The face thing is fake. Now that Brother Qin has taken control of the northwest military power, she doesn't have to look ugly anymore, but she doesn't want to explain more. She just said: "Thank you, Mrs. Bai, for caring. My face is completely healed. Please sit down."

After Mrs. Bai sat down, Gu Jinli asked bluntly: "Mrs. Bai said that there are people from Xiejiaping who have become domestic slaves for wealthy families? Have you brought the list? Let me see."

As soon as I sat down, I asked, "Isn't this too straight?"

But now Gu Jinli's status is different, and Mrs. Bai remembers Mr. Qianshan's instructions, so she can only take out the list and hand it to Gu Jinli: "Mrs. Qin, please take a look."

Afraid of being poisonous, Erqing took it, opened the list, put it on a small tray, and showed it to Gu Jinli.

Madam Bai didn't say anything when she saw it... The head of a wealthy family always behaves like this when looking at things handed to her by outsiders. In the eyes of someone with Madam Bai's background, this is a sign that there are rules in the house.

Gu Jinli frowned: "It's not this family. The daughter of the third grandfather and the third grandmother is Gu Fuya, her husband is Xie Pingzi, and their children are Xie Jingxian, Xie Jingmin, and Xie Jianing... Although the population of this family is the same, the names and ages are wrong."

Then he asked: "Do they know Xie Pingzi's family? Or do they know the whereabouts of Xie Pingzi's family?"

Mrs. Bai didn't know this at all. This list was a stepping stone for her to come to see Gu Jinli. After hearing this, she said guiltily: "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Qin. I only got this list through my connections. Knowing that Mrs. Qin's family has been looking for someone from Xie Jiaping, I brought them over... If you want to know if they know the whereabouts of Xie Pingzi's family, you have to write back and ask."

After receiving the reply, she could come to see Gu Jinli again, two more times, and the friendship was considered established.

Gu Jinli had already guessed the outcome: "Okay, Mrs. Bai, please help me ask."

Then he said: "I still have to go to the pharmacy to get medicine, so I won't leave Mrs. Bai alone."

It's so unkind to chase her away when you see she's useless!

This can't be blamed on Gu Jinli. It was Madam Bai who plotted against her first. If Madam Bai was sincere, she wouldn't be so disrespectful.

Mrs. Bai also knew this and said: "Mrs. Qin, I was wrong. I forced you to see me just because I had the list. I didn't want to have such a blunt relationship, husband is in the military. Civil servant, Mr. Qin Xiaohou is now in charge of the military power in the northwest. For the sake of my husband's future, I, I must come to see you and make friends, so don't be angry."

Mr. Qianshan said that Gu Jinli has a bad temper and you cannot lie to her. If you lie to her, you must admit your mistake quickly. If you pretend not to know that she is angry, it will be counterproductive.

Gu Jinli said: "I know that human nature is so sophisticated, Mrs. Bai doesn't need to apologize."

Then he said: "I would like to ask Mrs. Bai to continue to help me with my Aunt Fuya's affairs."

Strangely enough, they had been looking for Gu Fuya's family for a long time, but there was no news, and she had a bad feeling in her heart, as if... someone was hiding Gu Fuya's family on purpose.

Hey, her guess was indeed correct. Gu Fuya's family was indeed hidden, not by a wealthy family, but by Ning Ji.

Ning Ji knew that Gu Fuya was the only daughter of the third grandfather and the third grandmother and that she was an important person. He found them early and hid them.

The reason why Ning Ji did this was also very simple. He had a bad relationship with Gu Jinli, so he wanted to hold Gu Fuya's family hostage until the critical moment before sending them back to get to know each other, so that they could help him.

"Of course." Mrs. Bai was very happy and promised: "Mrs. Qin, don't worry, I will write a letter back to my parents' home and ask them to ask, and I will definitely tell you the details."

Gu Jinli: "Thank you very much."

This polite thank you made Mrs. Bai's heart skip a beat, and she quickly found something to talk about: "I heard that the two young masters are back. I brought two pieces of high-quality satin. This satin is soft and breathable. It is the best to wear when the weather is hot. Good, I can avoid suffering from the heat."

Mothers love their children, so Mrs. Gu will definitely accept her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Bai." Gu Jinli did accept it, but she didn't give it to the children, but wanted to exchange it for money and food... Money and food are needed to raise soldiers, and if you don't take it, you won't get it.

Mrs. Bai was very happy when she saw that Gu Jinli had collected the satin, and asked: "Are the two young masters here? These twin boys are blessed, and I also want to be blessed so that I can have another baby."

Gu Jinli: "They ran out to play, not in the backyard."

Madam Bai was surprised: "You two young masters can run away? That bone looks good, worthy of being the queen of the generals."

Gu Jinli nodded and smiled: "They have really good bodies, but the second one is too naughty and can't stay at home. He has to go out to play every day."

He also had to drag the big wolf with him, and he would cry if the big wolf didn't go with him.

"Boys, it's better to be naughty." Mrs. Bai praised the two children fiercely. After praising the children, she talked about another thing: "Mrs. Qin... the noble gentlemen outside the city brought a lot of innocence. The beautiful women are here, but they don’t need them. They are bringing them to the generals... Don’t be angry, Mrs. Qin. This is a common method used by every family. Whoever is in charge of the army, who is a confidant, and whoever is a meritorious general, they will give her to. .”

Gu Jinli smiled: "I'm not angry. My little brother Qin said that the Qin family has an ancestral precept not to take concubines, and he will not violate the ancestral precept. He also said that it is hard work for the military generals to fight, and the family members also contribute a lot. ...People value affection, and those who neglect their wives as soon as they have achieved meritorious service and promotion have weak affection and cannot be reused."

Mrs. Bai was shocked. This kind of friendship is weak and cannot be reused, but it is very serious. It seems that the young Marquis of Qin, like the Marquis of Qin back then, will not reuse those who abandon or treat their wives poorly.

We won't reuse those who can't control their own pants.

Gu Jinli added: "Mrs. Bai can spread this word so that those who are interested can have an idea."

"Eh." Mrs. Bai is the head wife, and she is willing to tell her such things that are beneficial to the main wife.

After Mrs. Bai stayed with Gu Jinli for half an hour, she wisely got up and left.

Before leaving the house, she met the big wolf and the two wolves who had returned from playing, as well as a group of children, big and small... Some of the children were young and could not walk very steadily. They would sit down on the ground after walking for a while.

They still walked hand in hand, and sometimes they would sit on the ground together, not crying, but laughing, getting up together, and continuing to walk hand in hand.

Mrs. Bai saw it, and a sincere smile appeared on her face. These little guys are so cute.

Soon, she discovered two little dolls that looked exactly the same, and hurriedly walked over with the maid.

But before they got close to the children, they were stopped by Bahu and Baishu: "Madam, please stay."

Mrs. Bai said: "I am not a bad person, but I am the Bai Fang clan. I just saw Mrs. Qin coming out and met two young masters. I wanted to come over and say hello...are these two the big wolf and the two wolves?"

"Hmm?" Big Wolf and Two Wolf heard someone calling them and turned to look at Madam Bai.

Madam Bai was so cute by them that she smiled and said, "Hello, young masters."

Erlang nodded his little head and replied: "Naonao!" Good.

The big wolf was worried that this was a bad guy, so he stood in front of his younger brother and shouted, "Yeah."

Mrs. Bai smiled: "The two young masters are so smart, they can both reply."

Okay, she has met people and developed friendships. She has completed Mr. Qianshan's mission.

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