A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2445 Relatives and Ning Ji arrive

"Yes, my daughter knows." Xie Jianing responded and followed Gao Lei and others out.

Gu Jinli said: "Don't worry, Aunt Fuya, Qing Hui will go to give Cousin Ning a round of cold air tonight before going to bed. This way, even if she gets sick, the symptoms will not be too severe."

As she was talking, she suddenly saw several figures in front of her. The leader was tall and strong, and looked very familiar. She quickly waved to him and shouted, "Brother Qin!"

"Xiaoyu." Qin Sanlang smiled and liked the way she happily called him after seeing him: "I'll take you home."

Gu Jinli was very happy to hear this, but he still suppressed the urge to run over immediately. He supported Gao Lei and walked towards Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang came to pick them up, and after bowing his hands to Gao Lei, he told her roughly what he had found out: "Other details can only be known after contacting the Wang family."

"This Northeastern Wang Family is..." Gao Lei thought of the Northeastern Guard King and quickly stopped talking and said: "No need to say more, you can discuss it with Xiaoyu. If you really can't make up your mind, just tell Yingye, if If you need help from me or the Lei family caravan, just ask."

The Wang family in the Northeast seems to be the natal family of Wei Qi's stepmother, and is also a relative of the Qin family... The Cao family's troubles are becoming more and more complicated.

"Thank you Aunt Lei." Qin Sanlang was very grateful to Gao Lei and Mr. Lei... Mr. Lei was the leader of the Juntian Guard, so he should have guessed his identity long ago, but Mr. Lei didn't say anything until his death, and asked Gao to Lei Shi brought the entire Lei family caravan to help him and Xiaoyu.

Gao Lei nodded and said, "You should go back first. The children are young, so I'm afraid they might wake up in the middle of the night."

Gu Fuya also said: "Master Qin Xiaohou, Xiaoyu, you go back first, don't worry about us, Mrs. Gao and Er Qing are with us, nothing will happen."

"Okay." Gu Jinli turned his head, looked at Qin Sanlang, and said with a smile: "Ms., go home."

This shout made Qin Sanlang laugh out loud. After nodding towards Gao Lei and the others, he took Gu Jinli's hand and went back first.

On the way, Gu Jinli said, "If it wasn't cold in the middle of the night, it wouldn't be a bad walk like this."

Qin Sanlang smiled and said: "When we get to Qin's house in Longshan Mansion, let's choose an evening and I will take Xiaoyu for a walk."

Then he said, "I remember when we first came to the northwest when we got married, we took a walk together on the New Year's Eve in Zhuangzi."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, I remember it too, but now we all have children. If we go for a walk, we have to take the big wolf and the two wolves with us."

The cruel father said: "Don't take them with you. Let them play by themselves. Let's go for a walk alone."

The two of them talked all the way back to the house opposite. As soon as they entered the backyard, they heard a faint cry... The backyard was so big that the cry could reach the second door. All they could say was: "Our two wolves are so good at crying." Progress has been made.”

Gu Jinli complained, and then hurriedly said: "Go back and take a look."

He was holding up his skirt and running towards the main courtyard.

Qin Sanlang grabbed her and said, "Slow down, little fish. With Aunt Yu and the nannies taking care of you, the two wolves will be fine."

But this time it was not just the second wolf who cried, the big wolf also cried.

Before the two of them arrived at the main courtyard, they saw several people standing in front of the main courtyard door from a distance. In addition to Nanny Hong and a few adults, there were two little dwarfs who were holding the door open and crying.

When Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli saw this, they ran towards them and shouted: "Don't be afraid of the big wolf and the two wolves, your parents are back."

It was okay if they didn't speak, but when they spoke the two children cried even more.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Erlang howled loudly.

The big wolf was sobbing and crying: "Woo~wu~wu~"

He was twitching and crying pitifully.

The little guy wanted to go down the steps and run toward them, but he was young and it was dark. Nanny Lin didn't dare to let him run over, so she stopped him: "Young master, let's wait, sir, follow Madam will be here soon."

Qin Sanlang hurriedly said: "Wait a moment, Big Wolf, my parents will be here soon."

Gu Jinli quickly rushed to the big wolf, picked him up, and coaxed him: "Don't cry, big wolf, it's daddy. Look, your mother is back too."

