Gu Fuya didn't want to say such serious words, but she was really forced by Xie Jianing. She hugged Xie Jianing and cried: "Sister Ning, mother, please, don't be stupid, okay?"

Xie Jianing was also frightened by Gu Fuya's words, but she really didn't want to lie to others and felt that it would be unfair to others.

After thinking about it, she said: "Mom, don't worry, my daughter has no intention of not marrying... Let's look at it from the widowers. There are many soldiers here who have lost their wives. They have been married. Even if they find out about their daughter in the future, It won’t cause too much trouble, so my daughter won’t feel so guilty.”

"This?" Gu Fuya felt heartbroken. How could her only daughter end up marrying a widower?


Gao Lei couldn't help it anymore, kicked open the door of the inner room, pointed at Xie Jianing with his crutch and said: "I have been enlightening you for a long time, but how dare I enlighten you on a piece of wood? Xie Jianing, your biggest problem is that you belittle yourself too much. If you continue to If this continues, it’s better not to get married. If you get married, it will harm future generations, and even harm your own children in the future!"

Seeing Xie Jianing being scolded, Gu Jinli hurriedly said: "Aunt Lei, your words are a bit harsh."

Gao Lei turned around and glared at her: "Shut up!"

Gu Jinli: "..."

Why are you scolding me again?

Okay, okay, I was wrong, I won’t say it anymore, you just keep on going.

She silently took two steps back.

Gao Lei snorted coldly and looked at Xie Jianing: "Remember, you are right. It is the Cao family who is wrong. Let me live a happy life with my head held high. If you should marry, marry someone. If you should marry, marry someone. Choose someone. When the time comes, go to a sensible family. If your husband's family really knows about this in the future and really wants to reject you because of this, then let the Qin and Gu families make the decision for you to divorce and take the child back to your parents' home. You can take the child with you. Pass!"

"Everyone thinks so far back when they are still married. They still think about bad things and always blame themselves for the fault. You think your life is too good, so you try to blame yourself. Will you feel comfortable?"

Gao Lei was so angry that he scolded Xie Jianing.

Xie Jianing was stunned by the scolding. After coming to his senses, he quickly knelt down and said, "Mrs. Gao, forgive me, it's me..."

"Shut up, why are you kneeling? Your knees are so worthless? Stand up for me!" Gao Lei wanted to break her kneecaps with a cane... Xie Jianing is a good girl, she is very considerate of others, but she is too caring She thought about it and made herself look like a sinner, which made her suffocate.

After hearing this, Xie Jianing didn't dare to kneel anymore and stood up quickly. There was silence after that.

And Gao Leishi didn't say anything anymore, just stared at her... I've done everything I can to help, and I've said everything I need to say. Whether this person can be saved depends on Xie Jianing himself. No matter what others do, they can't help. The effect is no longer significant.

Fortunately, before escaping, Xie Jianing was affected by the temper of the third grandma, and still had the courage to risk everything. After more than a quarter of an hour, he raised his head, looked at Gao Lei, and said with a smile: "I understand, I understand. Thank you, sir." teachings.”

She bowed solemnly to Gao Lei, and then thanked Gu Jinli: "Thank you, cousin, for saving me."

Then he said to Gu Fuya: "Mom, how should other girls live, so should my daughter live. If she is really rejected by her husband's family in the future, her daughter will go home with Li... With her eldest and second brothers here, and her children by her side, After a few years of hardship and raising the child, my daughter will be able to live a good life."

"That's right!" Gu Fuya was overjoyed, and just when she was happy, she was scolded by Gao Lei: "And you, thank you Gu, you have to change your mother's temper, otherwise you will harm your daughter today, and you will be scolded tomorrow. It will harm the whole family!”

