A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2397 Do you still have such relatives?

The tunnels leading to the Eagle Food Gang in the Longshan Mountains are extremely complicated, and only Jin Lu knows how to escape.

Jin Lu said: "Enter the cave, walk about ten meters inside and there will be a small hole. If you drill into it, you can lead to another tunnel... I dug the hole in private, Luo Ying and the others don't know!"

"Fuck you, why didn't you say anything just now? You were on guard against us!" Pang Lu punched Jin Lu twice, and then said worriedly: "Are you telling the truth? Don't you want to get us?" Die, so that you can get away with your crime and make meritorious service, and let Luo Ying keep you alive!"

Jin Lu was beaten in severe pain. After coughing several times, he said: "I have betrayed Luo Ying. Even if I kill you, my fate will only change from being executed in Lingchi to being decapitated with a knife... Go away quickly, and I will be honest later." If the people inside catch up, we will be blocked inside and we won’t be able to escape even if we want to!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Poison arrows and rockets were shot together.

Bang bang bang, the poison pack exploded, killing another group of Rongshan Gang gangsters.

There was a whirring sound, and the fire burned, illuminating the entire area.

"Pang Lu is over there, aim at the fire and shoot!"

Whoosh whoosh!

"Run away!" Pang Lu didn't have time to think about it, and dragged Jin Lu back into the cave.

Deng Deng Deng~

Deep in the tunnel of the cave, there was a shaking sound, someone was coming this way.

When Pang Lu heard this, he thought: "Where is the small cave? Take us there quickly, those pursuers are coming."

Jin Lu pointed forward: "In front, right in front..."

Pang Lu immediately led him to run forward, and soon Jin Lu said: "Stop, stop, it's right here, let me go quickly, I have to touch the place to know where the entrance of the cave is? Don't hesitate, if it happens again If you can’t trust me, we will all die!”

They were attacked from two sides. Pang Lu could only let go of him and let him find the location of the small hole. He also had to instruct his subordinates: "Hold the torch high, give him light, and let him find it quickly."

The ruthless gangsters from the Rongshan Gang immediately followed suit.

After groping in the tunnel for a while by the light of a torch, Jin Lu finally touched the mark he made and said happily: "This is it. Give me the knife quickly. I have to dig through it to find the iron cable and open the door."

Pang Lu couldn't trust Jin Lu and didn't dare to give him a knife, so he asked the ruthless gangsters from the Rongshan Gang to dig holes with their knives.

Not long after, the knife touched the iron rope: "Master Pang, I found it, it's really there!"

Pang Lu's eyes shone: "Pull quickly!"

With a whoop, the gangster pulled the iron rope, revealing a small door.

The door of the cave is very small, only one person can fit through it, and no one who is fat can fit in.

"I'll hold Jin Lu down and go in first. Santu, you lead the people behind." Pang Lu grabbed Jin Lu and stuffed him into the small hole. He put the knife on his back and said viciously: "If you dare to play tricks, I will kill you!"

"There is fire there, hurry up, Pang Lu must be over there, chase them, and kill them!"

Santu was shocked and quickly put out the torch and said: "Master Pang, it's Luo Ying's voice. The ghost head committed suicide himself!"

Santu regretted a little. He should have stopped Mr. Pang from arresting Luo Ying's wife and children. But now, they didn't even go up to the main peak, but they recruited Luo Ying, a ruthless person. This time, they might be killed. Here it is.

But over the years, Luo Ying has protected his wife too well. Everyone only knows that he has a daughter-in-law, and she is a lady from the capital, but no one knows where she lives?

This time, he finally got the exact location, and there was someone to lead the way. Pang Lu was tempted and wanted to take the risk and kidnap someone.

Pang Lu was also startled when he heard Luo Ying's voice: "Come in quickly, don't be discovered."

After saying that, he pushed Jin Lu and crawled deeper into the small cave.

This small hole was too cramped and it was difficult for people to crawl inside. Pang Lu was so angry that he kept cursing and said, "Mother Luo Ying, when I get out, I will definitely spread rumors that I slept with your wife. I won't ruin your family's reputation." Damn it, I’ll take your last name!”

However, he didn't have this chance.

Half an hour later, bang, Jin Lu finally rolled out of the small hole. Unfortunately, as soon as he landed, he saw: "Master Ying!"

Isn't Luo Ying behind them?

Why are you here?