After hearing this, Big Wolf looked at Qin Sanlang and even scratched his face. When he recognized that it was really his father, he burst into tears and looked at Gu Jinli again: "Mom~"

"Hey, it's mom. Mom is back. The big wolf won't cry." Gu Jinli responded and hurriedly hugged the second wolf and comforted him: "If the second wolf doesn't cry, the parents are back."

Erlang cried fiercely, but he was also easy to coax. After being coaxed and kissed a few times, he stopped crying. He pointed at the big wolf and said, "Gah, no, no."

The elder brother didn't cry, but stretched out his little hand to wipe the big wolf's tears.

"Let's go into the house first." Qin Sanlang hugged the big wolf and supported the second wolf's back with his hands. The couple took the child into the house and asked as soon as they sat down: "What's going on? The two of them in the middle of the night Why is this child crying so hard and running to the courtyard gate? How do you do your job?!"

Although he didn't bang the table, he was the one who led the troops in the war, and he was full of pressure. Nanny Hong and Nanny Lin hurriedly knelt down and said, "My lord, please forgive me."

Gu Jinli said: "You don't need to kneel when you stand up to speak."

The two of them have always tried their best to take care of the big wolf and the second wolf, and they cannot let others kneel down just because the child cried.

Qin Sanlang spoke: "Get up and speak."

The two of them just got up.

Aunt Yu quickly explained: "The eldest young master was afraid when he saw that the master and his wife were not coming back, so he cried."

The big wolf and the two wolves were tired from playing today and started to take a nap while eating. Gu Jinli asked them to fall asleep in this room first, but half an hour after she went to the house opposite, the big wolf woke up.

The child recognized that this was his parents' house, but after losing sight of his parents, he thought that his parents had suddenly disappeared again, and he cried in fear.

Aunt Yu and the others coaxed him for a while, saying that his parents would be back soon, so they let him sleep again. But after he woke up in the middle of the night and still didn't see his parents, he couldn't coax him anymore and sat on the kang. I cried and had to go out to find them.

The second wolf was woken up by the big wolf crying. When he saw his brother crying, he also howled at the top of his lungs, creating the situation that Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang had just seen.

"So that's it. Don't be afraid of big wolves. Mom and dad will never leave you. Mom and dad suddenly had something happen and went to deal with it. Now that it's solved, I'm back home with you. Be good and don't be afraid." Gu Jinli found it funny and funny. I was heartbroken. At the end of the sentence, I almost cried. I kissed the big wolf hard several times and said, "My big wolf is so sensible. What good things did my mother do in her previous life to give birth to such a good cub like Big Wolf?" ? Mom is very happy."

After hearing this, the two wolves pointed at the big wolf and shouted: "Bang bang!"

After all this time, Er Lang still calls Zai Zai a bomb.

He pouted his mouth again: "Pahji."

"Okay, kiss you, my second wolf is also very well-behaved and cute." Gu Jinli kissed the second wolf twice, and then said to the big wolf: "Stop crying, the big wolf and the second wolf will sleep with their parents tonight, okay?" "

Big Wolf understood, nodded his little head, and gave Gu Jinli a smile.

Wow, my eldest son smiles so beautifully. I am so proud of my mother!

"Then let's wash our faces, then our hands and feet, apply incense together, and go to bed." Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang started working together, and after working for a while, they finally took care of the two cubs and tucked them into the bed.

The two of them took turns to take a shower. After washing quickly, they got into bed, one on the left and the other on the right with the two Zaizai.

The big wolf and the second wolf were so happy that they crawled into their mother's arms and climbed on their father's body. After playing for most of an hour, Gu Jinli couldn't hold on and fell asleep, and they still couldn't stop.

"Cold?" Erlang pointed to the sleeping Gu Jinli and said to Qin Sanlang... The two cubs had a good sleep. They are not very sleepy now and still have the energy to play.

"Shh." Qin Sanlang made a silent movement and whispered: "Your mother is asleep, let's sleep too, don't disturb her."

Erlang imitated his father's example, covering his mouth with his little hand and making a sound: "Shush!"

Qin Sanlang laughed silently, kid, I told you to keep your voice down, why are you still booing so loudly?

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