Rui Geer: "Dian Dian?"

Ji Zhenniang: "Sweet!"

Erlang also joined in the fun and shouted to Ji Zhenniang: "Na na, na na!"

Ji Zhenniang: "What? What you said is even more wrong. Brother Rui, come and learn from me, Tiantian."

Gu Jinli almost laughed like crazy. Seeing this large group of people, old and young, coaxing and holding children, plus a bragging Widow Xiao, it was so lively and lively, it felt great... This It’s a normal, good life, but don’t fight anymore!

However, it would be better if Brother Qin was here.

It was noisy all the way, and after the big guys were settled, it was dark.

In the garden in the backyard, many stone pillar lanterns were lit and a bonfire was lit. Dinner was served in the garden and everyone had a 'reunion dinner' together.

The children ate and played, and after being noisy for more than an hour, they were taken back to take a bath and sleep.

Gu Jinli also bathed the two cubs... This was really a laborious task. When she finished bathing Erlang, she was also splashed with water, so she had to ask the wet nurse to take care of them first and take a bath herself.

After washing, Aunt Lei, who had gone back to the front yard, came back and brought two boxes: "It's a meeting gift from Xiaowu to the two children."

Gu Jinli accepted it and said with a smile: "Tomorrow I will ask Bahu to take the two children to thank their Grandpa Xiaowu."

Although Sannuo figured it out, he still didn't go out and only focused on making medicine. If he encountered a medical problem and had to ask Min Da for advice, he usually asked the medicine boy to pass the message.

In short, he was still afraid of meeting people. He could only meet familiar people, such as the two medicine boys and Gao Lei. He did not dare to meet people he was not familiar with.

"Let the two children go to see Xiao Wu tomorrow?" Gao Lei thought for a moment and said, "They just came back. Let's wait another half a month until the two children adapt to the new place before going to see Xiao Wu."

"Okay." Gu Jinli agreed.

"Mom~" It was dark, and the big wolf couldn't see Gu Jinli. He was a little scared and shouted from inside the house.

"Mom is here, don't be afraid of the big wolf." Gu Jinli turned around and shouted into the room.

Gao Lei said: "Go back, I'm gone."

After saying that, he left on crutches.

But the two cubs still came out to see her off. Gao Leishi heard the yo yo and babble from the two children behind her, and a smile spread across her wrinkled face.

After sending Gao Lei away, Da Lang stretched out his hand towards Gu Jinli and said in a tearful tone: "Mother~"

"Don't cry, don't cry. Mom is here and won't leave." Gu Jinli hugged the big wolf and comforted him softly, but the big wolf was still afraid. He grabbed her clothes tightly and lay in her arms. I won't give up my seat even if I come over to grab it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, weeping, weeping!" Erlang has a short temper, and when his brother won't let him, he burst into tears.

There was no other way, Gu Jinli could only say: "Let's go back to the house and lie on the bed. Mom will hold you both to sleep together."

"Yes." Nanny Lin smiled, and together with Nanny Hong, she helped Gu Jinli carry the two children into the back room.

Gu Jinli lay on the bed, holding a cub on both sides, and took them to sleep: "I've hugged them all, there's no need to fight this time."

"Paji~" Erlang pouted and wanted to kiss.

"Okay, kiss you." Gu Jinli smiled, lowered his head and kissed the second wolf, then hurriedly went to kiss the big wolf who was still crying: "Kiss our big wolf too."

When the two wolves saw this, they stopped and wanted to kiss again.

Gu Jinli could only kiss him again.

But when the big wolf saw it, his tears fell again.

Gu Jinli treated everyone equally and went to kiss the big wolf again, but the second wolf made a fuss about kissing again.

Gu Jinli: "..."

Before she died of exhaustion, she finally put her two cubs to sleep.

But in the middle of the night, Big Wolf's little body suddenly trembled, he closed his eyes and cried loudly: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Mother, mother~"

This was because I was still scared and woke up.

"Mom is here, mother is here, the big wolf is good and not afraid." Gu Jinli felt terribly distressed and hurriedly hugged the big wolf tightly to comfort him.

Fortunately, the big wolf calmed down quickly after hearing her voice, but his little hands still held on to her clothes tightly, for fear that she would disappear again when he fell asleep.

"Madam, do you want us to go in and help?" The two wet nurses lived outside. After hearing the sound, they hurriedly got up and asked.

Gu Jinli: "No, I've already coaxed you. Go to sleep."

"Yes." The two wet nurses responded, but they did not sleep. They stayed up for half an hour and did not hear the child cry again before going to rest.

The second wolf woke up early the next morning and had a fuss with Gu Jinli for a while, which woke up the big wolf.

Before I opened my eyes, I heard Gu Jinli's voice: "Hey, Big Wolf, my dear little bastard, you're awake, it's my mother, she's still here."

After hearing this, the big wolf opened his eyes and saw Gu Jinli...his little mouth trembled in grievance, as if he was about to cry, but he held it back, and leaned into Gu Jinli's arms again, making a milky sound. Shouting: "Mother~"

"Hey." Gu Jinli responded, kissed the top of his head, and said softly: "It's mom. Mom is always here. Don't be afraid of the big wolf."

"Are you still sleepy? If you are sleepy, will Big Wolf continue to sleep?"

"Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"

Gu Jinli kept talking to Da Lang. Da Lang felt more and more relieved as he listened. His little hands no longer held her clothes tightly, but slowly let go. He looked up at her and said, "Shhhh~"

Gu Jinli smiled and praised: "Big Wolf is so smart. He will tell mom when he needs to urinate. OK, mom will hug you to pee."

"Shush, shush!" Erlang became angry when he saw Gu Jinli holding his brother while talking. He rushed over and hugged Gu Jinli's arm to make trouble with her.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "No, no, no, let's come one by one, let brother shush first, okay?"

not good!

The two wolves wanted to go together and wouldn't let her get up unless they carried her together.

There was no other way, so Gu Jinli could only call the wet nurse in and take their brothers to pee together.

Then he took them to have their teeth cleaned, their faces washed, and they had breakfast.

After eating and rinsing his mouth, Gu Jinli took out a pen and paper and said, "Let's write a letter to your father. He misses you very much."

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