"You, you know I dug a small hole?!" Jin Lu asked in a breakdown. He didn't expect that every move he made would fall into Luo Ying's eyes. So wouldn't it be a big joke for him to do this?

"Ha, if I don't have any skills, can I dominate your old gang and become the head of the Eagle Food Gang?" Luo Ying grabbed Jin Lu and threw him over his shoulder with a bang, knocking Jin Lu to the ground behind him: "Cut out your tongue and drag it to the wolves!"

Jiao Jiao and Brother You who dared to betray him and wanted to harm him, he wanted Jin Lu to die with his body intact.

Luo Ying!

When Pang Lu heard the sound, he quickly shrank back, kicked Santu who had climbed up, and whispered: "Luo Ying is at the entrance of the cave~"

Santu was shocked and trembled with fear: "Luo Ying is here? Pang, Mr. Pang, what should we do?"

Pang Lu: "Hide for now. As long as we don't go out, Luo Ying won't be able to do anything to us for a while."

Oh, I can only say that Pang Lu has worked for the Rong bandits for half his life, and it is right that he has not been recognized by the Rong bandits because he is too stupid.

"Cough, cough, cough, Mr. Pang, the poisonous smoke is poisonous smoke!" Santu shouted in horror, trying to turn around and run for his life, but the poisonous smoke came in from both sides, and he was quickly overwhelmed by the poisonous smoke.

Pang Lu was also surrounded by poisonous smoke, like a scurrying rat, trying to escape, but in the end he failed to escape and was poisoned to death by the poisonous smoke in a narrow hole.

Half an hour later, the Yingshi Gang crawled into the hole and pushed out the bodies of Pang Lu and others.

"Master Ying, we have confirmed that Pang Lu is really dead. There are six people inside with marks on their bodies. They are all bandits from the Rongshan Gang." The people from the Yingshi Gang reported, turning over Pang Lu's body. He came over and let Luo Ying see his face.

After Luo Ying confirmed that it was Pang Lu, he took a sip at Pang Lu's body and said, "Chop off the head and keep it. Drag the body to feed the wolves. Feed it to the wolves who are sick and about to die. Don't let the good wolves eat his stinky smell." He doesn’t deserve meat!”

"Yes." The people from the Eagle Food Gang chopped off Pang Lu's head with a click, then dragged the body away and fed it to the wolves.

Luo Ying: "Blow the floor drum and inform the brothers to check all the tunnels to prevent another accident!"

"Yes!" The people from the Eagle Food Gang immediately went to do it.

Not long after...

Boom, boom, boom!

The drums sounded. After the brothers stationed in various tunnels heard it, they responded by beating drums one after another, and then sent people to check the tunnels they were responsible for. The entire underground of the Longshan Mountains became lively.

There were so many tunnels that it took a day and a night to check them all.

Fortunately, there was no problem, but something happened on Jin Lu's side.

Jin Luhui betrayed Luo Ying because he was a former bandit from the Eagle Food Gang and a real tough bandit. After Luo Ying relied on the old northwest troops to seize the Eagle Food Gang, he defected to Luo Ying, but he kept hiding his evil intentions. , wants to kill Luo Ying and become the head of the Eagle Food Gang.

And Luo Ying has been guarding against these old bandits of the Eagle Food Gang. He has been guarding against them for ten years, and this time he did not fall prey to them.

After the inspection, Luo Ying led people back to the ground and told Qin Sanlang that Pang Lu had been executed.

Qin Sanlang also killed many bandits on the ground: "The soldiers are still searching. Even if there are still bandits alive, they can be caught quickly."

Seeing blood dripping from Luo Ying's wrist, he frowned and shouted: "Doctor, come here and see Brother Luo's injury!"

Luo Ying: "I'm fine. I was in a hurry to find Pang Lu and the wound collapsed."

Qin Sanlang: "Let the doctor take a look at it, and I'll feel relieved."

I finally won the battle and can live a stable life, but I can't ruin my good life because of injuries.

"Yes." Luo Ying nodded, took off his armor, and asked the doctor to apply medicine again.

Before the wound was bandaged, He Min hurried over and handed a parchment letter to Qin Sanlang: "Young Master, this is from the Qingma King."

"A letter from King Qingma?" Luo Ying was surprised and asked hurriedly: "But the old thief King Qingma has seen the end of Da Rong and wants to take refuge with us? Then you have to read it quickly. That old thief has countless things in his hands. War horse!"

War horses are precious, and Luo Ying drools just thinking about the Green Horse King's war horses.

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