Gu Jinli glanced at him and laughed: "Smash it, I'll steam it for you to eat after you smash it. Your brother and I will eat well... Also, the broken things will be deducted from your monthly salary in the future. When you grow up, When you're old and your monthly money is low, don't come to your mother, go to yourself."

Erlang didn't understand and continued to play with the fruit.

Qin Sanlang was patient with children. He went down to the kang and held Erlang's little hand, saying, "Don't harm things, otherwise you will be beaten."

After saying that, I really hit his little hand.

Erlang looked at him with big innocent eyes, imitated his behavior, slapped his own hand, and laughed at him.

Qin Sanlang was helpless, resisting the urge to laugh, and pretended to be serious: "Dad is not playing with you, but teaching you."

Erlang still didn't understand. When he saw his father squatting down, he threw himself on his back and shouted happily: "Pinch, Feifei!"

Qin Sanlang: "Bu Fei, Erlang made a mistake. Not letting you play with Fei Fei will be your punishment."

He pulled the little guy down, stood up, and looked at him high.

Erlang looked up at him, pulled his legs, and shouted anxiously: "Pinch, fly, fly!"

Qin Sanlang shook his head, pointed at the big red fruit on the ground, and said slowly and clearly: "Pick it up and put it away, and daddy will carry you."

Erlang understood, but he was angry, his mouth was aggrieved, and he was trembling. Tears welled up in his eyes quickly, and he was about to cry when he saw it.

But Qin Sanlang said: "It's useless to cry. You have to correct it. Pick up the big red fruit and put it away."


The little guy is awesome. He holds his little hands and hums, but doesn't pick it up.

But the big wolf went to pick it up and shouted to the second wolf: "Brother, ah ah ah."

I can’t say it when I pick it up, I can only use ah instead.

Qin Sanlang was not angry, and followed the big wolf to pick up the big red fruits. The second wolf watched for a while, and finally squatted down, picked up the big red fruits, and put the fruits back into the basket one by one.

Qin Sanlang took him to clean up the evening chrysanthemums on the ground, clean the petals, and insert the remaining flowers thrown on the ground into the small wooden tube again.

"It's all cleaned up. This is the right way." Qin Sanlang wiped Erlang's tears and said with a smile: "If you do something wrong, you will be punished and you have to correct it. You can't turn yourself into a little bully, you know?"

Erlang didn't understand, so he just pointed at his back and said, "Can you fly?"

"Come on, daddy will carry you." Qin Sanlang picked Erlang up on his back and ran back and forth in the house, then played with him flying high a few times, making the little guy laugh.

Then he put him down and went to see the big wolf: "Daddy also takes the big wolf to fly high."

"Yeah!" Big Wolf was very happy and opened his arms for Qin Sanlang to hold him.

Qin Sanlang picked him up and played with him several times, making the big wolf laugh.

The two wolves quit and started making fun again.

Qin Sanlang could only hug him, but he was afraid that the big wolf would be sad to see him. After putting down the second wolf, he hugged the big wolf again and continued to play flying high.

Gu Jinli almost died from laughter: "You will be exhausted if you continue like this."

There is no end in sight.

However, Qin Sanlang is a man who knows when to stop. After playing with them three times, he stopped, carried them to the kang, and continued to talk to Gu Jinli about the Wang family: "Those dead soldiers are from the Wang family. After interrogating them all night, we got The news is very different from what Yin Axiang said, we have to send someone to the Wang family to know the truth."

Qin Sanlang's aunt is married to Wei Er's father. He and Wei Er are cousins, so they are somewhat similar, and this Northeast Wang family is the natal family of Wei Er's uncle Wei Qi's stepmother.

So it would be the fastest for him to go directly to the Wei family to settle accounts, but at this time, he couldn't do that.

If he did this, if the Wei family publicized that he took the initiative to contact others and made outsiders think that he supported the Wei family in seizing the throne, he would be in a situation where he would go back on his word.

He doesn't care if the Chu Kingdom can be defended, nor does the Wei family seize the throne, but if someone dares to scheme against him and take advantage of him, he will definitely take revenge!

After Qin Sanlang finished speaking, he added: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, they were the ones who attacked us first. I won't be polite to them and will definitely seek justice."

People's courage comes from connivance. If he doesn't pursue it this time, next time the Wei family and Wei Er will directly attack Xiaoyu. If he doesn't allow it, the Wang family, Wei family and Wei Er will have to shed a layer of skin!

Gu Jinli said: "Well, it's up to you. I believe you...but don't be too harsh. When you reach this position, whether you like it or not, you have to take into account all the forces."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, I know it well, Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry about this."

This is the reason why he doesn't want to fight for the position... Even though that position is the most noble in the world, as long as you sit on it, you have to give up and compromise a lot of things whether you are willing or not.

In particular, you must constantly recruit new people, pamper new people, and have children to satisfy all parties, otherwise the people in the court will keep causing trouble for you.

But he didn't want to live this life of being coerced into selling himself, he just wanted a small fish.

While the two were talking, the two cubs fell asleep unconsciously. Qin Sanlang was afraid that they would catch cold, so he took them into the inner room to take a nap on the kang.

"I'm going out to make arrangements for tomorrow's departure. I'll come back to have dinner with you in the evening." Qin Sanlang kissed Gu Jinli and told her: "Xiaoyu can just have a good rest at home. You don't have to do anything else. I'm here with you." , Uncle Mao, Uncle Dalin, Xia Zhang, and Mrs. Situ are here and they will arrange things properly."

His little fish only needs to live the life of a noble lady.

"Okay." Gu Jinli nodded and sent him out.

Qin Sanlang looked at her waving to him, smiled, and after a while, turned around and left.

At Mao o'clock the next day, before dawn, people inside and outside Yongfeng County began to move. After working for an hour, when the o'clock o'clock arrived, the drums sounded. Following Qin Sanlang's order, the large team began to move, leaving Yongfeng County and heading towards Longshan Mansion ran.

There are still about twenty days until the winter solstice, and for this great victory, the winter solstice festival must be held in a big way to comfort the heroes who died in the northwest, so the large team marched quickly as soon as they set off.

However, there were supplies, medical aid, and carriage repairs along the way, so the large team moved smoothly.

As for the things for the big sacrifice, Luo Ying and Cousin Yu have prepared them. Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli don't have to worry, they just need people to arrive.

When Qin Sanlang and the others set off for Longshan Mansion, Ning Ji also headed here with his troops. At the same time, he received the news that the Cao family was defeated, Master Cao was killed, and Yin Axiang and others were arrested.

Ning Ji was not surprised at all when he heard the news. If the third master couldn't see through this trick, then he was not the candidate for the 'wise king' he admired.

It's just a pity that he couldn't separate the relationship between the third master and the Gu family.

"Master, forgive me, please punish me!" The leader of the dead soldiers knelt down to plead guilty. He blamed himself for the failure of this matter.

Ning Ji: "Get up, this is expected."

Then he said: "Keep on going, we must arrive at Longshan Mansion before the big festival."

At the first winter solstice ceremony after regaining the lost land, the third master brought Gu and the two young masters to worship together. It was okay to bring his legitimate son to worship, but Ning Ji was not happy to bring Gu to worship together. ...With this bow, Gu's status is completely sealed. In this way, if the third master becomes the emperor in the future, she will be the first choice for the queen, and no other noble lady can even think of taking her place!

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