"It's OK to repay a favor, but you have to see whether the benefactor is worth it. Blindly trusting the so-called benefactor, without any judgment on your own, will only kill the whole family... You can see that something is wrong with your daughter recently, and you don't know how to think about it. , ask more, you still escaped from the famine, how did you survive on the road to escape from the famine? Don’t you know that there are many beasts in the world with human faces and animal hearts?!”

The scolding was so fierce that Gu Jinli took a few steps back silently.

Gu Fuya cried when she was scolded. She bowed to Gao Lei and said, "You are always right in scolding me. It's because I am narrow-minded, don't know how to think more, and don't care enough about Jia Ning. Don't worry, I will definitely change."

Gao Leishi: "Humph, nature is easy to change but hard to change. Let's see for now. Regardless of whether you change it or not, my family won't be the one who suffers... Okay, it's getting late, let's go back and rest first."

Gu Jinli almost wanted to cheer, you finally finished scolding me, thank God!

Gao Lei looked at Xie Jianing and said, "Are you going back to live with me, or are you going to live here with your mother?"

Xie Jianing thought for a while and said, "Let's go back with you, otherwise Jiaxi will be worried and cry."

"Okay, let's go then." Gao Lei turned around and looked at Gu Jinli: "Why are you still standing there? It's done, let's go back."

"Hey, I'll help you grow old, walk slowly." Gu Jinli came over to help Gao Leishi, with a smile on his face, and said to Gu Fuya: "Aunt Fuya, Erqing will take you there Find uncle, you will stay in this house tonight."

Gu Fuya: "Hey, it works."

Gu Jinli was sharp-eyed. When he turned around to talk to Gu Fuya, he saw Xie Jianing holding a cloak... a marching cloak. His heart moved and he asked, "Cousin Ning, you took this cloak back because you wanted to wash it clean." Go back?"

Daqing had already told Gu Jinli everything about Xie Jianing's rescue in the lake, so she knew that the marching cloak belonged to Wu Liudong.

Wu Liudong and another Liu Xiaoqi were the sergeants specially chosen to watch over the Cao family. Gu Jinli knew the general situation of the two of them. Generally speaking, Wu Liudong was a good young man. If the girl could endure the hardships of fighting in the army, she would have a good life marrying Wu Liudong. .

But Xie Jianing had to make his own decision on this matter, so she just asked to remind Xie Jianing not to forget this candidate.

Xie Jianing did not forget Wu Liudong, and she blushed a little when she thought about Wu Liudong tying a cloak for her.

Gu Fuya saw it and asked quickly: "Sister Ning, whose cloak is this? Tell mother quickly."

When his mother asked, Xie Jianing could only say: "It was Wu Xiaoqi who saved me. His cloak got wet. I took it back, washed it, dried it, and then returned it to him... They saved me, and this is what I should do." "

Gu Jinli is gossiping. Cousin Ning, you are trying to hide something.

Gu Fuya could also see it, her eyes were bright and she was extremely excited. However, she had just been scolded by Gao Lei, so she did not dare to tell the truth in a hurry. She said, "It is indeed right. After all, Wu Xiaoqi saved you, and I will return the cloak later." When the time comes, Mom will prepare some gifts for you. You can take them to thank others. You can’t return the cloak empty-handed.”

After saying that, he hurriedly said: "No, this is a life-saving favor. We have to hold a banquet and treat Wu Xiaoqi to a thank-you wine."

"Mom, Wu Xiaoqi is very busy. If you don't have time to come to dinner, please don't invite us." Xie Jianing is not stupid. He knows that his mother has fallen in love with Wu Xiaoqi, but he is a Xiaoqi and has never been married. From the looks of it, he is still his cousin-in-law. Her confidant will definitely have a bright future in the future and will definitely be able to find a better girl than her, so she should stop worrying about others.

Gu Fuya couldn't listen to it, but too many things happened today, and it was midnight, so she endured it for now: "Okay, let's not talk about it for now. You go back and have a good rest. Remember to take medicine, otherwise you will have to Sick, the water in the lake is very cold this month."

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