A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2388 Need to be cleaned up

Six Gold and Seven Gold also waved to Sannuo very sensibly.

Sannuo looked at them and was surprised to find that the nausea he felt just now slowly subsided.

After these little guys left, Sannuo didn't vomit.

The medicine boy who was already holding a wooden basin waiting for him to vomit was shocked and said happily: "Little Fifth Master, you didn't vomit, that's great!"

The old lady said that the fifth master was sick and could not see outsiders, especially adult men. If he did, he would feel sick and vomited... They were only thirteen or fourteen years old, not considered grown men yet, but when they first came to help, Xiaowu Ye was also disgusted for two days when he saw them.

Today I suddenly saw another adult man and he actually stopped vomiting.

The two medicine boys were very happy: "Good news, it seems that Xiao Wuye's illness is going to be cured."

Afraid of being too noisy and annoying Sannuo, he quickly shut up and started busy making new medicines.

But during lunch, they went to the next door yard to tell Gao Lei the good news.

After hearing this, Gao Lei went to see Gu Jinli in person, told her the matter, and asked her: "Sanlang's wife, if the big wolf and the two wolves are free, let them go to Xiaowu's yard to play more."

He added: "Xiao Wu is not making poison now. He is making medicine to cure diseases and save lives. He will not harm the two dolls."

Gu Jinli agreed: "Okay, from now on let the big wolf and the two wolves visit the little fifth uncle more and add some excitement to him."

"Hey!" Gao Lei was very happy, her eyes were red.

In fact, she didn't need to say it personally. Ever since the second wolf ate mulberries in Sannuo's yard, he had been accompanied by the big wolf to Sannuo's yard every day.

Every time I go there, I make a fuss, pulling out all the mulberry, lotus, and tea leaves in the porcelain vase, causing harm to them all.

It's not enough to cause trouble by one person, but he also has to bring his group of little brothers to cause trouble together. Sannuo almost went berserk and begged Gao Lei to stop them from coming.

But Gao Lei said: "The little doll family is at the age where they like to play, so they can be restrained. Moreover, this house belongs to their family. Auntie is a guest, so there is no way to stop them."


There was nothing he could do, so Sannuo could only endure it. Gradually, he got used to it, and the number of people he could see gradually increased.

In the next few days, Mrs. Bai tried to find an opportunity to visit her again, but Gu Jinli didn't see her.

Mr. Qianshan was a little anxious. He originally wanted to summon Lu Er, the manager of Shilu Medicine Store, and ask him to open a medicine warehouse as soon as possible and transport the medicinal materials to the soldiers of Longshan Prefecture, but he decided not to do it for the time being.

The young master has a very good relationship with Mr. Qin Xiaohou. For Mr. Qin, as long as he lasts a few more days, she will definitely compromise and let him teach the two young masters.

Mr. Qianshan makes all these little tricks just to become the big wolf and the two wolves.

But the young master pretended that he didn't know what he was thinking and just didn't mention it.

What's even more outrageous is that on the day the big wolves and the two wolves came back, he was originally going to pick someone up, but he was pushed away by the little master. He didn't even see the big wolves and the two wolves!

He had no choice but to ask Mrs. Bai to go to the house and meet the big wolf and the two wolves for him. After learning that they were very smart, he wanted to be their husband even more...According to the old master's plan and the current situation. Look, the big wolf and the two wolves are very likely to become the heirs of the old master. If he teaches them, he may become the emperor's master!

Imperial Master, if he can really get his wish, his life will not be in vain.

Knock knock knock!

"Mr. Qianshan, it's me, Cui Duo. You An is here, saying that Mrs. Qin has something to tell you." Cui Duo said outside.

Is You An here?

Could it be that the young master compromised?

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

"Come in quickly!" Mr. Qianshan suppressed his excitement and asked Cui Duo to bring You An in.

