A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2448 Qin Gui and the Ji family

However, he couldn't stop Qin Sanlang from taking Gu Jinli to attend the winter solstice ceremony. Others had to do this to offend Qin Sanlang.

Therefore, he brought two important people here... Qin Sanlang's second uncle, Qin Gui, and Qin Gui's remarried Ji family in the northeast.

These two people are elders, Qin Sanlang must give them some face.

"Yes." The leader of the dead soldiers responded, passed the order, and rushed to Longshan Mansion day and night. This was a hardship for the Ji family.

Although Ji's family is only a wealthy family in the Northeast, Ji's family has never suffered much hardship. She has traveled thousands of miles this time, which is comparable to a rapid march. She is exhausted.

But she couldn't say it clearly, so she could only hold her daughter Tong, who had just turned three years old, tightly and coax her to sleep.

The old lady next to Ji knelt down and said to Qin Gui worriedly: "Master, Sister Tong vomited again today. If she continues to travel like this for half a month, I'm afraid Sister Tong will... Sister Tong It’s so painful, I dare to ask the master to let the convoy stop for a while, take a half-hour break, and let Sister Tong take a break.”

Qin Gui also felt sorry for his daughter, but no matter what her daughter was, she couldn't compare to him showing up at the Winter Solstice Festival. He said angrily: "Compared to her cousin fighting on the battlefield, what's the hardship for her to go on the road? If she can't bear it, It’s so painful, let’s go back to the Northeast now!”


Ji quickly scolded the old slave: "Mommy Ji, shut up, these are the words you, a slave, should say? Palm!"

Grandma Ji understood and immediately slapped herself twice.

Qin Gui was ambitious but not capable. He dared to think but didn't dare to do it. He was a bit indecisive and weak in his bones. After seeing Aunt Ji slap her mouth, his anger subsided: "Okay, we are all loyal servants. From now on Just don’t do it again, get up.”

"Old slave, thank you for your kindness." After thanking Aunt Ji, she got up and went to take care of Sister Tong with Ji.

Qin Gui looked at his daughter and felt heartbroken when he saw that her daughter had lost a lot of weight.

Ji saw it and smiled at the right time: "Master, don't worry about Sister Tong. This child has been blessed since she was born. She will be fine. By the time she gets to Longshan Mansion, she will be well and maybe she can still help." There are two legitimate sons who are taking care of my third nephew."

Speaking of this, Ji felt a pain in her heart... They were all giving birth to children. How could Gu Jinli have such a good life? He gave birth to two boys at one time and raised them without dying. However, she only gave birth to a daughter a few years ago. So far I haven’t been able to get pregnant again!

Seeing that the Qin family has made such great achievements and the Qin family's title is about to be restored, she has to give birth to a son as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if the Qin family has great wealth, she will not be able to share it without a son.

Seeing that she was gentle and sensible, Qin Gui nodded with satisfaction: "I don't need to take care of her, but it is necessary to let Sister Tong play more with Brother Mu's two children to cultivate a deeper friendship."

Ji nodded and said, "Yes, I will teach Sister Tong well and let her play with my two nephews more."

Then he asked: "Master, what kind of person is the third nephew? You tell me, when I get to Longshan Mansion, I will know how to get along with him, so as not to say the wrong thing without knowing his preferences and offend him. angry."

Qin Gui frowned, not wanting to say this, but Ji had already asked twice. It would be shameful for him to keep silent.

He recalled what Qin Sanlang was like when he was a child and said a few words: "Brother Mu hasn't been talkative since he was a child. He only does his own thing silently. However, he is an obedient and honest child who respects his elders very much. Wei Xiaoer is much easier to get along with, so you can rest assured."

"Really? Then I'll be relieved." Ji was very happy, as long as she was easier to get along with than Wei Er.

But Jishi didn't know that the reason why Qin Gui said this was because he didn't know Qin Sanlang at all and had never even met him.

And to talk about this, we have to talk about Qin Gui's biological mother... Qin Gui's biological mother was a lady who met Qin's grandfather after he became a marquis. She was beautiful and understood poetry, and was very popular with Qin's grandfather.

But Grandfather Qin and Grandmother Qin were childhood sweethearts. After they became successful and famous, they brought him here, thinking that they would get along with their wives and concubines, and the whole family would be harmonious.

Unfortunately, Grandpa Qin’s dream soon shattered.

Grandma Qin happily went to see Grandpa Qin with her two children, but it was Qin Gui's biological mother who greeted her... Grandma Qin was heartbroken and stopped talking to Grandpa Qin. Qin Gui's biological mother didn't want to be a concubine all her life, so when she met Qin Gui Grandfather had a dispute with Grandma Qin and took a secret palace medicine to poison Grandma Qin.

Grandma Qin died like this.

After Qin Gui's grandfather found out the truth, he was very painful. He also poisoned Qin Gui's biological mother and changed his current name to Qin Gui, so that he would abide by the rules of a concubine for the rest of his life and never compete with Qin's father for the position of lord!

After Qin's father got married, he directly separated the two families, drove Qin Gui to another house, and only allowed him to return to the Marquis Mansion to worship his ancestors during the holidays.

Although Grandfather Qin was confused for a while because of his beauty, he was not someone to be trifled with. Father Qin was not someone to be trifled with either, and Sanlang Qin was not someone to be trifled with either. He had long known that Qin Gui's family had come to Longshan Mansion to give them a gift. A small gift.

Bang bang——!

Two huge muffled sounds were heard, followed by the neighing of horses and the clang of the carriage being dragged away.

"Master Ji and Miss Ji's carriage has overturned, come and save us!" The coachman was thrown off the carriage and lay on the roadside shouting, while the frightened horse was still running wildly dragging the overturned carriage.

The people on Ning Ji's side saw it and rushed over. With two whooshes, they cut off the reins connecting the horse to the carriage, and the carriage stopped.

Qin Gui and Ji Shi had already got off the carriage. Looking at the miserable situation here, they shouted in horror: "Hurry and save people!"

But it was too late. Both Master Ji and Miss Ji were injured, their arms and legs were broken, and they were crying and crying: "Sister-in-law, save us!"

And Miss Ji's face was bleeding, which was shocking to see.

"Oh my God, Sister Yan, your face?!" Ji almost fainted. Sister Yan's family specially asked her to bring it to Qin Sanlang. Now that her face is hurt, how can she and Qin Sanlang be brought together?

However, it's useless for you to cry and cry. Who told you to seek death?

Qin Sanlang could control hundreds of thousands of troops and could defeat the bandits, so he was not someone who could be angered. Therefore, when he received a letter from Xing'an Prefecture, saying that Qin Gui's family had arrived and brought a young girl with him, he guessed the auspiciousness. What Ji Shi did was to immediately give an order and let his men ambush him halfway to teach Ji Shi a lesson.

If Mr. Ji still doesn't know how to repent, then don't blame him for being murderous!

Qin Sanlang is really annoyed by these people. Why do they treat him as a prostitute and think he will sleep with any woman?

Please be honest with him. If you dare to ruin his and Xiaoyu's good life, he will make them pay the price!

"Old camel, come over and take a look." Ning Ji saw the car overturning, his face darkened, and he asked the accompanying doctor to go over and see the Ji family's injuries.

"Hey." The old camel hurried over and struggled for half an hour before he treated the injuries of Master Ji and Miss Ji.

"How about continuing on the way?" Ning Ji asked, it's best if you can, otherwise don't blame him for leaving them here!

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