The grocery store in the alley adjacent to Gu's shop also set up a tea tent and began to do business with people watching the excitement.

"Tea costs fifteen cents for a pot, a plate of fried soybeans costs ten cents, and pancakes cost five cents each. If you don't eat or drink, a seat costs five cents, and a standing desk costs two cents. You should all pay accordingly. No credit!" Mrs. Gan shouted at the top of her voice, pointing at Aunt Qian who wanted to sneak away and said: "It's from the Qian family. After watching the fun, I want to run away. If you don't give me the two cents of standing money, I'll go. Break down your door!"

Aunt Qian didn't escape and was unhappy. She looked back at Mrs. Gan and said with a smile: "Ms. Gan, I still have work to do at home. I'll give it to you on credit first and I'll give it to you tomorrow."

"I said no credit, are you deaf?" Mrs. Gan chased after Aunt Qian with a rolling pin, pointed at Aunt Qian and said: "Credit? You have given credit to the whole north of the city, don't talk nonsense to me, give money, don't give money , my legs are discounted for you."

"Hey, it's been a robbery, the military master has robbed me!" Aunt Qian is also a capable person. She rushed to the military master opposite the grocery store and cried loudly: "Master, please help me, bitch Gan is blackmailing me, wuwuwu !”

There is a wall surrounding the Gu family's shop. In order to prevent the Gu family from climbing the wall and escaping, the soldiers stood guard here.

The soldiers were numb when they heard this. They retracted their feet, groaned again, drew out their swords, held them in front of themselves, and said: "The soldiers of the capital are on errands, and no one can get close to me!"

Aunt Qian: "What are you talking about? Young man, I mean I was blackmailed by Mrs. Gan. She broke the law. As a soldier, shouldn't you stand up for me?!"

Mrs. Gan rushed over and grabbed Aunt Qian: "What a bullshit, you have no reason to be a freeloader, give me the money quickly!"

"Who is freeloading? Have I ever eaten a soybean from your house?!" Aunt Qian replied, quickly got up, hid behind the soldiers, stuck out her head, and said arrogantly: "A shrew who doesn't make enough money, there are Just come and arrest me, be careful, if you hurt the military master, you will go to jail!"

The onlookers at the grocery store even made a fuss: "Qian's family, you've got to be patient. Hey, hey, the rolling pin is coming, so get out of the way!"

Then he said to Mrs. Gan: "Ms. Gan, you can't let go of the Qian family. If you can't receive her money, we won't give you our tea money. Why can she use your land for nothing, but we can't?" Want to give money?!”

Mrs. Gan was extremely angry: "I will wait for those who want to take advantage of me. If anyone dares to run away, I will call the officials to arrest them!"

He went to attack Aunt Qian again: "Bitch, come over here."

Aunt Qian: "Bah, if you can, come and arrest me!"

The two started to fight, and in the end Mrs. Gan was the better one. She knocked down Aunt Qian with the rolling pin, then flew forward and, bang, she sat on Aunt Qian, grabbed her hair, and said: "She's as thin as a monkey. If you still dare to fight with me, give me the money quickly, plus the amount your mistress escaped yesterday, the total is ninety-two cents!"

"What? Shrew Gan, don't come here just by opening your mouth. My mistress was sick the day before yesterday. She lay in bed and didn't get up. How could she come to your house to eat and drink yesterday?" Aunt Qian refused. After speaking, she stretched out her hand to pick up and stand guard. The soldiers shouted: "Master, Master, help me, bitch Gan is trying to kill me...she is trying to kill her for money, you should take action, right?"

No matter what, get out of here, we're annoying you!

The soldiers standing guard here are complaining endlessly. Can you let us go? We have been here for a month, and you have been making trouble for a month. What are you doing? You don’t have to work to live?

Are you still common people? Are they still weak women and children? If you start a fight, you can fight better than any of us!

Seeing that the soldiers ignored her, Aunt Qian took a deep breath and howled loudly: "Hey, there's a murderer, help me..."

