A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2454 The Qin family is so annoying

After Brother Qin was arrested, he took the initiative to break off his engagement with the eldest daughter of the Zhou family... At that time, Emperor Jingyuan was determined to destroy the Wei Guogong line. Mr. Feng's plea to let Emperor Jingyuan spare other families was useless.

The Zhou family was not a noble family, and Zhou's father was only a fourth-rank imperial official. The Zhou family could not bear the emperor's wrath, so the Zhou family's parents could only agree to divorce and return the token. When the eldest daughter of the Zhou family learned about it, it was too late. .

"Don't blame my eldest sister-in-law. She is just a purdah woman. Although she got engaged to my eldest brother very quickly, she only married my eldest brother when she was twenty-two. She stayed with your eldest brother for three years. Three years after we got married, we got married. I gave birth to my nephew, and my eldest brother became a father in his thirties... Both of them tried their best, but there are too few perfect things in the world." Wu Changfang would explain that he didn't want Qin Sanlang to hate the Wu family.

The failure of the marriage between Miss Zhou and Brother Qin was probably due to Qin Cheng himself. Originally, he and Miss Zhou should have gotten married long ago, but because of a trip to the northwest, they were delayed for more than a year. When they were about to get married, they encountered something involving Wei Guogong and his family, and completely missed Miss Zhou.

As for the Zhou family and the Wu family getting engaged immediately after Qin Cheng's death, it was because the affairs of Wei Guogong's family were too big and people were dying every day. In order to save the Zhou family, they had no choice but to get engaged as soon as possible.

After Wu Changfang finished speaking, he looked at Qin Sanlang. Seeing that this boy had been silent all the time, he could only admit: "Okay, okay, okay, my eldest brother has liked Miss Zhou a long time ago, but my eldest brother didn't take advantage of her!"

If the eldest brother didn't also like Miss Zhou, how could he possibly marry her as a divorced person, take advantage of her during her most difficult time, and give her the position of head wife.

"Your eldest brother also knows that the only one who was willing to save Miss Zhou at that time was my brother, so before he died, he asked the Zhou and Wu families to betrothed to completely remove the Zhou family from this matter. Your second uncle Qin Gui's wife I won’t soon go back to my parents’ home with Li.”

So stop making such a stinky face. The Wu family didn't feel sorry for your family, they just didn't help at that time. But this can't be blamed on the Wu family. Who wouldn't be afraid of the whole family being executed?

Qin Sanlang finally said: "Are you done?"

Wu Changfang almost choked to death. I have said so much, and you only gave me three words?

Qin Sanlang said: "My eldest brother is dead, and the Zhou family has nothing to do with my family. As for paying homage to my eldest brother, I am very grateful, but if you want to persuade me because of this, it is too early."

Wu Changfang smiled helplessly. He was indeed not stupid, but: "You accepted the order."

Qin Sanlang: "I received the order just because I didn't want to drag many soldiers to avenge themselves. It doesn't mean that I have put down my family feud. If you want me to become a minister completely, you must find out the truth about my father's murder. What news did Emperor Jingyuan receive before he sent the order?" Those who ambush and kill my father must be made clear!"

Although he didn't yell, Wu Changfang knew that he was angry. Emperor Jingyuan had better give him an explanation. If he wanted to overturn Qin Hou's death by restoring his title, that was a delusion!

Wu Changfang said: "We are already investigating, but a thorough investigation will take time."

Qin Sanlang sneered: "Tell him, what I want is the truth, not a few scapegoats."

Damn, the Qin family is so annoying. Do we have to get to the bottom of it?

The fact that Duke Wei and his family collaborated with the enemy and treason was very strange. It was most likely that Emperor Jingyuan did it to cover up something. If that was the case, how could Emperor Jingyuan tell Qin Mu the truth?

"Okay, I will convey your words to His Majesty." Wu Changfang asked again: "Little Qin, do you really have no intention of competing for the throne?"

Seeing Qin Sanlang's face darkening, he hurriedly said: "Don't be angry, I have to ask you for an accurate word. After all, you now have hundreds of thousands of troops, and you can easily conquer the capital."

Although it was not good to raise an army in the name of revenge, it was Emperor Jingyuan who was at fault after all.

Qin Sanlang knew that Wu Changfang came with a mission, and he didn't bother to play charades with him. He said straightforwardly: "I have said that the Qin family will not be disloyal to Da Chu first, but if Emperor Jingyuan doesn't want the Qin family to have an easy time, I won't I will show mercy."

Wu Changfang breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "Don't let the Qin family have an easy time? What do you mean specifically? You can use an analogy."

I can go back to work.

Qin Sanlang: "For example, let's take my wife, children, relatives, and Grandpa He as hostages in the name of returning to Beijing to worship our ancestors."

Haha, Wu Changfang laughed twice and said: "You are overthinking, His Majesty does not mean this. You are the new Marquis of Qin, and you should be the one who returns to the capital to worship your ancestors. There is no reason to let two children go back for you."

Qin Sanlang sneered: "The imperial edict has been issued, how can you still not have this intention?"

Wu Changfang: "This imperial edict is mainly to restore your family's innocence. Worshiping ancestors can be postponed."

I don't want you to send your two children to Beijing immediately. Just calm down and don't use troops.

In order to lighten the atmosphere, Wu Changfang asked again: "Where are your two babies? Why don't you bring them to me to see them? Twin boys are a rare blessing."

"It's getting late, and my son needs to sleep." Qin Sanlang said again: "Let Emperor Jingyuan issue an edict as soon as possible and canonize my wife as Madam Hou. Don't cause trouble with the title, otherwise I will not give up."

After saying that, he walked away.

Wu Changfang was so angry... How on earth did such a bad-tempered boy get the favor of so many elders? Do the old men of Wei Guogong's line like to suffer?

Although Wu Changfang was angry, since Qin Sanlang had promised not to take the lead in raising troops, he could sleep well... The Wu family was Emperor Jingyuan's confidant, and he still hoped that Emperor Jingyuan could secure the throne, otherwise his family I'm afraid the skin will peel off.

He murmured again: "The Qin family is really a love-hate, three generations have been like this."

Gulu, there was a sound in his stomach, Wu Changfang shouted outside the house: "Where is the food? Bring it to me, do you want to starve me to death!"

"I'm coming."

After all, the imperial edict was sent to thousands of households in the capital, so the people in the yamen still took it seriously and entertained Wu Changfang with meat and vegetables.

Tonight, the entire Feihuang County was brightly lit, and everyone was happy that the Qin family had restored their titles, and the young Marquis Qin no longer had to lead his troops to the capital for revenge.

A major war was avoided, and all the people in the northwest who had experienced the war, as well as the relatives of soldiers and soldiers, were very happy.

But Qin Sanlang was a little disappointed... But he did not stay outside, but quickly returned to Qin's house. When he saw Gu Jinli, he hugged her and said, "Xiaoyu."

Gu Jinli was stunned for a moment, and felt a pang of distress in his heart. He hugged him back, patted his back gently, and said, "I'm here, and I will always be with you."

"Really?" Qin Sanlang asked, wanting more confirmation.

Gu Jinli: "Of course it's true. I won't lie to you about this."

Qin Sanlang: "If I die, you won't take your children and remarry?"

Gu Jinli wanted to laugh: "Why do you still remember this? I was joking at the beginning."

Qin Sanlang: "I know, but now, I want Xiaoyu to answer me."

"Okay, I'll answer you." Gu Jinli said solemnly: "No, I am too narrow-minded and can only pretend to be one person in my life. I have already pretended to be you. Even if you die, I will not remarry."

Just be at ease.

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