A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2411 Ridicule and Pride

Mr. Zongzheng has experienced many things. After hearing this, he nodded, looked at Zongzhengya and said, "Your third brother is right. You can't move around now. Let's wait and see."

Thinking that now that Wei Er was successful, the family would still have to rely on Zong Zhengya, so he comforted her: "Sister Ya, grandpa knows that you have been wronged. Don't feel bad. The family will definitely help you. Your great blessing is yet to come. "

In the past two or three years, Zong Zhengya was dragged to a very old age in order to wait for Wei Er, and suffered a lot of criticism. After hearing the grievance, his eyes turned red, he stood up, saluted Mr. Zong Zheng, and choked with sobs: "Granddaughter , thank you grandpa for your love."

He also promised: "My granddaughter will not let her grandfather down."

She, Zong Zhengya, is determined to become the most noble woman in the world. If anyone dares to block her way, she will kill him!

Mr. Zongzheng nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, grandpa believes in Sister Ya."

Then he said: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. When August enters, my grandfather will pick up your cousins ​​from your maternal grandfather's family and talk to you. Then you can see who is suitable. Grandpa can ask the Shangguan family to recommend them to Qi. Kang Ming is my wife.”

Zong Zhengya's maternal ancestor's family was the Shangguan family, and Gu Jinan and Qi Kangming got along well with the Shangguan family. If Qi Kangming took the initiative to fall in love with a girl from the Shangguan family, not even Zhong Huan could say anything.

"Yes, grandfather, don't worry, your granddaughter knows how to do it." Zong Zhengya responded, and after talking to Mr. Zong Zheng for a while, he got up and returned to his yard.

After entering the house, she nestled under the quilt and cried silently... She had waited for so many years and waited to become an old girl. She must win and live a better life than Gu Jinli!

After crying, she had to cheer up and think about how to write a letter to Wei Er. She considered every word for fear of making Wei Er unhappy.

Mr. Zong Zheng told Zong Zheng Yi to keep up with his cousins ​​from the official family: "It's better to get close to Gu Jin'an... Brother Yi, my grandfather knows that you are proud, but the situation is different now. You have to put down your posture and be sincere." I want to get along with those farmers."

"...Yes." Zong Zhengyi endured his nausea and agreed. The next day he went to Shangguan's house to meet Shangguan Zhuo, "The two Gu brothers were able to get out of death row. My cousin has made friends with them, so why not hold a banquet? I’ll call on my fellow students and clean them up.”

"Sure." Shangguan Zhuo agreed and went to Ouyang's house to tell the matter in person.

But the Ouyang family was very protective of Gu Jinan, fearing that something might happen to him when he went out for a banquet, so they directly said: "Young masters, you are interested, but they have just come out, and they are very thin. They need to take good care of themselves for a while, and they have just come out. Don’t be too arrogant, let’s just forget about the dust-cleansing banquet and wait until some time later, how about that?”

The Ouyang family all said this, so Shangguan Zhuo could only agree and tell Zong Zhengyi the result.

Zong Zhengyi was angry, but had nothing to say.

Feng Yu laughed after hearing this, Zong Zhengyi, Zong Zhengyi, he usually pretends to be calm, but he is so restless at the critical moment. It seems that the Zong Zheng family is really anxious after losing the position of elder.

After Feng Yu laughed at Zong Zhengyi in his heart, he started busy with his own errands. He didn't ask about the affairs of Qin and Gu's family at all. He only sent three Mid-Autumn Festival gifts to Ouyang's family on the tenth day of August.

And because of the restoration of the title of the Qin family, people from Guangcheng's house, who had been lonely for many years, also came to give gifts, all of which were to build relationships by giving festive gifts.

Uncle Guangcheng's grandson-in-law is a member of the Qianhu family under the command of Lord Qin Xiaohou. I heard that he has made many military exploits this time and is expected to be promoted!

Ming Cong also noticed Zhang Yan, the son-in-law of Guangcheng Bofu, and called Jiang Sheng and Xu Chongfeng over, asking, "How does Zhang Yan compare to Niu Dabao and Xie Cheng? Does he have the ability to become a general?"

