A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2455 Meeting Cousin Yu

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang was a little excited. He tightened his arms holding her tightly, as if he wanted to strangle her to the bone. Gu Jinli was hurt by him, but today she wanted to indulge him.

But regardless of whether they are men or women, once they are indulged, they will take advantage of it.

Qin Sanlang: "You can only pretend to be me in the next life, and you are not allowed to pretend to be anyone else."

Otherwise, I will kill him!

Gu Jinli: "Okay, okay, I will only like you in the next life, okay?"

Qin Sanlang: "You should be a little perfunctory. This is a big deal, so you need to be serious."

"..." Gu Jinli: "Okay, no matter in the next life or the next life, I will only marry you. If I can't meet you, I won't marry and will be an old aunt."

"We can meet her because I will go find Xiaoyu." Qin Sanlang said promisingly and hugged her tighter.

Gu Jinli finally couldn't bear it anymore, moved and said, "Ms. sir, I believe you can find me, but can you relax a little, your wife, I can't breathe anymore."

It made my chest feel tight and my bones hurt.

Qin Sanlang: "..."

Haha, he was made to laugh by her, loosened his arms and said, "Thank you, Xiaoyu."

It's you who make me happy again.

Gu Jinli: "No need to thank you, just remember to give me all your property."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "She is really a greedy little landowner, but I like her."

He loved such fresh little fish.

I love you so much that I have to kiss you.

"Hmm~" When Gu Jinli was kissed, he moved his foot and closed the half-closed door to the back room.

Qin Sanlang saw her and couldn't help laughing. He picked her up and pressed her on the kang...

"Wow!" Erlang cried and ran out of the side room, knocked on the door of the main room, and cried: "Pinch, it's cool!"

Come out quickly and play with Erlang. Erlang sees his father coming back.

While banging on the door, he shouted, not forgetting to greet the big wolf: "Guo Guo, bang bang!"

Come and knock on the door and call daddy to come out.

Qin Sanlang loved his two children very much. In addition to playing with them during this period, he also taught them how to speak every day. He asked Erlang to change the quackery. Now he calls his brother Guo Guo... Well, although it is still wrong, but better.

As soon as Qin Sanlang came back, he pulled Gu Jinli into the house, and his father didn't smile when he came back. The big wolf was also a little scared. He didn't know what happened to his father, so he came over and knocked on the door with the second wolf.

Bang bang!

"Dad, mother, belly~"

I'm hungry and want to eat.

"Eldest Master, Second Young Master, please stop knocking. Grandma will take you to dinner, okay?" Grandma Yu hurriedly took the two nannies to stop them, but Erlang was not a cub who could be stopped easily. Seeing Grandma Yu and the others Come, take a deep breath, and when you have enough energy, cry loudly: "Wow, wow, wow!!"

The magic sound pierced the ears, and the two magpies in the birdcage on the porch were so frightened by him that they flapped their wings and wanted to fly away from the house.

"Don't cry, don't cry, dad and mom are here." Gu Jinli was finally convinced and hurriedly opened the door and hugged Erlang: "Don't cry anymore. If your throat is broken from crying, your voice will not sound good."

A handsome guy must have a good voice.

Qin Sanlang hurriedly hugged the big wolf, wiped his tears, kissed him and said, "Don't be afraid, big wolf. Daddy has something to tell your mother."

"Woooo~" The big wolf sobbed a few times, then nodded his little head and said yes.

Qin Sanlang smiled... No matter how bad he was before, he is happy now.

"Pinch, hug." Erlang stopped crying, but he wanted Qin Sanlang to hug him.

"Okay, daddy, hold the second wolf." Qin Sanlang took the second wolf, held the two little guys in his arms, and praised the second wolf: "Our second wolf has become more and more standard in speaking. It's really amazing."

"Aha, aww!" Erlang liked his father's praise the most, and jumped up and down happily in Qin Sanlang's arms.

Gu Jinli hurriedly supported him: "Stop jumping, I might fall you or squeeze your brother."

She didn't say it was okay. As soon as she mentioned the two wolves, she called to the big wolf: "Guo Guo, aw aw!"

Let's jump together and have fun.

The big wolf also seemed to want to play and jumped up and down.

Gu Jinli had no choice but to hold the two little guys' backs and protect them, letting the two brothers jump around in Qin Sanlang's arms for a while.

"Mom, belly." Big Wolf pointed at his belly after playing with it.

Gu Jinli smiled: "Okay, let's have dinner now."

Ask Bai Ye to tell Yang Tao that the food has been brought.

They had to continue their journey tomorrow. After the family finished eating, they walked back and forth in the corridor to eat before taking a shower and going to bed.

The two children slept with them because Qin Sanlang valued those heroes who died in the war. After November, meat and fish and other such things were banned in the house, but it was too hard just to sleep with his wife every night, so Bring the two cubs to sleep together and distract themselves from other thoughts.

After the two Zaizai fell asleep, Qin Sanlang told Gu Jinli about Brother Qin and Miss Zhou: "Brother likes Miss Zhou very much. When I was a child, when he missed Miss Zhou, he would take me to climb the wall. Let’s go see the eldest daughter of the Zhou family... Miss Zhou also likes her eldest brother very much. She is a standard lady, with the style of the eldest daughter-in-law. Every time I and my eldest brother go to see her, she will make me something that children like to eat. "

At that time, he thought that his eldest brother and Miss Zhou could be together forever and become a divine couple that everyone envied.

But fate played a trick on them, and they failed to get married in the end.

Qin Sanlang looked at Gu Jinli, his eyes hidden in the candlelight with determination: "But we won't. I will protect Xiaoyu and let us grow old together."

Gu Jinli laughed, raised his hand across the child, touched his face, and said, "Well, I believe you, and I will protect you."

Qin Sanlang smiled and liked the feeling of being pampered by her very much... He stood up, moved the two children to sleep next to Gu Jinli, and hugged her: "Protect her now."

Gu Jinli smiled and hugged him: "Okay, I'll protect you. Go to sleep."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang responded, buried his head in Gu Jinli's neck, and fell asleep without realizing it, sleeping very peacefully.

At Mao o'clock the next day, before dawn, everyone set off on time, leaving Feihuang County and rushing to Longshan Fucheng.

"It's too early to set off at nine o'clock. It's not even dawn yet. I want to exhaust myself to death!" Wu Changfang complained, but he still followed the large team to prevent him from being assassinated and putting the blame on Qin Sanlang. The newly eased relationship between the family and Emperor Jingyuan was once again in turmoil.

After several days of rapid march, the large team arrived at Longshan Fucheng on the evening of the eighth day of November.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of drums rose loudly and spread throughout the city.

Bang bang bang, the sound of horse hooves shook the earth loudly, and Luo Ying came to meet him with tens of thousands of cavalry.

The noble sons, people sent by various noble families, including Wu Changfang, were all frightened when they saw the overwhelming cavalry coming towards them.

Damn, after a big battle, there are still so many cavalry... The strength of Qin Mu and Luo Ying exceeded their imagination.

Luo Ying was also very good at causing trouble. He shouted: "The armies of the northwest welcome the return of the Marquis of Qin!"

All the cavalrymen who came to pick them up shouted: "The armies of the northwest, respectfully welcome the return of the Marquis of Qin!!"

The sound broke through the sky and shook the mountains. The Northwest Wolf Army truly lived up to its reputation.

The noble gentlemen were very frightened, fearing that Luo Ying would kill them to sacrifice the flag, so they did not dare to show off, so they quickly got off the carriage and waited beside the carriage.

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