A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2387 Massive Bleeding

It’s just that she doesn’t quite understand. Isn’t Mr. Qianshan on the side of the Qin family and now helping the Qin family on errands? Then his relationship with the Qin family should be very good. Why do he still need to do these little tricks in private?

"Ouch?" Erlang shouted at Madam Bai, with a puzzled look on his face, as if he was asking, who are you and why are you calling us? Why did you remain silent even after shouting?

Mrs. Bai came back to her senses and said with a smile: "Young Master, are you the second wolf?"

"Hey!" Erlang was often called like this, so he knew he was talking about himself and nodded his head in response.

Mrs. Bai's smile became even better: "Young Master Erlang, I left two boxes of meeting gifts for Mrs. Qin. They are for your brothers. Go back and see if you like them?"

Erlang didn't understand. He frowned and ignored her. He turned around and went to play with Brother Yi. He grabbed Brother Yi's hand, pointed at his back and shouted, "Ta-ta, yo-yo."

Brother, carry me.

Brother Yi carried him on his back many times and already understood what he meant. He squatted down and said, "Er Wolf, come up."

"Aha!" Erlang smiled and jumped on Brother Yi's back. He was so happy... This cub seemed to be happy every day.

"Mrs. Bai, we are taking the young master back for lunch." Bai Shu said.

Mrs. Bai understood and said with a smile: "Then I won't disturb you and leave first."

But just as she was about to leave, Widow Xiao rushed out, quickly came over and grabbed her hand, and said affectionately: "Hey, it's Mrs. Bai. I heard that you are here, and thinking that we are old acquaintances, I came here specially Come and meet you.”

Mrs. Bai was stunned and didn't understand why Widow Xiao suddenly came out and was so warm to her.

But she soon understood why Widow Xiao was so warm.

"Brother Gui, Brother Yun, you two ignorant brats, why don't you hurry up and see Mrs. Bai." Widow Xiao said, and then called to Wu Liu Qi Jin and the others: "Stop playing around and come here to see Mrs. Bai." , Mrs. Bai’s natal family is rich and won’t let you worship me in vain!”

After hearing this, the children came over together and saluted Mrs. Bai: "I have met Mrs. Bai!"

Mrs. Bai looked at the group of little carrots, her face froze. The two maids understood what Widow Xiao meant, and hurriedly rummaged through the bag to find the red envelope, but there were too many children, and the red envelope they brought was simply not enough.

Widow Xiao also said: "These are the sons of General Niu Xianfeng, this is the son of Zhang Qianhu, and this is the son of Xie Qianhu. They are all legitimate sons!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Bai almost couldn't hold back the smile on her face... They are all children of high status, so the meeting gift shouldn't be too shabby.

There was no other way. Madam Bai had no choice but to bleed profusely. She took out a silver note and said with a smile: "I came in a hurry today, and I didn't prepare enough greeting gifts. This is a five hundred tael of silver note. Madam Lan accepted it and divided it among the young masters for me. "

Widow Xiao took the banknote and said with a smile: "Mrs. Bai is interested. Thank you, Mrs. Bai."

"Thank you, Mrs. Bai!" the children said in unison. The two wolves saw it and howled excitedly next to them.

"I'll take my leave first." Mrs. Bai was so ripped off that she didn't dare to stay any longer and left quickly.

Widow Xiao was still shouting from behind: "Mrs. Bai, walk slowly, come back often in the future!"

Come on, you'll cost me five hundred taels just once. Even if I want to open it all the time, I have to avoid you!

"Okay, let's send the big wolf and the two wolves back. I'll keep the banknote for you first. After exchanging it, I can break it down and give it to you." Widow Xiao put away the banknote and called Brother Xiaogui and Xiao Qingyun. , took them back for lunch.

Erlang shouted at the backs of Brother Xiaogui and Xiao Qingyun: "Ta-ta, yo-yo!"

Brother, wave.

