Mrs. Yu felt a little guilty. She had just threatened Xie Jianing today, but she said firmly: "Mother-in-law, my daughter-in-law knows that she made mistakes in the past, but now she has changed. If you are still not satisfied, you can't accuse me so unfairly." ah."

After saying that, he started sobbing aggrievedly.

Xie Jingxian said: "Okay, mother just asked casually, don't cry. The most important thing now is to go over and ask my sister if everything is okay."

Gu Fuya nodded: "Boss is right, let's go and meet Jianing."

Mr. Cao hurriedly stopped him: "Is it possible that you are thinking too much? Your Ning Yatou is living in the same house with Mrs. Qin and Mrs. Gao during this period. There is no chance that something will happen. You should wait a little longer. Maybe She came over quickly."

Mrs. Cao also said: "Yes, Sister Gu, there are so many noble people here today, we can't cause trouble to Mrs. Qin. Let's wait. If she hasn't come after half an hour after dark, how about we go look for her again?" "

Gu Fuya was afraid of causing trouble to Gu Jinli and causing her to quarrel with Mr. Qin Xiaohou. After thinking about it, he agreed: "...then we can wait a little longer."

After hearing this, Mr. Cao and Mrs. Cao breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Cao said again: "I'll go find Axiang and ask him to wait outside. If you see your girl Ning coming out, bring her here as soon as possible. Don't worry."

"Master, no need to trouble you, I'll go." Xie Jingmin said, and he had already ran out.

Mr. Cao did not pursue him, because his words were the same to anyone who heard them. After hearing this, Yin Axiang knew to stare at Xie Jianing and threaten her not to talk nonsense.

Two quarters of an hour later, the sky started to get dark. Xie Jingmin came back. Xie Jianing came in with him. He shouted happily: "Mom, dad, my sister is here!"

After hearing this, Gu Fuya hurriedly ran out. When she saw Xie Jianing, she rushed over to hold her hand and looked her up and down by the light of the lantern in the corridor: "Ning Yatou, are you okay? If you have something to say, don't hide it. , otherwise the family will not be able to eat or sleep well and worry about you every day."

After hearing this, Xie Jianing almost cried, but she held back her tears and said, "Mom, I'm fine... I just had the opportunity to learn something useful recently, and I want to learn hard so that I can make a living with a craft in the future."

Gu Fuya: "Is this really true? You didn't lie to your mother, did you?"

Xie Jianing: "...It's really like this, mother, don't think too much about it."

He also talked about the things he had recently learned about accounting, identifying medicinal materials, identifying jade articles, new embroidery methods, and seeing the patterns of auspicious clouds: "It was all taught by Mrs. Gao and the maids around my cousin. Not everyone has the opportunity to learn these skills. Yes, if my daughter has such an opportunity, she will naturally have to study hard, so she doesn’t have time to see you."

Gu Fuya was shocked and said: "This is too much to learn. Just pick one or two things and learn them. Don't be greedy for more. If you are not good at it, it will be useless."

Xie Jianing nodded: "Yes, my daughter will think carefully about it after she goes back and choose two things to specialize in."

Mrs. Cao smiled and said: "Jia Ning is good-looking and has a cousin like Mrs. Qin. There is no need to learn these crafts to make a living. Just find a good family and marry her and become a young mistress."

Xie Jianing felt sick when she heard Mrs. Cao's voice. She avoided her attempt to touch and handed a food box to Gu Fuya: "Mom, my daughter has brought you some fresh meat and vegetables. You can try it."

"Hey, okay, let's try it." Gu Fuya said again: "Soldiers have just brought us food. We are not hungry. Don't give us these good things in the future. This place is occupied by soldiers and thieves. In the past few years, everything has been in short supply, and there are so many soldiers and relatives to support, so your cousin and his wife are not well off either."

"Yes, my daughter knows." Xie Jianing responded. After sitting with his family for a quarter of an hour, he stood up and said, "Mom, it's dark, and it's hard for my daughter to come out for too long. I'll go back to the house opposite first, so that my cousin and Mrs. Gao won't have to worry about it. Worry."

Gu Fuya said: "Okay, then let your eldest and second brothers see you off. You didn't bring Jiaxi here. We are worried about the girl coming from a girl's family."

Xie Jianing refused: "No need, Mom, it's just across the street, so close, and everyone knows me, no one dares to do anything to me."

Except the Cao couple!

"Sister Gu, you guys eat first, I'll just go and deliver Jia Ning. By the way, what about..." Mrs. Cao said a little embarrassed, covering her stomach.

This posture is like a person who has three urgent needs but is embarrassed to speak out.

Gu Fuya said hurriedly: "Hey, I'm sorry, madam."

