A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2434 Can you marry me?

After Zhang Zhong left, Mrs. Cao smiled and said, "Sister Gu, I haven't seen the military camp's token yet. Can you show it to me?"

Gu Fuya didn't take the military camp token, her hands were shaking. After hearing this, she hurriedly gave the token to Madam Cao: "Madam, please take a look."

As soon as Mrs. Cao took the token, Master Cao took it away: "It is indeed a military token. Look at the characters, lines, patterns, and mechanism buckles on it. It is so exquisitely made that no one else can imitate it." of."

Mr. Cao looked at the token again and again, praised it again and again, but refused to let go. Finally, he put the token away and said, "When I get back, I will return the token to Mr. Zhang."

"...Yes." The Gu Fuya family was grateful for the kindness of the Cao family. Although they felt that this was not good, they still agreed.

Anyway, the token will be returned to Zhang Zhong after leaving Luo's house, and Mr. Cao will wait for Mr. Qin Xiaohou here with them, so nothing will happen.

But Gu Fuya's family was wrong. Even if Mr. Cao and his wife did not leave here, they could still call Xie Jianing.

Mrs. Cao said: "Sister Gu, your Girl Ning lives with Mrs. Qin, and you can't see her often now. Why don't you take advantage of the opportunity now and ask your Girl Ning to come and see you?"


Gu Fuya's heart was moved... Xiaoyu Yatou's identity was different. For the safety of her and her two children, she usually didn't come out to see people. If they wanted to see her, they had to inform them first.

In order not to cause trouble to Xiaoyu Yatou, Jia Ning did not take the initiative to see them along the way. Xiaoyu Yatou called them, so she brought Jiaxi over to see them.

"His father, what do you think?" Gu Fuya asked Xie Pingzi.

Because something was wrong with Xie Jianing during this period, Xie Pingzi also wanted to see his daughter to see if she was feeling better?

However, he asked worriedly: "Will it trouble the military masters of the two houses too much? There are many noble people visiting today, and the military masters on both sides are very busy."

It's not good if they continue to cause trouble.

Daughter-in-law Yu said: "Dad, what's the trouble? Didn't the military commander just say that our family can walk around in the house? He also gave the token and went directly to the opposite house with the token to let him know. The military man guarding the gate over there can just go in and tell my sister to come over."

Then he said: "If you two elders find it troublesome, then my husband and I will go over there."

Mrs. Yu looked at Xie Jingxian and said angrily: "Ms. sir, I'm not talking about you. You are the eldest son. You should handle this kind of thing to reunite the whole family for your parents. How can you let my aunt do it first? Those who don’t know think you are not close to Sister Ning.”

After saying these words, Xie Jing first said: "Mom and dad, let me go call my sister. We haven't seen each other for half a month."

Sister Ning didn't know what was going on and didn't like to see them anymore. Every time she just had someone send a message saying that she was fine and they were forcing her, so she asked Jiaxi to come see them.

It was so abnormal, he was afraid that something would happen to Sister Ning.

"Okay, go ahead and tell them. If they are too busy to report, don't pester them." Gu Fuya explained that Xiaoyu was very busy, and the Gu family's family status was much lower than that of the Qin family. She He didn't want to cause trouble to Xiaoyu and earn the disdain of Mr. Qin Xiaohou.

"Hey, I'll go right away." Xie Jing took the token and went out.

Xie Jingmin and the Xie Jing family wanted to follow, but they were stopped by Mrs. Yu: "Don't go. It will be troublesome if there are too many people going. I can just follow you. You take good care of your parents."

After saying that, he ran away quickly.

The gatekeeper knew them, and the two easily left the house and went to the opposite side to talk about the matter.

The person guarding the door opposite was Wu Zongqi. They were all acquaintances. After hearing this, he said, "You go in and wait."

"Hey, thank you Mr. Wu." Mrs. Yu took Xie Jingxian into Qin's house and waited in the front yard.