When Brother Xiaogui and Xiao Qingyun heard the sound, they turned around and waved to Erlang. Erlang was so excited that he kept jumping on Brother Yi's back.

Brother Yi almost couldn't carry him and said hurriedly: "Don't move, two wolves, you will fall."

"Yo!" Er Lang responded, obediently lying on Brother Yi's back and letting him carry him back: "Liang Liang."

"Okay, I'll take you back to find Aunt Qin." Brother Yi responded, not forgetting to say to Big Wolf: "Brother Yi will carry Big Wolf tomorrow."

"Hmm." Big Wolf nodded and gave Brother Yi a smile.

But Erlang was a naughty man. On the way, he met two medicine boys carrying two bags of medicinal materials and walked into a yard. He yelled, asking Brother Yi to follow them.

Brother Yi looked at Bahu.

Bahu said: "There is still some time before lunch, let's go."

Brother Yi then followed Erlang on his back.

The two medicine boys were from Sannuo. Seeing these little kids following them and the big wolf and the two wolves still inside, they didn't dare to stop them.

When Sannuo came out to open the door for them, he saw a large group of children and Bahu Baishu. He was startled and closed the door with a bang.

"Ahhh!" Erlang got angry and asked Brother Yi to put him down. He stumbled to the door, patted the courtyard door, and banged: "Yoyo!"

Open the door.

The medicine boy said: "Little Fifth Master, the person knocking on the door is the second young master of Mr. Qin Xiaohou's family. He calls you Grandpa Xiaowu. You also gave them a meeting gift... They are young, so it's okay to meet them."

After hearing this, Sannuo thought for a while and finally opened the door.

"Aha!" Erlang happily jumped into his arms, raised his little head, and smiled at him.

Sannuo was stunned and didn't know how to react for a moment.

However, before he came back to his senses, the two wolves had already let go of him, turned around and ran towards the yard... He had short legs, he couldn't run fast, he was young, and his legs and feet were still weak. He ran a little way. He fell three times and even Sang Nuo was shocked.

But the little guy quickly got up and continued running.

He ran to a row of mulberry trees raised in porcelain bottles, pulled down the mulberry tree, slurped, and bit the mulberry fruit between the branches and leaves... He had already seen the mulberry fruit, which was purple-red and purple-red. It looked so good that he wanted to eat it.

Unfortunately, he didn't succeed.

Bahu rushed over like a whirlwind, hugged him with one hand, pinched his mouth with the other, and forced him to spit out the mulberry fruit: "Second Young Master, you cannot eat anything that has not been inspected."

Bai Shu brought clean water and fed it to him: "Lulu, second young master, Lulu, rinse your mouth."

The two took the big wolf and the second wolf with them for several months. The second wolf became very familiar with them. He rinsed his mouth obediently and spit out the water. However, he failed to eat the mulberry fruit and became unhappy. He pursed his lips and hugged him. He held his little hands and turned away his little head to prevent Bahu from hugging him.

Seeing this, Sannuo was afraid that Erlang would cry, so he hurriedly said to Bahu: "I use these mulberry trees to insert bottles. They have not been used for medicine, so you can safely give them to him."

After saying that, he was stunned... He could actually talk to an adult man.

But soon, because he thought of bad things, his body started to tremble and he started to feel nauseous.

After hearing this, Bahu picked a few mulberry fruits, smelled them, and after confirming that no medicine was used, washed them with water and handed them to Er Lang: "Young Master, please eat them."

"Aha!" The second wolf became happy and ate several mulberry fruits, leaving two for the big wolf and Gu Jinli.

When the medicine boy saw that Sannuo was not feeling well, he did not leave the Big Wolf and Two Langs with them. After the two wolves had eaten the mulberry fruits, he invited them out.

The two wolves knew each other well, and before leaving, they waved their little hands to Sannuo: "Ta-ta, yo-yo!"

Goodbye, brother.

Brother, you have to call me Grandpa Xiaowu.

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