Mr. Qianshan: "This fourth prince is not very old. He is just seventeen this year. Due to the unlucky timing of his birth, his mother, Zhang Bin, was only the daughter of a prominent family in Zhongzhou. The fourth prince was not favored and he has been invisible since he was a child. However, I have been choosing concubines recently, and I am very knowledgeable. Except for the granddaughters of my maternal grandfather Zhang family, the others are all official daughters below the third-rank official. They deliberately avoid generals with military power, aristocratic families, and The daughter of a high-ranking official."

"He himself doesn't socialize, and most of the people he associates with are children of less prominent families. He is connected to the Lian family because of a maid who is a common roommate."

Gu Jinli was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but gossip: "How can a maid who is a married woman be related to a prince in the capital, a son of a wealthy family? This maid is quite capable."

Mr. Qianshan said: "The one who is capable is not the maid, but the maid's sister... This girl is a tenant farmer of Zhang Bin's mother's family. She accidentally helped Zhang Bin's mother three years ago and followed Mrs. Zhang to the capital. When the prince went to the Zhang Mansion to see Mrs. Zhang, he met the girl... The girl was smart and knew some novelties, so the fourth prince fell in love with her. After Jianfu married the princess, the girl would be The Zhang family sent him to the Prince's Mansion to serve the fourth prince."

"This is quite a detour." Gu Jinli asked: "Then this fourth prince is honest on the surface, but secretly wants to form a gang and plot to seize the throne?"

Mr. Qianshan nodded: "Exactly. Although these princes are honest on the surface, they are very anxious in their hearts... Even if Emperor Jingyuan dislikes them, he has no intention of establishing a heir apparent. But as Emperor Jingyuan gets older, these princes I couldn’t sit still anymore and started moving behind my back.”

Speaking of this, Gu Jinli was very curious: "Why doesn't Emperor Jingyuan like the princes? This is a major matter related to the inheritance of Dachu."

Emperor Jingyuan didn't care at all. This was the first time she had seen such a willful emperor.

Mr. Qianshan said: "I'm not sure. Emperor Jingyuan has only cared about destroying the Rong in these years. He has never mentioned his successor at all. He is so arbitrary that the ministers dare not ask."


"He cared about the fifth prince. The fifth prince was trained as a prince from birth. It's a pity that the fifth prince died."

The reason why the Fourth Prince was ignored when he was born was that the Queen was pregnant when he was born. The entire palace, including Emperor Jing Yuan, only stared at the Queen's belly, and no one cared about him.

After the fifth prince was born, because he was the emperor's only legitimate son, no one paid even more attention to him, the fourth prince who was similar in age to the fifth prince.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli thought for a moment and then asked: "How did the fifth prince die? Was he harmed?"

Mr. Qianshan shook his head: "This is the only son of the empress. Emperor Jingyuan attaches great importance to him. No one dares to harm him... It's all his life. He will die normally."

Even if it was a normal death, it would be a huge blow to the emperor and empress. After the death, Emperor Jingyuan's temper became more and more erratic, and the relationship between the emperor and empress became worse and worse, until they finally stopped seeing each other until they died.

Gu Jinli said calmly: "Mr. Qianshan knows quite a lot. It seems that the Lu family has people in the inner palace."

Even the inner palace knows things, let alone the Lian family and the Zhang family. It seems that the Lu family is very powerful... Such a powerful force can't find the missing Cui and let her suffer for so many years. It can be seen that it is Deliberately, Gu Jinli disliked the Lu family even more.

Mr. Qianshan smiled and took the opportunity to seduce: "There are people, and there are quite a lot of them. As long as the young master lowers his head, these will all belong to the young master."

Gu Jinli smiled: "I still said what I said, find out the truth about my mother's disappearance and wandering for many years. If we can't find out, my family will not recognize the Lu family... Anyway, the Lu family can find a new Xu Liu, Go back and be your heir."

He had a daughter and didn’t want to take her home, so he found Cui Xiniang to support her. How much did that person hate her mother? !

He added: "Instead of asking my family to recognize our ancestors, Mr. Qianshan, it is better to investigate the truth of the past. As long as the truth comes out and my mother is given justice, this matter will naturally be settled."

Finally, he said: "Mr. Qianshan, don't blame us as husband and wife for not using you seriously. It's true that you have a master behind you. We can't trust the master behind you, so we can only guard against you."

Mr. Qianshan knew the reason, but that was the old master. How could he dare to ask him to lower his stature to admit his mistake to the younger generation? I can only fight with Qin Gu and his wife, hoping that they will suffer a loss as juniors and will not pursue the matter of Cui's disappearance and wandering.

Mr. Qianshan was in a dilemma and wanted to persuade him a few more words, but was interrupted by Gu Jinli: "This is my only request. Mr. Qianshan's persuasion is useless. It is better to spend more time to collect the evidence that the fourth prince wants to seek military power and seize the throne." Once collected, send it to his father, the emperor."


Mr. Qianshan was startled: "You want to send the evidence of the fourth prince's plot to seize military power to the emperor Jingyuan? Isn't this not good?"

Mr. Qianshan felt that it would be better to secretly communicate with the fourth prince, use him to harm Emperor Jingyuan, and finally let the Lu family succeed.

"What's wrong? Brother Qin has said that the Qin family will not be disloyal to Da Chu first, but they will not get involved in these nonsense. They can fight as much as they like and dare to drag the Qin and Gu families into trouble. , don’t blame the Qin and Gu families for exposing them." Gu Jinli looked at Mr. Qianshan and said, "The Qin and Gu families just want to live a simple life. If anyone wants to make this life complicated, we won't be polite!"


It seems that the old man was also involved.

"...Yes." Seeing that Gu Jinli was about to get angry, Mr. Qianshan had no choice but to relent first, and then asked the big wolf and the two wolves how they were doing recently, and then reluctantly left.

After he left, Gu Jinli found Master Yan and said, "After Brother Qin gets the military power in the northwest, there will definitely be many people who come to try to trouble or frame our family. Uncle Mao, please keep a close eye on us. Don't let everyone It's someone else's fault."

Then he said: "Find two skilled people to follow Uncle Dalin. They will follow him wherever he goes. Don't let him be left alone... He has no wife now. I'm afraid there will be a lot of people watching. Don't let anything happen to him. As for him Those who come to recognize relatives should do some research first to avoid being deceived."

"Yes." Master Yan responded one by one and quickly assigned people to keep an eye on them.

Gu Dalin had already heard about Qian Qinghe, and was afraid that he would be entangled, so he accepted the two people who were protecting him, and asked Master Yan to send a message to Gu Jinli: "Don't worry Xiaoyu, I'm on guard, won't you?" Something happened."

Then he asked worriedly: "Can we really get away with the Sanlang family's matter? After all, it's..."

The imperial court invaded.

"Brother An and the others are in the capital. They won't be thrown into prison by His Majesty, right? Will the family members and relatives in Dafeng Village be okay?"

Gu Dalin was more worried about whether the rich man came or not, and their people were gone first.

Master Yan comforted him: "Master Dalin, don't worry about this... If this matter came out before, we would all die, but now the young marquis has enough chips, Emperor Jingyuan has to agree if he doesn't want Da Chu to perish. .”

He added: "The relationship between the Marquis of Qin and Emperor Jingyuan is very good. They are considered brothers. The Marquis' family was also implicated back then. There is a 90% chance that Emperor Jingyuan will agree to the request of the young Marquis this time."

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