Xu Chongfeng's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he waved his hands quickly: "I don't know, even the subordinates don't know him, and I'm not familiar with Niu Dabao and Xie Cheng either."

It's very unfamiliar and unfamiliar, so don't ask me, I don't want to help you harm anyone.

Ming Cong glanced at him with disgust, then turned to look at Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng said: "Generals are made by hard work. If you are not a general now, you may not be a general in three to five years. In short, making good friends with them will be helpful to us."

Xu Chongfeng was shocked when he heard this... Jiang Sheng, you white-eyed wolf, Mr. Qin Xiaohou helped you, but now you are helping Ming Cong to steal the people around him, you are shameless!

Jiang Sheng gave him an idiot look... Ming Cong, the wolf, has already set his sights on Zhang Yan and the others. Even if they don't help, Ming Cong will send others to do it.

It's better to follow Ming Cong's wishes, so that they can get some information to send to Mr. Qin Xiaohou, do you understand?

If you don't understand, just shut up and see what I do!

After Ming Cong heard this, he was indeed very satisfied. He really needed soldiers and horses urgently, so he handed over the matter of contacting Niu Dabao and the others to Jiang Sheng: "You have an old relationship with them, so I will leave it to you to handle it. It must be done well." .”

"Yes!" Jiang Sheng responded, and then asked: "There are more than a hundred households from Jianghuai to the northwest, and many of them have risen up now. Do you want me to contact them quietly? Although there are only hundreds of thousands of households, a small number can make a large number of soldiers. The horses are also impressive.”

He added: "There is also General Guo. I have met him a few times. Mr. Qin Xiaohou is the soldier he brought out. General Guo and Mr. Qin Xiaohou have a very good relationship. They call him brother Qin Xiaohou. , I would like to contact them, do you think it is feasible?"

Will do things!

Mingcong nodded happily: "Well, let's do it."

Jiang Sheng responded respectfully: "Yes, I will take care of it for you."

He added: "Master Xu's son is acquainted with General Guo and the children of Jiang Dahu's family. If you need it, I can take Master Xu's son back to He'an Mansion and rekindle old friendship with them in person."

Xu Chongfeng was shocked: "..."

Shameless old man, you will harm General Guo, the Jiang family, and my son!

Ming Cong said: "Contact me first. If necessary, you can talk in person."

Jiang Sheng: "Yes."

Xu Chongfeng was shocked and grieved throughout the whole process. After they returned home, Xu Chongfeng closed the door and scolded Jiang Sheng: "You really learned bad things from Zou County Cheng, how could you..."

Bang, Jiang Sheng smashed a bottle at the right time, making Xu Chongfeng jump: "This is a white porcelain bottle, worth ten taels of silver per pair!"

Jiang Sheng gave him a roll of his eyes, took out a pen and paper, and wrote: Shut up, your family is like a sieve, full of people from Ming Cong, and you still dare to speak ill of him loudly, do you want to die?

Xu Chongfeng was shocked, took the pen, and wrote: Is there really someone Ming in the family?

Jiang Sheng was tired. It turned out that elm wood cannot be carved: Of course, if we don't have the manpower to control us, Ming Cong will reveal his thoughts to us?

Do you think Ming Cong is as stupid as you?

Jiang Sheng wrote again: You are not smart enough. If you want to survive, don't talk too much. Listen to me. I guarantee that your whole family will be fine.

Xu Chongfeng nodded quickly and wrote worriedly: You are not really going to harm Qin, Gu, Guojiang and his family, are you? No, they are all acquaintances, how bad it would be.

When Jiang Sheng saw this, he felt that Xu Chongfeng was a little stupid, but due to friendship, he did not choose the wrong person.

"Don't worry, I know it well." After Jiang Sheng told him this, he collected all the papers and burned them.

In Fucheng, He'an Prefecture, the imperial edict has not yet been sent here, and the Gu family's workshop in Fucheng is still surrounded by heavy soldiers.

However, the gossips of He'an Mansion, even if they are very afraid of these soldiers, would deliberately pass by here every day to watch the excitement.

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