But after waiting for a long time, Xie Jiaxi came out: "Brother and sister-in-law, you are here. I miss you so much. Where are uncle and aunt?"

Xie Jingxian smiled and said: "They were accompanying Mr. Cao in the house opposite, waiting to see Mr. Qin Xiaohou, but they couldn't come."

Mrs. Yu disliked his nonsense and asked directly: "Jiaxi, why isn't your sister Jianing here again? What is she doing?"

Xie Jiaxi said: "I'm learning to distinguish medicinal materials, saying that this is a good craft. If I learn to collect and bake medicine, I won't have to worry about food and clothing in the future."

Then he said: "But I don't like to identify medicinal materials. There are too many medicinal materials, and it is very troublesome and boring to identify them. It is better to come and chat with my brother and sister-in-law."

Mrs. Yu had no time to listen to her nonsense, so she took her hand and said, "Let's go, take my sister-in-law to find your sister Jia Ning."

Xie Jingxian stopped her quickly: "Ms. Yu, stop, is this a place where you can break in?"

Mrs. Yu was angry: "I'm a woman, or a relative, and I don't have a knife on me. How can I still hurt Mrs. Qin? Besides, Jia Ning hasn't seen us for a long time, aren't you worried? I'll go in and take a look. If You can rest assured that she is fine."

That's right. Xie Jing hesitated first.

Yu took the opportunity to run away and asked Xie Jiaxi to lead the way. She found Xie Jianing and said as soon as they met: "Jianing, why don't you come out to meet my brother and sister-in-law when they are here?"

Then he said to Xie Jiaxi: "Go and find some food for my sister-in-law. She is hungry."

After sending Xie Jiaxi away, she grabbed Xie Jianing and said, "Our family and Mr. Cao's family are in the house opposite. You go over and see the big guys so that your parents can rest assured."

He looked around again and whispered: "Mrs. Cao said that you must go there this time. If you don't go before dark, you will be destroyed when she gets angry."

Xie Jianing was shocked, his face turned pale, and he looked at Mrs. Yu: "You, what do you know?"

Mrs. Yu said: "I don't know anything, I just want to help spread the word."

Mrs. Yu was not stupid, she knew there was something going on inside, but she was smart enough not to ask. After collecting the check, she came over to help pass on the message... Anyway, it didn't sound like there was anything wrong with her words. If something really happened, she could pretend to be confused. Don't admit it.

"Sister Ning, sister-in-law is leaving first, please remember to go there." After Mrs. Yu finished passing the message, she went to find Xie Jiaxi. After taking a sumptuous meal, she returned to the front yard and said to Xie Jing: "I saw Sister Ning. Seemingly nothing happened, I said I would go over to see my parents later, so let’s go over and wait.”

Xie Jingxian: "Sister, are you really okay?"

Mrs. Yu rolled her eyes at him: "What's wrong with following Mrs. Gao? It's just that her family dotes on her too much and makes her pretentious."

Xie Jingxian was angry: "Shut up, is this what you, a eldest sister-in-law, should say?"

"Yes, yes, I was wrong. Let's go quickly." The situation in her husband's family has been rising recently, and Ms. Yu has developed a good attitude towards Xie Jingxian and will take the initiative to admit her mistakes.

Xie Jing listened first and took Mrs. Yu back to Luo's house opposite.

But Yu and the others waited from morning to afternoon, and it was almost dark, but Xie Jianing never showed up.

Gu Fuya became worried and asked Mrs. Yu: "Boss, wife, is Jia Ning really okay?"

Mrs. Yu said: "It's really okay. I'm living well. The clothes I wear are made of better materials than those of my aunt!"

When she saw how Xie Jianing was dressed today, she was so jealous that she wanted to take off Xie Jianing's clothes and wear them herself.

Gu Fuya: "But why didn't she come? Could it be that you were angry with her in private, so she wasn't willing to come to see us?!"

Ning Yatou used to be the most obedient to her family. She had never been indifferent to her family. What happened now? Gu Fuya couldn't figure it out, she was so worried that she wanted to cry.

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