"No trouble." Mrs. Cao looked at Xie Jianing: "Let's go, Ning Yatou, Auntie can't hold it in anymore."

After saying that, he left the yard first.

Xie Jianing felt sick for a while before following him.

After waiting outside, Mrs. Cao didn't hide it, grabbed her, bit her ear and said: "Qin Xiaohou will come over after dinner. You take the opportunity to meet him and let him pay attention to you. Finally, I’ll put your mind at ease with this good side.”

Then he said: "As long as this thing is done and you are exposed, I can't guarantee that the old guy will go out and talk nonsense when he is drunk."

After hearing this, Xie Jianing's stomach churned and he vomited. He was so disgusted that he vomited a mouthful of sour water.

Mrs. Cao hurriedly stepped aside and said angrily: "What did you do, you almost vomited on me."

I can't wait to kill you!

If she hadn't trusted this poisonous woman, she wouldn't have gone there to take a shower that night. As a result, in the middle of taking a shower, Mr. Cao rushed in, looked at her naked, and wanted to attack her. She won't survive!

"You plotted against me like that just to get me to do this? Who are you? Why are you planning so hard to harm..."

When Mrs. Cao saw Xie Jianing talking louder and louder, she was afraid that she would attract people, so she quickly interrupted her: "Please keep your voice down, do you want your parents to cry to death for you when they know this?"

Then he supported her and whispered: "Jianing, this is a good thing for you. If you win the favor of Mr. Qin Xiaohou, you will have nothing to worry about in this life."

"Shameless, he is my cousin-in-law." Xie Jianing cried. She no longer pursued the matter of being exposed. Why didn't the Cao family let her go? If she is asked to seduce her cousin's husband, what should she do?

My cousin's family has taken care of my grandpa and grandma for ten years. She can't retaliate for kindness!

Mrs. Cao smiled: "What's wrong with my cousin-in-law? There are so many things in this world where two sisters serve one husband together."

Then he said: "Stop being so nagging, just do as I say. No matter if it succeeds or not, I won't blame you. But if you don't obey, then your parents will have to die for your sake."

Gu Fuya and his wife still love their daughter very much. If they know about Xie Jianing and think that the Cao family is their benefactor, they will definitely not take revenge and feel sorry for their daughter. The only thing they can do is to die to apologize to her daughter. .

Xie Jianing didn't speak, just cried.

Mrs. Cao patted her on the back and said, "Jianing, you are a filial and smart girl, you know what to do."

After telling her the road where Qin Sanlang would pass, he turned around and walked into the courtyard.

Xie Jingmin was worried about Xie Jianing and stood at the door of the courtyard watching, but it was dark and far away, so he couldn't see clearly. He could only vaguely see Mrs. Cao and Xie Jianing standing together and saying something.

"Madam, what did you say to my sister?" Xie Jingmin asked.

Mrs. Cao was startled by him, patted her heart and said, "I didn't say anything, just some women's matters... Didn't Jia Ning learn to recognize medicinal materials? I asked her what medicinal materials can cure dysmenorrhea."

These words frightened Xie Jingmin so much that he turned back to the courtyard.

Mrs. Cao smiled proudly, haha, the young boy still wants to stare at her? I can’t scare you to death!

Xie Jianing glanced towards the yard. After vaguely seeing Xie Jingmin's figure, she hurriedly turned around and ran away, fearing that her family would know about her troubles.

But not long after walking, I heard someone shouting loudly: "Master Qin Xiaohou is here, Master Qin Xiaohou is here!"

In the front yard, the lights were brightly lit immediately, and the nobles who had been waiting in the front yard all day rushed here immediately.

Xie Jianing was very scared, fearing that she would bump into Qin Sanlang and do something harmful to others, so she hurriedly turned around and ran to the backyard.

After running for an unknown amount of time, I came to a garden with blooming chrysanthemums and a large reflective lake... At this moment, Xie Jianing seemed to see his own way out, wiped away his tears, and rushed towards the lake.

There was a popping sound, which startled Wu Liudong... He threw himself into the lake, it was too impulsive!

There was no way, Xie Jianing couldn't die, he could only take off the cloth bag from his waist, put it on the shore, plunge into the lake, quickly swim to Xie Jianing's side, put his arms around her neck, strangled her, and pushed her towards Tow from shore.

Xie Jianing didn't drink much water, but Wu Liudong choked her so hard that she almost fainted, and the lake water was too cold, making her shiver.

Seeing this, Wu Liudong quickly opened the cloth bag thrown on the shore and took out a marching cloak: "Put it on."

Then he said: "Thank you, Miss Xie, just tell me what happened to you."

It's impossible not to say it. The Cao family's success tonight is all because of the adults' fault. We didn't expect you to throw into the lake, and you did it so neatly, without any hesitation.

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