"Shut up!" Chen Ren heard the commotion here and came over with his troops. Seeing the shrews fighting again, his face turned green with anger. He pointed at them and said, "Go and open them up."

"Yes!" The soldiers gathered around, took off their sabers, raised their scabbards high, and threw them at them. They cleverly let go before the two of them were hit.

Mrs. Gan shouted: "Xiao Dao, don't be angry, we are all neighbors, just joking."

Aunt Qian also knew something was wrong and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, we are just joking. Don't use the knife. It is not good to use the knife."

Then he said to Mrs. Gan: "I'm going to go to the Gan family first. We still have work to do at home... We are all neighbors, so forget about the two pieces of silver."

After saying that, the soles of my feet were greased.

Mrs. Chen climbed up the wall with a ladder to watch the show. She was enjoying the show when someone ran away, pointing at Aunt Qian and scolding: "You useless thing from the Qian family, you just ran away. Come back and beat her!"

Aunt Qian turned back and glared at her: "Shut up quickly, why do you, a prisoner of the imperial court, need to talk too much?"

Mrs. Chen was angry and was about to scold Aunt Qian, but it was obvious that she had run away, so she could only turn around and scold Mrs. Gan: "Shrew, you are so greedy for money that you even use my family's affairs to make money. It's been hot and thundery lately." Duo, be careful God will kill you!"

Mrs. Gan was furious, but she had no time to argue with Chen now, so she stopped Chen Ren and said: "Xiao Dao, it's hot weather, it's already midnight again, you're hungry, come on, come to my aunt's shop to eat." Order something.”

Mrs. Chen: "Xiao Dao, my dear nephew, don't go there. She sells poison in her gourd to trick you. If you enter her shop, your life will be over!"

Mrs. Gan wished she could sew Chen's mouth, pointed at her and said: "Your family has been surrounded by the emperor's men. You are about to be beheaded and you haven't accumulated enough virtue. You want to die without a complete body!"

Then he smiled and said to Chen Ren: "Xiao Dao, don't listen to that short-lived ghost of the Chen family. Her whole family is about to die, and she is feeling unhappy. She wants to drag people to be buried with her. Come quickly, Auntie has prepared a lot of good things for you. food."

Chen Ren said: "No need, and my name is not Xiaodao, but Chen Ren."

Mrs. Gan: "Aren't knives and blades the same? Besides, it's so kind to call me a little knife."

Mrs. Chen: "It's so kind, so kind that I can cut you!"

Mrs. Gan gritted her teeth and endured it. She glanced at the door anxiously and saw her niece coming out. She grabbed Chen Ren with a smile and said, "Come on, little knife. Qiao'er has brought you something. Go and eat."

After saying that, she pushed Chen Ren, trying to push him to Qiao'er's side, but Chen Ren was a trainer and had a stable chassis, and she couldn't push him at all.

Hahaha, Mrs. Chen laughed like crazy, pointed at Mrs. Gan and asked, "From the Gan family, isn't your niece called Fu Niu? Why did she change her name?"

Mrs. Gan: "Shut up, you know nothing!"

For the scabbard, Chen Baihu calls it Xiaodao, and his wife has to call it Qiao, so that it matches well.

Here they come again. Chen Ren glanced at Qiao'er and was a little speechless. He said to everyone: "Be honest and don't hinder the soldiers from doing their errands. Otherwise, they will all be taken to the Yamen and imprisoned!"

After saying that, he turned around and left with the soldiers.

Qiao'er shouted loudly from behind: "Brother Xiaodao, please stay for a moment and try the buns that Qiao'er made for you. These are made of white flour, so they are expensive."

Seeing the excitement, Mrs. Chen didn't mind the trouble and hurriedly said to Chen Ren: "Xiao Dao, my dear nephew, run quickly, she is going to catch up with you. She is not good at craftsmanship and is also slovenly. Eating what she cooks will break your stomach." !”

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