A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2396 Letter from King Qingma

Besides, the young marquis' request is not too much. As long as Emperor Jingyuan re-investigates the case from that year, the family members will be cleared.

The generals in the northwest, including the noble sons, would respect the Qin family. In addition to the fact that the young marquis had military power, they also believed that Emperor Jingyuan would agree to the young marquis' request.

The elders in the noble family are not stupid. If they had not predicted that the matter would be resolved satisfactorily, they would not have allowed their descendants to come to Mu County.

Gu Dalin felt relieved after hearing this: "That's good... I have suffered too much, and I hope everything will be safe in the future."

Then he asked about the big wolf and the two wolves: "How are the two little babies doing these days?"

"It's very good. I can eat and sleep. Especially the second young master. He runs around the house with Mr. Zhang and the others every day and has visited the whole house. He is very happy."

"I've been tired of playing in the house for the past two days, and I want to go out to play in the street, but my wife won't let me, saying it's not safe enough." Master Yan couldn't stop talking about the two children.

Gu Dalin smiled broadly when he heard this and said, "Xiaoyu is right, we can't let them take to the streets now."

Now that my identity is different, I can't go out casually, and I can't even accept gifts randomly.

He felt very sorry for the two children and sighed: "It would be great if they were in Dafeng Village. The village is safe and they are all acquaintances. They can play whatever they want."

Master Yan: "The houses here are indeed not as spacious as those in the village, but the Qin Mansion in Longshan Mansion is very large, as big as a village. Wherever you go, the two young masters can run around and play as they please."

"There is such a big house? It deserves to be a prince's mansion." Gu Dalin was shocked and worried: "Does the prince have to marry a concubine?"

Although Sanlang was very kind to Xiaoyu, that was in the past. If he became a marquis, it would be difficult to tell.

Master Yan smiled: "Master Dalin, don't worry. When our Lord Marquis was alive, we made an ancestral precept that no one in the Qin family should take concubines."

After hearing this, Gu Dalin felt relieved. He only hoped that Sanlang would always be kind to Xiaoyu and not make the family uneasy just because he was rich.

The next day, before dawn, Sister Xiao pulled Qian Qinghe to her feet: "Hurry up, we're leaving at half past midnight. If you delay your trip, you'll be slapped with military sticks, and you'll have to be fined by dad!"

Dad's letter said that if they dare not work hard just because their family is prosperous, they will be severely punished and all the property that was supposed to be distributed to them will be fined. Then they will not get a penny at all. , and became a pauper.

Qian Qinghe jumped up in fright, put on his clothes and said, "It's here. I was deducted five taels of silver yesterday. If I deduct more, this year's work will be in vain!"

The five taels of silver that Widow Xiao left at the county government office yesterday would have to be deducted from his salary. It was useless even if he cried to death.

Brother Xiaogui got up early, got dressed, and sat in front of their house to wait. When he saw them coming out, he obediently shouted: "Daddy, Mommy."

"Haha, our dear brother is filial and knows that he is here to see dad off." Qian Qinghe boasted, rolled his eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, have you received a lot of greeting gifts from your wives recently? Daddy. We are about to go on a long journey. This trip will be extremely difficult. Please give me some money to dad so that he can deal with the emergency, otherwise dad will suffer~"

Brother Xiaogui was very calm: "I keep them all with grandma."

In the future, he will study, build a house, and marry him.

Qian Qinghe's heart was clogged when he heard it, and he glared at him angrily: "Next time you receive a meeting gift, remember to take half of it back and hide it with your parents. Don't give all to your grandparents."

Brother Xiaogui said perfunctorily: "Oh."

Anyway, the valuables have to be held by the grandparents, or they should be given to the aunt, not the parents.

"When you get up, come over and have breakfast. What are you talking about?" Widow Xiao shouted.

"Coming, coming!" Qian Qinghe hurried to have breakfast.

When he finished eating and left the courtyard, he was moved to tears.

There was no other reason than that there were a lot of people coming to the door, carrying large and small bags, and they looked like they were here to see him off.

He wiped away his tears and said to Sister Xiao, "Look at your husband-in-law's popularity, how good it is!"

Widow Xiao gave him a roll of her eyes: "Don't cry, they are not here to see you off, they are here to ask you to help carry your things."

Mrs. Tan nodded: "Exactly, thank you. My daughter gave this to Cheng Ju. You must bring it with you."

Miss Tan and Xiao Chengju were engaged, and they are now an unmarried couple.

Kuang also brought two packages, hung them on his shoulders, and explained carefully: "I give this to your Uncle Niu, and this one... to Daijin."

The other package was given to Niu Dajin by Shi Yanfang.

Although Dai Jin and Shi Yanfang have not yet been officially engaged, Dai Jin likes Shi Yanfang, and the little girl is also interested in Dai Jin. Kuang and Mrs. Shi have already verbally agreed on their marriage, and they will get engaged when Dai Jin comes back.

Kuang was still very arrogant, saying that if something happened to Dai Jin, the marriage would be abandoned and Shi Yanfang could not be harmed.

Qian Qinghe almost fell to the ground under the weight of the things. In the end, there were so many things that he had to use a carriage to transport them.

"Let's go, the things must be delivered!"

"Be careful, don't break anything!"

Be careful, you didn’t even give me coolie money, yet you still have the nerve to ask for so much!

But Mr. Kuang and Mrs. Shi were both high-status people, and he couldn't afford to offend either of them, so he could only do hard labor for them.

On a night in the middle of July, torches formed a winding fire dragon in the Longshan Mountains, and the shouts of murder shook the sky: "Pang Lu came out of the cave tunnel, those in front of him must stop him!"

Whoosh whoosh!

In the woods ahead, countless sharp arrows were shot immediately.

"Iron Shield, stop them!" Pang Lu shouted, turned around and grabbed Jin Lu, slapped him twice, and cursed: "Fuck you Jin Lu, didn't you say that all the people in this cave and mountain road are his brothers?" Guard, can we successfully go straight from this tunnel to the main peak of the Eagle Food Gang and capture Luo Ying's wife and children? Why is there an ambush in the tunnel, and the ambushers are so powerful, dozens of my brothers are all dead inside!"

In this battle, the Rongshan Gang already suffered heavy losses. There were not many people left. If dozens of people died again, they would almost be dead.

Jin Lu was beaten until his mouth was full of blood, but his back was held by a ruthless gangster from the Rongshan Gang with a knife. He did not dare to get angry and could only say: "Master Pang, I am indeed guarding this tunnel, from the entrance to the The road to the mountain peak is also full of my people, and I didn’t know there would be an ambush... It’s Luo Ying, he can’t trust me and has an informant around me!”

Jin Lu was very angry and wanted to kill Luo Ying. After so many years, Luo Ying still couldn't trust him, bastard!

However, these cave tunnels can reach the main peak of the Eagle Food Gang, where Cousin Yu and Brother You live. They are Luo Ying's life. How could Luo Ying give his life to Jin Lu? A group of people have been arranged to Waiting in the passage.

When regaining the Daming Mansion, Luo Ying was afraid that something would happen to his wife and children, so he asked Master Gui and Uncle Yu to go back quietly with soldiers and horses early in the morning to protect his wife and children.

So Jin Lu had better not have second thoughts, otherwise it will be a dead end.

Whoosh whoosh!

Another batch of sharp arrows came, this time powerful crossbow arrows. The sharp arrows pierced the iron shield and killed a group of fierce bandits holding shields.


The screams rang out. After hearing this, Pang Lu hurriedly said: "Evacuate quickly, take us to other cave tunnels!"

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