A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2449 Let’s go separately [Happy Valentine’s Day]

Before the old camel could say anything, Ji said: "Yes, it's all bandaged up. I'll definitely be able to continue on my way."

But the old camel frowned and explained the trouble: "It's okay to start on the road, but you can go quickly. The bumps will have some impact on the injured area. After all, it is the bones that are injured."

Miss Ji had already woken up and asked quickly: "Doctor Hunchback, if we continue to travel, how severe will the impact be on the injury?"

Old Camel: "In the worst case, you will become lame."

"Cripple!" Master Ji was shocked. He still had to take the merit test, but he couldn't become a cripple. This was a case of deficiencies in the five elements and he would be kicked down. He was a little scared.

Miss Keji asked again: "Will the injuries on my face leave scars?"

The old camel said: "The wound looks long, but not deep. Even if there is a scar, it is a light scar, not a protruding centipede scar. I spent a lot of money to buy the scar removal cream from Yuanzi Medicine Store. It will be cured after a year and a half." .”

Miss Ji breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ji and Qin Gui: "Sister-in-law and uncle, let's continue on our way. We can't delay everyone's schedule just because our two juniors are injured."

Miss Ji is also a ruthless person. She doesn't even care about her legs and wants to fight for her future.

Ji said happily: "Our sister Yan is still sensible. If you succeed, then let's continue on our way."

After speaking, he looked at Ning Ji.

Ning Ji was very satisfied and nodded: "Then continue on our way."

"Yes." The servants responded and began to get busy.

But the two overturned carriages were completely unusable. In order to rush on the road, Ning Ji could only let Qin Gui and Master Ji take a carriage with him, and Miss Ji and her daughter Ji took a car.

"Let's go!" Ning Ji led the convoy and continued to Longshan Mansion.

But the more urgent it was, the more things went wrong. A few days later, Master Ji, Miss Ji, and Sister Tong all fell ill, and all three of them had a fever.

Master Ji and Miss Ji suffered from wound inflammation and cold, while Sister Tong suffered from motion sickness and gastrointestinal discomfort.

The old camel said: "No, they must stop practicing for a while, otherwise their lives may be in danger."

Ning Ji made a quick decision and said to Qin Gui: "You can't miss the Winter Solstice Festival. I decided to take a few people on fast horses to Longshan Mansion. Brother Qin, will you go with me or stay to take care of your wife and daughter?"

Qin Gui hesitated for a while, but finally walked up to Ji, caressed Sister Tong who had a fever, and said guiltily: "Sister Tong, dad knows that I shouldn't leave you at this time, but this time the Winter Solstice Festival is too special." It's too important. For our Qin family, dad has to rush there... Please forgive dad for once."

Ji knew very well that these words were actually meant for her, because Sister Tong fell asleep and could not hear them at all.

She was angry in her heart, but she quickly smiled and said: "Master, I know you are worried about Sister Tong and want to stay with us, but the Qin family is the home of Zhongming Dingshi and has protected the northwest for generations. This victory will pay tribute to tens of millions of people." You must be present when the heroes die... Don't worry about us, you and Mr. Ning can rush to Longshan Mansion first, and we will drive slowly behind."

Then he said: "I will take good care of Sister Tong and help her recover as soon as possible."

What he said made Qin Gui almost cry. He held her hand tightly and said, "Madam, thank you for your hard work. Don't worry. After the Winter Solstice Festival, I will lead the troops with my third nephew to pick you up and give Qin to your mother and daughter." The honor that family members deserve!”

Haha, I was laughing so hard. What does the great victory in the northwest have to do with you? Have you ever killed a soldier in battle? Or did you send a cart of food to Qin Sanlang?

Wanting credit for doing nothing? How can there be such a good thing in the world?

"Master, I believe you." Ji Shi said with a choked voice, and two tears fell in her eyes at the right time. Qin Gui looked at it and felt more and more sorry for her, and wanted to compensate her more and more, and this was what Ji Shi wanted.

Miss Ji endured the chills of fever and handed a bundle to Qin Gui: "Uncle, these are the scriptures my brother and I copied along the way. You can take them to Longshan Mansion and burn them to the soldiers during the Winter Solstice Festival." Heroic spirits, it’s just a little bit of the Ji family’s thoughts.”

Qin Gui took the baggage and said, "Okay, I will definitely burn the scriptures to the soldiers, so that everyone will know the Ji family's intentions."

Miss Ji said gratefully: "Thank you, uncle."

When Ning Ji saw this, his heart didn't move at all... Heh, it's just a little trick, nothing clever at all.

However, people's hearts can be cannibalized. If Miss Ji can keep pretending, she might one day create a rift between Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli.

Ning Ji could use ten years to lay out a plan, so he had the patience to wait until the day when the relationship between Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli became weak.

"Time is urgent. Let's separate here. Brother Qin and I will take the people on their way." Ning Ji looked at Ji and said, "Second Madam Qin, someone will take you back to the Ning family's village. "

"Hey, thank you very much, Mr. Ning." Ji responded, and said a few more words to Qin Gui before letting Qin Gui go on his way. He watched Qin Gui and the others go away before closing his eyes.

"Second Madam Qin, let's hurry up." said the steward left behind by Ning Ji. After Ji nodded, he set off to go back. Two hours later, he arrived at the Ning family's village. After a lot of trouble, he finally settled down.

Master Ji had a high fever and fell into a coma. It was only after he was rescued by Lao Tuo that he realized that Ning Ji and Qin Gui had left them and rushed to Longshan Mansion. He said anxiously: "Take me to see my sister-in-law!"

The Ji family also brought their servants. After hearing this, Manager Ji quickly arranged for two servants to take Master Ji to see the Ji family.

After seeing Mr. Ji, Master Ji immediately said: "Sister-in-law, how can you let my uncle go first?"

Ji had just fed Sister Tong the decoction and was very tired. When she heard this, her anger soared: "Otherwise, what can I do? Stop her?"

If she were stopped, would she still be the virtuous wife who always considers her husband?

"What excuse can I use to stop you? Apart from the important matters of life and death, what else can be as important as the first Winter Solstice Festival after the victory?!"

Is this an ordinary memorial service?

This is the first grand ceremony of a great victory that will be remembered by hundreds of thousands of soldiers once it shows its face, and will become famous throughout Chu.

Miss Ji lived in the wing next door. When she heard the noise here, she asked the maid to help her come over: "Brother, my sister-in-law did the right thing."

Master Ji said: "I don't mean to blame my sister-in-law, I just think it's a pity. My sister-in-law should have asked me to follow her at that time."

Ji smiled: "You are already in a coma with a high fever, how can you follow me?"

Master Ji was choked by the rebuke, but he didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... If he showed up at this winter solstice festival, his reputation would be louder than the top pick in high school. It would be a pity, it would be so Pity.

Miss Ji was also too sad to show her face, but the matter was at this point, so she could only do this: "Brother, let's take good care of our injuries, and then go to Longshan Mansion after we recover. By then, as long as we work hard, we will have a good future." .”

Master Ji nodded angrily: "This is the only way."

After hearing this, Ji was satisfied: "Just be sensible."

Then he murmured: "I hope your little uncle can reach Longshan Mansion smoothly and don't make any more mistakes on the way... I always feel that the disasters we encountered along the way are too many, as if they were deliberately punished. "

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