As soon as You An saw Mr. Qianshan, he said: "Mr. Qianshan, Madam asked me to tell you something. The words are a bit direct. Do you want to stand back?"

Mr. Qianshan's expression froze, remembering Gu Jinli's temper and asking the boy to go out with Cui Duo.

After they went out, You An said: "Madam asked me to tell you, sir, to handle your errands well. The Qin and Gu families will remember your contribution. But if you continue to test randomly and deliberately find trouble, she will not show mercy... Please note, Xu The Sixth Young Master and Cui Xiniang are still alive. If the news spreads that your husband is harboring them and their son, your life may be at risk!"

Then he said: "The madam also said that your husband does have strategies and is good at running errands, but he doesn't know how to teach. She had worked hard to conceive and give birth to the two young masters. She would not dare to entrust you with their teaching responsibility. If If she is taught like Xu Liu, she will die with her eyes open... The madam also said that she is a person who follows etiquette and treats others how they treat her."

So, don't look for trouble. If you dare to find trouble, she will kill you!

Finally, You An said: "Shilu Medicine Store will give her medicine if she wants. If she doesn't give it to her, there will be no shortage. It's just a matter of Xu Liu's mother and son. Sir, you have to make a decision quickly. Xu Liu is Xu You's son, and Xu You is a traitor to the enemy." , he will definitely not survive, the emperor will kill all the Xu family members, if Mr. Xu Liu is guaranteed, I am afraid that some dormant beasts will be involved."

This giant beast refers to the Lu family hiding in the dark.

Emperor Jingyuan was not a fool. If Xu Liu's mother and son disappeared suddenly, they would conduct an in-depth investigation, and the Lu family hiding behind the Cui family would no longer be able to hide it.

When the time comes, the Gu family will be fine with Qin Sanlang protecting them, but the Lu family will have to be uprooted!

"Sir, think about it carefully and say goodbye." You An finished speaking and left quickly.

Mr. Qianshan stood in the room with a very ugly face, but he knew that Gu Jinli was right... The identities of Xu Liu's mother and son could not withstand the investigation. Once the investigation was in-depth, the Lu family would be found.

Mr. Qianshan thought for a moment, and became more and more frightened as he thought about it. He shouted loudly: "Cui Duo!"

"What are your orders, sir?" Cui Duo came in and asked.

Mr. Qianshan looked at him and said, "You heard what You An said...Xu Liu can't stay, he must die!"

At first, he did not dare to kill Xu Liu because of the old man, but now it seems that if Xu Liu does not die, many things will be revealed when Emperor Jingyuan thoroughly investigates the Xu family.

The Lu family has been dormant for so many years and has been well hidden. If Xu Liu is found and removed, the layout of these decades will be in vain!

"Do you dare to kill Xu Liu?" Mr. Qianshan asked.

Cui Duo understood what he meant. If he agreed, he would be the one who died when the master behind him pursued the matter.

Cui Duo was silent. It was hard to get through this day, but no one wanted to die.

"I'll go!" A voice sounded, and Mr. Ming, dressed in black, stepped in, looked at Mr. Qianshan and said, "I dare to kill Xu Liu and Cui Xiniang, without fear of being settled."

"Shut up, do you want to rebel? Cui Xiniang is our master!" Mr. Qianshan was still afraid of the old man, and said: "Just kill Xu Liu, but as for Cui Xiniang... She is from a woman's family, and Emperor Jingyuan will not investigate her deeply. Wait for the capital to When people came, they said she died on the way or disappeared while deserting the army a few months ago."

Master Ming smiled: "Oh, many soldiers who served Xu You in the past know that Xu You relied on the Cui family's wealth to support his troops. Where did the Cui family's wealth come from? Why is there so much? Sir, I think Emperor Jing Yuan is a fool. Really? Won’t he check it out?”


"Xu Liu and Cui Xiniang must die. Only if they die will the clues be completely cut off!"

Only the Lu family behind the scenes can continue to hide and not be discovered.

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